▼ nanovdb | |
► examples | |
► ex_collide_level_set | |
common.h | |
► ex_raytrace_fog_volume | |
common.h | |
► ex_raytrace_level_set | |
common.h | |
► ex_util | |
ComputePrimitives.h | A collection of parallel compute primitives |
► ex_vox_to_nanovdb | |
VoxToNanoVDB.h | |
► unittest | |
pnanovdb_validate_strides.h | This header implements validation tests for the strides used in PNanaoVDB.h (instead of pointers). It can be used both for unit-testing (hence its location), but also to update PNanoVDB.h if the ABI changes in NanoVDB.h |
► util | |
CpuTimer.h | |
CreateNanoGrid.h | |
DitherLUT.h | |
ForEach.h | A unified wrapper for tbb::parallel_for and a naive std::thread fallback |
GridBuilder.h | |
GridChecksum.h | |
GridStats.h | |
GridValidator.h | |
HDDA.h | |
HostBuffer.h | |
Invoke.h | A unified wrapper for tbb::parallel_invoke and a naive std::thread analog |
IO.h | |
NanoToOpenVDB.h | |
NodeManager.h | |
OpenToNanoVDB.h | |
PrefixSum.h | Multi-threaded implementations of inclusive prefix sum |
Primitives.h | |
Range.h | Custom Range class that is compatible with the tbb::blocked_range classes |
Ray.h | |
Reduce.h | A unified wrapper for tbb::parallel_reduce and a naive std::future analog |
SampleFromVoxels.h | |
Stencils.h | |
Timer.h | A simple timing class (in case openvdb::util::CpuTimer is unavailable) |
Util.h | Utility functions |
CNanoVDB.h | |
GridHandle.h | Defines GridHandle, which manages a host, and possibly a device, memory buffer containing one or more NanoVDB grids |
HostBuffer.h | HostBuffer - a buffer that contains a shared or private bump pool to either externally or internally managed host memory |
NanoVDB.h | Implements a light-weight self-contained VDB data-structure in a single file! In other words, this is a significantly watered-down version of the OpenVDB implementation, with few dependencies - so a one-stop-shop for a minimalistic VDB data structure that run on most platforms! |
NodeManager.h | This class allows for sequential access to nodes in a NanoVDB tree on both the host and device |
PNanoVDB.h | This file is a portable (e.g. pointer-less) C99/GLSL/HLSL port of NanoVDB.h, which is compatible with most graphics APIs |
▼ openvdb | |
► io | |
Archive.h | |
Compression.h | |
DelayedLoadMetadata.h | |
File.h | |
GridDescriptor.h | |
io.h | |
Queue.h | |
Stream.h | |
TempFile.h | |
► math | |
BBox.h | |
ConjGradient.h | Preconditioned conjugate gradient solver (solves Ax = b using the conjugate gradient method with one of a selection of preconditioners) |
Coord.h | |
DDA.h | Digital Differential Analyzers specialized for VDB |
FiniteDifference.h | |
Half.h | |
LegacyFrustum.h | |
Maps.h | |
Mat.h | |
Mat3.h | |
Mat4.h | |
Math.h | General-purpose arithmetic and comparison routines, most of which accept arbitrary value types (or at least arbitrary numeric value types) |
Operators.h | |
Proximity.h | |
QuantizedUnitVec.h | |
Quat.h | |
Ray.h | |
Stats.h | Classes to compute statistics and histograms |
Stencils.h | |
Transform.h | |
Tuple.h | |
Vec2.h | |
Vec3.h | |
Vec4.h | |
► points | |
► impl | |
PointAttributeImpl.h | |
PointConversionImpl.h | |
PointCountImpl.h | |
PointDeleteImpl.h | |
PointGroupImpl.h | |
PointMaskImpl.h | |
PointMoveImpl.h | |
PointRasterizeFrustumImpl.h | |
PointRasterizeSDFImpl.h | |
PointRasterizeTrilinearImpl.h | |
PointReplicateImpl.h | |
PointSampleImpl.h | |
PointScatterImpl.h | |
PointStatisticsImpl.h | |
AttributeArray.h | Attribute Array storage templated on type and compression codec |
AttributeArrayString.h | Attribute array storage for string data using Descriptor Metadata |
AttributeGroup.h | Attribute Group access and filtering for iteration |
AttributeSet.h | Set of Attribute Arrays which tracks metadata about each array |
IndexFilter.h | Index filters primarily designed to be used with a FilterIndexIter |
IndexIterator.h | Index Iterators |
PointAdvect.h | Ability to advect VDB Points through a velocity field |
PointAttribute.h | Point attribute manipulation in a VDB Point Grid |
PointConversion.h | Convert points and attributes to and from VDB Point Data grids |
PointCount.h | Methods for counting points in VDB Point grids |
PointDataGrid.h | Attribute-owned data structure for points. Point attributes are stored in leaf nodes and ordered by voxel for fast random and sequential access |
PointDelete.h | Methods for deleting points based on group membership |
PointGroup.h | Point group manipulation in a VDB Point Grid |
PointMask.h | Methods for extracting masks from VDB Point grids |
PointMove.h | Ability to move VDB Points using a custom deformer |
PointRasterizeFrustum.h | Volume rasterization of VDB Points using velocity and camera motion-blur |
