OpenVDB  12.0.1
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
Diagnostics.h File Reference

Various diagnostic tools to identify potential issues with for example narrow-band level sets or fog volumes. More...

#include <openvdb/Grid.h>
#include <openvdb/math/Math.h>
#include <openvdb/math/Vec3.h>
#include <openvdb/math/Stencils.h>
#include <openvdb/math/Operators.h>
#include <openvdb/tree/LeafManager.h>
#include <openvdb/thread/Threading.h>
#include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
#include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
#include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

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struct  CheckNan< GridT, TreeIterT >
 Checks NaN values. More...
struct  CheckInf< GridT, TreeIterT >
 Checks for infinite values, e.g. 1/0 or -1/0. More...
struct  CheckFinite< GridT, TreeIterT >
 Checks for both NaN and inf values, i.e. any value that is not finite. More...
struct  CheckMagnitude< GridT, TreeIterT >
 Check that the magnitude of a value, a, is close to a fixed magnitude, b, given a fixed tolerance c. That is | |a| - |b| | <= c. More...
struct  CheckRange< GridT, MinInclusive, MaxInclusive, TreeIterT >
 Checks a value against a range. More...
struct  CheckMin< GridT, TreeIterT >
 Checks a value against a minimum. More...
struct  CheckMax< GridT, TreeIterT >
 Checks a value against a maximum. More...
struct  CheckNormGrad< GridT, TreeIterT, GradScheme >
 Checks the norm of the gradient against a range, i.e., |∇Φ| ∈ [min, max]. More...
struct  CheckEikonal< GridT, TreeIterT, StencilT >
 Checks the norm of the gradient at zero-crossing voxels against a range. More...
struct  CheckDivergence< GridT, TreeIterT, DiffScheme >
 Checks the divergence against a range. More...
class  Diagnose< GridT >
 Performs multithreaded diagnostics of a grid. More...
class  CheckLevelSet< GridType >
 Class that performs various types of checks on narrow-band level sets. More...
class  CheckFogVolume< GridType >
 Class that performs various types of checks on fog volumes. More...




template<class GridType >
std::string checkLevelSet (const GridType &grid, size_t number=9)
 Perform checks on a grid to see if it is a valid symmetric, narrow-band level set. More...
template<class GridType >
std::string checkFogVolume (const GridType &grid, size_t number=6)
 Perform checks on a grid to see if it is a valid fog volume. More...
template<class GridType >
bool uniqueInactiveValues (const GridType &grid, std::vector< typename GridType::ValueType > &values, size_t numValues)
 Threaded method to find unique inactive values. More...

Detailed Description

Various diagnostic tools to identify potential issues with for example narrow-band level sets or fog volumes.

Ken Museth