OpenVDB  12.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3 //
4 /// @file tree/TreeIterator.h
9 #include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
10 #include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
11 #include <openvdb/version.h>
12 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
13 #include <openvdb/util/Assert.h>
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <sstream>
16 #include <string>
17 #include <type_traits>
19 // Prior to 0.96.1, depth-bounded value iterators always descended to the leaf level
20 // and iterated past leaf nodes. Now, they never descend past the maximum depth.
21 // Comment out the following line to restore the older, less-efficient behavior:
25 namespace openvdb {
28 namespace tree {
30 namespace iter {
32 template<typename HeadT, int HeadLevel>
33 struct InvertedTree {
34  using SubtreeT = typename InvertedTree<typename HeadT::ChildNodeType, HeadLevel-1>::Type;
35  using Type = typename SubtreeT::template Append<HeadT>;
36 };
37 template<typename HeadT>
38 struct InvertedTree<HeadT, /*HeadLevel=*/1> {
40 };
42 } // namespace iter
45 ////////////////////////////////////////
48 /// IterTraits provides the following for iterators of the standard types,
49 /// i.e., for {Child,Value}{On,Off,All}{Iter,CIter}:
50 /// - a NodeConverter template to convert an iterator for one type of node
51 /// to an iterator of the same type for another type of node; for example,
52 /// IterTraits<RootNode, RootNode::ValueOnIter>::NodeConverter<LeafNode>::Type
53 /// is synonymous with LeafNode::ValueOnIter.
54 /// - a begin(node) function that returns a begin iterator for a node of arbitrary type;
55 /// for example, IterTraits<LeafNode, LeafNode::ValueOnIter>::begin(leaf) returns
56 /// leaf.beginValueOn()
57 /// - a getChild() function that returns a pointer to the child node to which the iterator
58 /// is currently pointing (always null if the iterator is a Value iterator)
59 template<typename NodeT, typename IterT>
60 struct IterTraits
61 {
62  template<typename ChildT> static ChildT* getChild(const IterT&) { return nullptr; }
63 };
65 template<typename NodeT>
66 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildOnIter>
67 {
68  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildOnIter;
69  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginChildOn(); }
70  template<typename ChildT> static ChildT* getChild(const IterT& iter) {
71  return &iter.getValue();
72  }
73  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
74  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildOnIter;
75  };
76 };
78 template<typename NodeT>
79 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildOnCIter>
80 {
81  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildOnCIter;
82  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginChildOn(); }
83  template<typename ChildT> static const ChildT* getChild(const IterT& iter) {
84  return &iter.getValue();
85  }
86  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
87  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildOnCIter;
88  };
89 };
91 template<typename NodeT>
92 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildOffIter>
93 {
94  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildOffIter;
95  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginChildOff(); }
96  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
97  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildOffIter;
98  };
99 };
101 template<typename NodeT>
102 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildOffCIter>
103 {
104  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildOffCIter;
105  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginChildOff(); }
106  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
107  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildOffCIter;
108  };
109 };
111 template<typename NodeT>
112 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildAllIter>
113 {
114  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildAllIter;
115  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginChildAll(); }
116  template<typename ChildT> static ChildT* getChild(const IterT& iter) {
117  typename IterT::NonConstValueType val;
118  return iter.probeChild(val);
119  }
120  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
121  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildAllIter;
122  };
123 };
125 template<typename NodeT>
126 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildAllCIter>
127 {
128  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildAllCIter;
129  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginChildAll(); }
130  template<typename ChildT> static ChildT* getChild(const IterT& iter) {
131  typename IterT::NonConstValueType val;
132  return iter.probeChild(val);
133  }
134  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
135  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildAllCIter;
136  };
137 };
139 template<typename NodeT>
140 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueOnIter>
141 {
142  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueOnIter;
143  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginValueOn(); }
144  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
145  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueOnIter;
146  };
147 };
149 template<typename NodeT>
150 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueOnCIter>
151 {
152  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueOnCIter;
153  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginValueOn(); }
154  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
155  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueOnCIter;
156  };
157 };
159 template<typename NodeT>
160 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueOffIter>
161 {
162  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueOffIter;
163  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginValueOff(); }
164  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
165  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueOffIter;
166  };
167 };
169 template<typename NodeT>
170 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueOffCIter>
171 {
172  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueOffCIter;
173  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginValueOff(); }
174  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
175  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueOffCIter;
176  };
177 };
179 template<typename NodeT>
180 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueAllIter>
181 {
182  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueAllIter;
183  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginValueAll(); }
184  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
185  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueAllIter;
186  };
187 };
189 template<typename NodeT>
190 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueAllCIter>
191 {
192  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueAllCIter;
193  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginValueAll(); }
194  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
195  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueAllCIter;
196  };
197 };
200 ////////////////////////////////////////
203 /// @brief An IterListItem is an element of a compile-time linked list of iterators
204 /// to nodes of different types.