PointRasterizeSDF.h | Transfer schemes for rasterizing point positional and radius data to signed distance fields with optional closest point attribute transfers. All methods support arbitrary target linear transformations, fixed or varying point radius, filtering of point data and arbitrary types for attribute transferring |
PointRasterizeTrilinear.h | Transfer schemes for rasterizing point data |
PointReplicate.h | Algorithms to duplicate points in PointDataGrids |
PointSample.h | Sample a VDB Grid onto a VDB Points attribute |
PointScatter.h | Various point scattering methods for generating VDB Points |
PointStatistics.h | Functions to perform multi threaded reductions and analysis of arbitrary point attribute types. Each function imposes various requirements on the point ValueType (such as expected operators) and supports arbitrary point filters |
PointTransfer.h | Framework methods for rasterizing PointDataGrid data to Trees |
StreamCompression.h | Convenience wrappers to using Blosc and reading and writing of Paged data |
► tools | |
Activate.h | Implementation of topological activation/deactivation |
ChangeBackground.h | Efficient multi-threaded replacement of the background values in tree |
Clip.h | Functions to clip a grid against a bounding box, a camera frustum, or another grid's active voxel topology |
Composite.h | Functions to efficiently perform various compositing operations on grids |
Count.h | Functions to count tiles, nodes or voxels in a grid |
Dense.h | This file defines a simple dense grid and efficient converters to and from VDB grids |
DenseSparseTools.h | |
Diagnostics.h | Various diagnostic tools to identify potential issues with for example narrow-band level sets or fog volumes |
FastSweeping.h | Defined the six functions {fog,sdf}To{Sdf,Ext,SdfAndExt} in addition to the two functions maskSdf and dilateSdf. Sdf denotes a signed-distance field (i.e. negative values are inside), fog is a scalar fog volume (i.e. higher values are inside), and Ext is a field (of arbitrary type) that is extended off the iso-surface. All these functions are implemented with the methods in the class named FastSweeping |
Filter.h | Filtering of VDB volumes. All operations can optionally be masked with another grid that acts as an alpha-mask. By default, filtering operations do not modify the topology of the input tree and thus do not process active tiles. However Filter::setProcessTiles can be used to process active tiles, densifying them on demand when necessary |
FindActiveValues.h | Finds the active values and tiles in a tree that intersects a bounding box. Methods are provided that count the number of active values and tiles, test for the existence of active values and tiles, and return a list of the active tiles that intersect a bbox |
GridOperators.h | Apply an operator to an input grid to produce an output grid with the same active voxel topology but a potentially different value type |
GridTransformer.h | |
Interpolation.h | |
LevelSetAdvect.h | Hyperbolic advection of narrow-band level sets |
LevelSetFilter.h | Performs various types of level set deformations with interface tracking. These unrestricted deformations include surface smoothing (e.g., Laplacian flow), filtering (e.g., mean value) and morphological operations (e.g., morphological opening). All these operations can optionally be masked with another grid that acts as an alpha-mask |
LevelSetFracture.h | Divide volumes represented by level set grids into multiple, disjoint pieces by intersecting them with one or more "cutter" volumes, also represented by level sets |
LevelSetMeasure.h | |
LevelSetMorph.h | Shape morphology of level sets. Morphing from a source narrow-band level sets to a target narrow-band level set |
LevelSetPlatonic.h | Generate a narrow-band level sets of the five platonic solids |
LevelSetRebuild.h | |
LevelSetSphere.h | Generate a narrow-band level set of sphere |
LevelSetTracker.h | Performs multi-threaded interface tracking of narrow band level sets. This is the building-block for most level set computations that involve dynamic topology, e.g. advection |
LevelSetUtil.h | Miscellaneous utility methods that operate primarily or exclusively on level set grids |
Mask.h | Construct boolean mask grids from grids of arbitrary type |
Merge.h | Functions to efficiently merge grids |
MeshToVolume.h | Convert polygonal meshes that consist of quads and/or triangles into signed or unsigned distance field volumes |
Morphology.h | Implementation of morphological dilation and erosion |
MultiResGrid.h | Multi-resolution grid that contains LoD sequences of trees with powers of two refinements |
NodeVisitor.h | Implementation of a depth-first node visitor |
ParticleAtlas.h | Space-partitioning acceleration structure for particles, points with radius. Partitions particle indices into voxels to accelerate range and nearest neighbor searches |