205 ///
206 /// The list is constructed by traversing the template hierarchy of a Tree in reverse order,
207 /// so typically the elements will be a LeafNode iterator of some type (e.g., ValueOnCIter),
208 /// followed by one or more InternalNode iterators of the same type, followed by a RootNode
209 /// iterator of the same type.
210 ///
211 /// The length of the list is fixed at compile time, and because it is implemented using
212 /// nested, templated classes, much of the list traversal logic can be optimized away.
213 template<typename PrevItemT, typename NodeVecT, size_t VecSize, Index _Level>
215 {
216 public:
217  /// The type of iterator stored in the previous list item
218  using PrevIterT = typename PrevItemT::IterT;
219  /// The type of node (non-const) whose iterator is stored in this list item
220  using _NodeT = typename NodeVecT::Front;
221  /// The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., InternalNode::ValueOnCIter)
223  NodeConverter<_NodeT>::Type;
225  /// The type of node (const or non-const) over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
226  using NodeT = typename IterT::NodeType;
227  /// The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
228  using NCNodeT = typename IterT::NonConstNodeType;
229  /// The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points
230  using NCValueT = typename IterT::NonConstValueType;
231  /// NodeT's child node type, with the same constness (e.g., const InternalNode<...>)
233  /// NodeT's child node type with const qualifiers removed
236  /// NodeT's level in its tree (0 = LeafNode)
237  static const Index Level = _Level;
239  IterListItem(PrevItemT* prev): mNext(this), mPrev(prev) {}
241  IterListItem(const IterListItem& other):
242  mIter(other.mIter), mNext(other.mNext), mPrev(nullptr) {}
244  {
245  if (&other != this) {
246  mIter = other.mIter;
247  mNext = other.mNext;
248  mPrev = nullptr; ///< @note external call to updateBackPointers() required
249  }
250  return *this;
251  }
253  void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT* prev) { mPrev = prev; mNext.updateBackPointers(this); }
255  void setIter(const IterT& iter) { mIter = iter; }
256  template<typename OtherIterT>
257  void setIter(const OtherIterT& iter) { mNext.setIter(iter); }
259  /// Return the node over which this list element's iterator iterates.
260  void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT*& node) const
261  {
262  node = (lvl <= Level) ? mIter.getParentNode() : nullptr;
263  }
264  /// Return the node over which one of the following list elements' iterator iterates.
265  template<typename OtherNodeT>
266  void getNode(Index lvl, OtherNodeT*& node) const { mNext.getNode(lvl, node); }
268  /// @brief Initialize the iterator for level @a lvl of the tree with the node
269  /// over which the corresponding iterator of @a otherListItem is iterating.
270  ///
271  /// For example, if @a otherListItem contains a LeafNode::ValueOnIter,
272  /// initialize this list's leaf iterator with the same LeafNode.
273  template<typename OtherIterListItemT>
274  void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT& otherListItem)
275  {
276  if (lvl == Level) {
277  const NodeT* node = nullptr;
278  otherListItem.getNode(lvl, node);
279  mIter = (node == nullptr) ? IterT() : ITraits::begin(*const_cast<NodeT*>(node));
280  } else {
281  // Forward to one of the following list elements.
282  mNext.initLevel(lvl, otherListItem);
283  }
284  }
286  /// Return The table offset of the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree.
287  Index pos(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.pos() : mNext.pos(lvl); }
289  /// Return @c true if the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree has not yet reached its end.
290  bool test(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.test() : mNext.test(lvl); }
292  /// Increment the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree.
293  bool next(Index lvl) { return (lvl == Level) ? :; }
295  /// @brief If the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree points to a child node,
296  /// initialize the next iterator in this list with that child node.
297  bool down(Index lvl)
298  {
299  if (lvl == Level && mPrev != nullptr && mIter) {
300  if (ChildT* child = ITraits::template getChild<ChildT>(mIter)) {
301  mPrev->setIter(PrevItemT::ITraits::begin(*child));
302  return true;
303  }
304  }
305  return (lvl > Level) ? mNext.down(lvl) : false;
306  }
308  /// @brief Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which the iterator
309  /// at level @a lvl of the tree is currently pointing.
310  Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const
311  {
312  return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.getCoord() : mNext.getCoord(lvl);
313  }
315  {
316  return (lvl == Level) ? NodeT::getChildDim() : mNext.getChildDim(lvl);
317  }
318  /// Return the number of (virtual) voxels spanned by a tile value or child node
320  {
321  return (lvl == Level) ? ChildT::NUM_VOXELS : mNext.getVoxelCount(lvl);
322  }
324  /// Return @c true if the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree points to an active value.
325  bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const
326  {
327  return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.isValueOn() : mNext.isValueOn(lvl);
328  }
330  /// Return the value to which the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree points.
331  const NCValueT& getValue(Index lvl) const
332  {
333  if (lvl == Level) return mIter.getValue();
334  return mNext.getValue(lvl);
335  }
337  /// @brief Set the value (to @a val) to which the iterator at level @a lvl
338  /// of the tree points and mark the value as active.
339  /// @note Not valid when @c IterT is a const iterator type
340  void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT& val) const
341  {
342  if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValue(val); else mNext.setValue(lvl, val);
343  }
344  /// @brief Set the value (to @a val) to which the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree
345  /// points and mark the value as active if @a on is @c true, or inactive otherwise.
346  /// @note Not valid when @c IterT is a const iterator type
347  void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on = true) const
348  {
349  if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValueOn(on); else mNext.setValueOn(lvl, on);
350  }
351  /// @brief Mark the value to which the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree points
352  /// as inactive.
353  /// @note Not valid when @c IterT is a const iterator type
354  void setValueOff(Index lvl) const
355  {
356  if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValueOff(); else mNext.setValueOff(lvl);
357  }
359  /// @brief Apply a functor to the item to which this iterator is pointing.
360  /// @note Not valid when @c IterT is a const iterator type
361  template<typename ModifyOp>
362  void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp& op) const
363  {
364  if (lvl == Level) mIter.modifyValue(op); else mNext.modifyValue(lvl, op);
365  }
367 private:
368  using RestT = typename NodeVecT::PopFront; // NodeVecT minus its first item
369  using NextItem = IterListItem<IterListItem, RestT, VecSize - 1, Level + 1>;
371  IterT mIter;
372  NextItem mNext;
373  PrevItemT* mPrev;
374 };
377 /// The initial element of a compile-time linked list of iterators to nodes of different types
378 template<typename PrevItemT, typename NodeVecT, size_t VecSize>
379 class IterListItem<PrevItemT, NodeVecT, VecSize, /*Level=*/0U>
380 {
381 public:
382  /// The type of iterator stored in the previous list item
383  using PrevIterT = typename PrevItemT::IterT;
384  /// The type of node (non-const) whose iterator is stored in this list item
385  using _NodeT = typename NodeVecT::Front;
386  /// The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., InternalNode::ValueOnCIter)
388  NodeConverter<_NodeT>::Type;
390  /// The type of node (const or non-const) over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
391  using NodeT = typename IterT::NodeType;
392  /// The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
393  using NCNodeT = typename IterT::NonConstNodeType;
394  /// The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points
395  using NCValueT = typename IterT::NonConstValueType;
397  /// NodeT's level in its tree (0 = LeafNode)
398  static const Index Level = 0;
400  IterListItem(PrevItemT*): mNext(this), mPrev(nullptr) {}
402  IterListItem(const IterListItem& other):
403  mIter(other.mIter), mNext(other.mNext), mPrev(nullptr) {}
405  {
406  if (&other != this) {
407  mIter = other.mIter;