ParticlesToLevelSet.h | Rasterize particles with position, radius and velocity into either a boolean mask grid or a narrow-band level set grid |
PointAdvect.h | Class PointAdvect advects points (with position) in a static velocity field |
PointIndexGrid.h | Space-partitioning acceleration structure for points. Partitions the points into voxels to accelerate range and nearest neighbor searches |
PointPartitioner.h | Spatially partitions points using a parallel radix-based sorting algorithm |
PointScatter.h | We offer three different algorithms (each in its own class) for scattering of points in active voxels: |
PointsToMask.h | This tool produces a grid where every voxel that contains a point is active. It employs thread-local storage for best performance |
PoissonSolver.h | Solve Poisson's equation ∇2x = b for x, where b is a vector comprising the values of all of the active voxels in a grid |
PotentialFlow.h | Tools for creating potential flow fields through solving Laplace's equation |
Prune.h | Defined various multi-threaded utility functions for trees |
RayIntersector.h | Accelerated intersection of a ray with a narrow-band level set or a generic (e.g. density) volume. This will of course be useful for respectively surface and volume rendering |
RayTracer.h | Defines two simple but multithreaded renders, a level-set ray tracer and a volume render. To support these renders we also define perspective and orthographic cameras (both designed to mimic a Houdini camera), a Film class and some rather naive shaders |
SignedFloodFill.h | Propagate the signs of distance values from the active voxels in the narrow band to the inactive values outside the narrow band |
Statistics.h | Functions to efficiently compute histograms, extrema (min/max) and statistics (mean, variance, etc.) of grid values |
TopologyToLevelSet.h | This tool generates a narrow-band signed distance field / level set from the interface between active and inactive voxels in a vdb grid |
ValueTransformer.h | |
VectorTransformer.h | |
VelocityFields.h | Defines two simple wrapper classes for advection velocity fields as well as VelocitySampler and VelocityIntegrator |
VolumeAdvect.h | Sparse hyperbolic advection of volumes, e.g. a density or velocity (vs a level set interface) |
VolumeToMesh.h | Extract polygonal surfaces from scalar volumes |
VolumeToSpheres.h | Fill a closed level set or fog volume with adaptively-sized spheres |
► tree | |
InternalNode.h | Internal table nodes for OpenVDB trees |
Iterator.h | |
LeafBuffer.h | |
LeafManager.h | A LeafManager manages a linear array of pointers to a given tree's leaf nodes, as well as optional auxiliary buffers (one or more per leaf) that can be swapped with the leaf nodes' voxel data buffers |
LeafNode.h | |
LeafNodeBool.h | |
LeafNodeMask.h | |
NodeManager.h | NodeManager produces linear arrays of all tree nodes allowing for efficient threading and bottom-up processing |
NodeUnion.h | |
RootNode.h | The root node of an OpenVDB tree |
Tree.h | |
TreeIterator.h | |
ValueAccessor.h | ValueAccessors are designed to help accelerate accesses into the OpenVDB Tree structures by storing caches to Tree branches. When traversing a grid in a spatially coherent pattern (e.g., iterating over neighboring voxels), the same branches and nodes of the underlying tree can be hit. If you do this using the Tree/RootNode methods directly, traversal will occur at O(log(n)) (or O(n) depending on the hash map implementation) for every access. However, using a ValueAccessor allows for the Accessor to cache previously visited Nodes, providing possible subsequent access speeds of O(1) if the next access is close to a previously cached Node. Accessors are lightweight and can be configured to cache any number of arbitrary Tree levels |
► util | |
Assert.h | |
CpuTimer.h | |
ExplicitInstantiation.h | |
Formats.h | Utility routines to output nicely-formatted numeric values |
logging.h | |
MapsUtil.h | |
Name.h | |
NodeMasks.h | |
NullInterrupter.h | |
PagedArray.h | Concurrent, page-based, dynamically-sized linear data structure with O(1) random access and STL-compliant iterators. It is primarily intended for applications that involve multi-threading push_back of (a possibly unkown number of) elements into a dynamically growing linear array, and fast random access to said elements |
Util.h | |
Exceptions.h | |
Grid.h | |
Metadata.h | |
MetaMap.h | |
openvdb.h | |
Platform.h | |
PlatformConfig.h | |
TypeList.h | A TypeList provides a compile time sequence of heterogeneous types which can be accessed, transformed and executed over in various ways. It incorporates a subset of functionality similar to boost::mpl::vector however provides most of its content through using declarations rather than additional typed classes |
Types.h | |
version.h.in | |
▼ openvdb_ax | |
► ast | |