408  mNext = other.mNext;
409  mPrev = nullptr;
410  }
411  return *this;
412  }
414  void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT* = nullptr)
415  {
416  mPrev = nullptr; mNext.updateBackPointers(this);
417  }
419  void setIter(const IterT& iter) { mIter = iter; }
420  template<typename OtherIterT>
421  void setIter(const OtherIterT& iter) { mNext.setIter(iter); }
423  void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT*& node) const
424  {
425  node = (lvl == 0) ? mIter.getParentNode() : nullptr;
426  }
427  template<typename OtherNodeT>
428  void getNode(Index lvl, OtherNodeT*& node) const { mNext.getNode(lvl, node); }
430  template<typename OtherIterListItemT>
431  void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT& otherListItem)
432  {
433  if (lvl == 0) {
434  const NodeT* node = nullptr;
435  otherListItem.getNode(lvl, node);
436  mIter = (node == nullptr) ? IterT() : ITraits::begin(*const_cast<NodeT*>(node));
437  } else {
438  mNext.initLevel(lvl, otherListItem);
439  }
440  }
442  Index pos(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.pos() : mNext.pos(lvl); }
444  bool test(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.test() : mNext.test(lvl); }
446  bool next(Index lvl) { return (lvl == 0) ? :; }
448  bool down(Index lvl) { return (lvl == 0) ? false : mNext.down(lvl); }
450  Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const
451  {
452  return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.getCoord() : mNext.getCoord(lvl);
453  }
455  {
456  return (lvl == 0) ? NodeT::getChildDim() : mNext.getChildDim(lvl);
457  }
460  {
461  return (lvl == 0) ? 1 : mNext.getVoxelCount(lvl);
462  }
464  bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const
465  {
466  return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.isValueOn() : mNext.isValueOn(lvl);
467  }
469  const NCValueT& getValue(Index lvl) const
470  {
471  if (lvl == 0) return mIter.getValue();
472  return mNext.getValue(lvl);
473  }
475  void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT& val) const
476  {
477  if (lvl == 0) mIter.setValue(val); else mNext.setValue(lvl, val);
478  }
479  void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on = true) const
480  {
481  if (lvl == 0) mIter.setValueOn(on); else mNext.setValueOn(lvl, on);
482  }
483  void setValueOff(Index lvl) const
484  {
485  if (lvl == 0) mIter.setValueOff(); else mNext.setValueOff(lvl);
486  }
488  template<typename ModifyOp>
489  void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp& op) const
490  {
491  if (lvl == 0) mIter.modifyValue(op); else mNext.modifyValue(lvl, op);
492  }
494 private:
495  using RestT = typename NodeVecT::PopFront; // NodeVecT minus its first item
496  using NextItem = IterListItem<IterListItem, RestT, VecSize - 1, /*Level=*/1>;
498  IterT mIter;
499  NextItem mNext;
500  PrevItemT* mPrev;
501 };
504 /// The final element of a compile-time linked list of iterators to nodes of different types
505 template<typename PrevItemT, typename NodeVecT, Index _Level>
506 class IterListItem<PrevItemT, NodeVecT, /*VecSize=*/1, _Level>
507 {
508 public:
509  using _NodeT = typename NodeVecT::Front;
510  /// The type of iterator stored in the previous list item
511  using PrevIterT = typename PrevItemT::IterT;
512  /// The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., RootNode::ValueOnCIter)
514  NodeConverter<_NodeT>::Type;
516  /// The type of node over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
517  using NodeT = typename IterT::NodeType;
518  /// The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
519  using NCNodeT = typename IterT::NonConstNodeType;
520  /// The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points
521  using NCValueT = typename IterT::NonConstValueType;
522  /// NodeT's child node type, with the same constness (e.g., const InternalNode<...>)
524  /// NodeT's child node type with const qualifiers removed
527  /// NodeT's level in its tree (0 = LeafNode)
528  static const Index Level = _Level;
530  IterListItem(PrevItemT* prev): mPrev(prev) {}
532  IterListItem(const IterListItem& other): mIter(other.mIter), mPrev(nullptr) {}
534  {
535  if (&other != this) {
536  mIter = other.mIter;
537  mPrev = nullptr; ///< @note external call to updateBackPointers() required
538  }
539  return *this;
540  }
542  void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT* prev) { mPrev = prev; }
544  // The following method specializations differ from the default template
545  // implementations mainly in that they don't forward.
547  void setIter(const IterT& iter) { mIter = iter; }
549  void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT*& node) const
550  {
551  node = (lvl <= Level) ? mIter.getParentNode() : nullptr;
552  }
554  template<typename OtherIterListItemT>
555  void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT& otherListItem)
556  {
557  if (lvl == Level) {
558  const NodeT* node = nullptr;
559  otherListItem.getNode(lvl, node);
560  mIter = (node == nullptr) ? IterT() : ITraits::begin(*const_cast<NodeT*>(node));
561  }
562  }
564  Index pos(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.pos() : Index(-1); }
566  bool test(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.test() : false; }
568  bool next(Index lvl) { return (lvl == Level) ? : false; }
570  bool down(Index lvl)
571  {
572  if (lvl == Level && mPrev != nullptr && mIter) {
573  if (ChildT* child = ITraits::template getChild<ChildT>(mIter)) {
574  mPrev->setIter(PrevItemT::ITraits::begin(*child));
575  return true;
576  }
577  }
578  return false;
579  }
581  Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.getCoord() : Coord(); }
582  Index getChildDim(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? NodeT::getChildDim() : 0; }
583  Index64 getVoxelCount(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? ChildT::NUM_VOXELS : 0; }
585  bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.isValueOn() : false; }
587  const NCValueT& getValue(Index lvl) const
588  {
589  OPENVDB_ASSERT(lvl == Level);
590  (void)lvl; // avoid unused variable warning in optimized builds
591  return mIter.getValue();
592  }
594  void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT& val) const { if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValue(val); }
595  void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on = true) const { if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValueOn(on); }
596  void setValueOff(Index lvl) const { if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValueOff(); }
598  template<typename ModifyOp>
599  void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp& op) const
600  {
601  if (lvl == Level) mIter.modifyValue(op);
602  }
604 private:
605  IterT mIter;
606  PrevItemT* mPrev;
607 };
610 ////////////////////////////////////////
615 /// @brief Base class for tree-traversal iterators over tile and voxel values
616 template<typename _TreeT, typename _ValueIterT>
618 {
619 public:
620  using TreeT = _TreeT;
621  using ValueIterT = _ValueIterT;
622  using NodeT = typename ValueIterT::NodeType;
623  using ValueT = typename ValueIterT::NonConstValueType;
624  using ChildOnIterT = typename NodeT::ChildOnCIter;
625  static const Index ROOT_LEVEL = NodeT::LEVEL;
626  static_assert(ValueIterT::NodeType::LEVEL == ROOT_LEVEL, "invalid value iterator node type");
627  static const Index LEAF_LEVEL = 0, ROOT_DEPTH = 0, LEAF_DEPTH = ROOT_LEVEL;
632  TreeValueIteratorBase& operator=(const TreeValueIteratorBase& other);
634  /// Specify the depth of the highest level of the tree to which to ascend (depth 0 = root).
635  void setMinDepth(Index minDepth);
636  /// Return the depth of the highest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
637  Index getMinDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - Index(mMaxLevel); }
638  /// Specify the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which to descend (depth 0 = root).
639  void setMaxDepth(Index maxDepth);
640  /// Return the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
641  Index getMaxDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - Index(mMinLevel); }
643  //@{
644  /// Return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
645  bool test() const { return mValueIterList.test(mLevel); }
646  operator bool() const { return this->test(); }
647  //@}
649  /// @brief Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
650  /// Return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
651  bool next();
652  /// Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
653  TreeValueIteratorBase& operator++() { this->next(); return *this; }
655  /// @brief Return the level in the tree (0 = leaf) of the node to which
656  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
657  Index getLevel() const { return mLevel; }
658  /// @brief Return the depth in the tree (0 = root) of the node to which
659  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
660  Index getDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - mLevel; }
661  static Index getLeafDepth() { return LEAF_DEPTH; }
663  /// @brief Return in @a node a pointer to the node over which this iterator is
664  /// currently iterating or one of that node's parents, as determined by @a NodeType.
665  /// Sets @a node to null pointer if @a NodeType specifies a node at a lower level
666  /// of the tree than that given by getLevel().
667  template<typename NodeType>
668  void getNode(NodeType*& node) const { mValueIterList.getNode(mLevel, node); }
670  /// @brief Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which
671  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
672  Coord getCoord() const { return mValueIterList.getCoord(mLevel); }
673  /// @brief Return in @a bbox the axis-aligned bounding box of
674  /// the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointing.
675  /// @return false if the bounding box is empty.
676  bool getBoundingBox(CoordBBox&) const;
677  /// @brief Return the axis-aligned bounding box of the voxel or tile to which
678  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
679  CoordBBox getBoundingBox() const { CoordBBox b; this->getBoundingBox(b); return b; }
681  /// Return the number of (virtual) voxels corresponding to the value
682  Index64 getVoxelCount() const { return mValueIterList.getVoxelCount(mLevel);}
684  /// Return @c true if this iterator is currently pointing to a (non-leaf) tile value.