AST.h | Provides the definition for every abstract and concrete derived class which represent a particular abstract syntax tree (AST) node type |
Parse.h | Parsing methods for creating abstract syntax trees out of AX code |
PrintTree.h | Various tools which traverse an AX AST and report information back to a std::ostream |
Scanners.h | Retrieve intrinsic information from AX AST by performing various traversal algorithms |
Tokens.h | Various function and operator tokens used throughout the AST and code generation |
Visitor.h | Contains the AX AST Node Visitor, providing default and customizable traversal and visitation methods on a AST hierarchy. Using the visitor pattern is the recommended way to implement custom operations on AST nodes |
► codegen | |
Codecs.h | |
ComputeGenerator.h | The core visitor framework for code generation |
ConstantFolding.h | Constant folding for C++ bindings |
FunctionRegistry.h | Contains the global function registration definition which described all available user front end functions |
Functions.h | Contains the function objects that define the functions used in compute function generation, to be inserted into the FunctionRegistry. These define general purpose functions such as math functions |
FunctionTypes.h | Contains frameworks for creating custom AX functions which can be registered within the FunctionRegistry and used during code generation. The intended and safest way to build a function is to use the FunctionBuilder struct with its addSignature methods. Note that the derived Function classes provided can also be subclassed for more granular control, however may be subject to more substantial API changes |
PointComputeGenerator.h | The visitor framework and function definition for point data grid code generation |
PointLeafLocalData.h | Thread/Leaf local data used during execution over OpenVDB Points |
String.h | Provides the class definition for the equivalent IR representation and logic for strings in AX |
SymbolTable.h | Contains the symbol table which holds mappings of variables names to llvm::Values |
Types.h | Consolidated llvm types for most supported types |
Utils.h | Utility code generation methods for performing various llvm operations |
VolumeComputeGenerator.h | The visitor framework and function definition for volume grid code generation |
► compiler | |
AttributeBindings.h | The Attribute Bindings class is used by the compiled Executables to handle the mapping of AX Attribute names to context dependent data names, i.e point attribute and volume grid names |
AttributeRegistry.h | These classes contain lists of expected attributes and volumes which are populated by compiler during its internal code generation. These will then be requested from the inputs to the executable when execute is called. In this way, accesses are requested at execution time, allowing the executable objects to be shared and stored |
Compiler.h | The OpenVDB AX Compiler class provides methods to generate AX executables from a provided AX AST (or directly from a given string). The class object exists to cache various structures, primarily LLVM constructs, which benefit from existing across additional compilation runs |
CompilerOptions.h | OpenVDB AX Compiler Options |
CustomData.h | Access to the CustomData class which can provide custom user user data to the OpenVDB AX Compiler |
Logger.h | Logging system to collect errors and warnings throughout the different stages of parsing and compilation |
PointExecutable.h | The PointExecutable, produced by the OpenVDB AX Compiler for execution over OpenVDB Points Grids |
VolumeExecutable.h | The VolumeExecutable, produced by the OpenVDB AX Compiler for execution over Numerical OpenVDB Grids |
► grammar | |
► generated | |
axparser.h | |
► math | |
OpenSimplexNoise.h | Methods for generating OpenSimplexNoise (n-dimensional gradient noise) |
► test | |
util.h | Test utilities |
ax.h | Single header include which provides methods for initializing AX and running a full AX pipeline (parsing, compiling and executing) across standard OpenVDB Grid types |
Exceptions.h | OpenVDB AX Exceptions |
▼ openvdb_houdini | |
AttributeTransferUtil.h | Utility methods used by the From/To Polygons and From Particles SOPs |
GeometryUtil.h | Utility methods and tools for geometry processing |
GT_GEOPrimCollectVDB.h | |
GU_VDBPointTools.h | Collection of PointIndexGrid helpers for Houdini |
ParmFactory.h | A collection of factory methods and helper functions to simplify Houdini plugin development and maintenance |
PointUtils.h | Utility classes and functions for OpenVDB Points Houdini plugins |
SOP_NodeVDB.h | Base class for OpenVDB plugins |
SOP_VDBVerbUtils.h | |
UT_VDBTools.h | Less commonly-used utility classes and functions for OpenVDB plugins |
UT_VDBUtils.h | |
Utils.h | Utility classes and functions for OpenVDB plugins |