685  bool isTileValue() const { return mLevel != 0 && this->test(); }
686  /// Return @c true if this iterator is currently pointing to a (leaf) voxel value.
687  bool isVoxelValue() const { return mLevel == 0 && this->test(); }
688  /// Return @c true if the value to which this iterator is currently pointing is active.
689  bool isValueOn() const { return mValueIterList.isValueOn(mLevel); }
691  //@{
692  /// Return the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing.
693  const ValueT& getValue() const { return mValueIterList.getValue(mLevel); }
694  const ValueT& operator*() const { return this->getValue(); }
695  const ValueT* operator->() const { return &(this->operator*()); }
696  //@}
698  /// @brief Change the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing
699  /// and mark it as active.
700  void setValue(const ValueT& val) const { mValueIterList.setValue(mLevel, val); }
701  /// @brief Change the active/inactive state of the tile or voxel value to which
702  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
703  void setActiveState(bool on) const { mValueIterList.setValueOn(mLevel, on); }
704  /// Mark the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing as inactive.
705  void setValueOff() const { mValueIterList.setValueOff(mLevel); }
707  /// @brief Apply a functor to the item to which this iterator is pointing.
708  /// (Not valid for const iterators.)
709  /// @param op a functor of the form <tt>void op(ValueType&) const</tt> that modifies
710  /// its argument in place
711  /// @see Tree::modifyValue()
712  template<typename ModifyOp>
713  void modifyValue(const ModifyOp& op) const { mValueIterList.modifyValue(mLevel, op); }
715  /// Return a pointer to the tree over which this iterator is iterating.
716  TreeT* getTree() const { return mTree; }
718  /// Return a string (for debugging, mainly) describing this iterator's current state.
719  std::string summary() const;
721 private:
722  bool advance(bool dontIncrement = false);
724  using InvTreeT = typename iter::InvertedTree<NodeT, NodeT::LEVEL>::Type;
725  struct PrevChildItem { using IterT = ChildOnIterT; };
726  struct PrevValueItem { using IterT = ValueIterT; };
728  IterListItem<PrevChildItem, InvTreeT, /*VecSize=*/ROOT_LEVEL+1, /*Level=*/0> mChildIterList;
729  IterListItem<PrevValueItem, InvTreeT, /*VecSize=*/ROOT_LEVEL+1, /*Level=*/0> mValueIterList;
730  Index mLevel;
731  int mMinLevel, mMaxLevel;
732  TreeT* mTree;
733 }; // class TreeValueIteratorBase
736 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
737 inline
739  mChildIterList(nullptr),
740  mValueIterList(nullptr),
741  mLevel(ROOT_LEVEL),
742  mMinLevel(int(LEAF_LEVEL)),
743  mMaxLevel(int(ROOT_LEVEL)),
744  mTree(&tree)
745 {
746  mChildIterList.setIter(IterTraits<NodeT, ChildOnIterT>::begin(tree.root()));
747  mValueIterList.setIter(IterTraits<NodeT, ValueIterT>::begin(tree.root()));
748  this->advance(/*dontIncrement=*/true);
749 }
752 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
753 inline
755  mChildIterList(other.mChildIterList),
756  mValueIterList(other.mValueIterList),
757  mLevel(other.mLevel),
758  mMinLevel(other.mMinLevel),
759  mMaxLevel(other.mMaxLevel),
760  mTree(other.mTree)
761 {
762  mChildIterList.updateBackPointers();
763  mValueIterList.updateBackPointers();
764 }
767 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
770 {
771  if (&other != this) {
772  mChildIterList = other.mChildIterList;
773  mValueIterList = other.mValueIterList;
774  mLevel = other.mLevel;
775  mMinLevel = other.mMinLevel;
776  mMaxLevel = other.mMaxLevel;
777  mTree = other.mTree;
778  mChildIterList.updateBackPointers();
779  mValueIterList.updateBackPointers();
780  }
781  return *this;
782 }
785 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
786 inline void
788 {
789  mMaxLevel = int(ROOT_LEVEL - minDepth); // level = ROOT_LEVEL - depth
790  if (int(mLevel) > mMaxLevel) this->next();
791 }
794 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
795 inline void
797 {
798  // level = ROOT_LEVEL - depth
799  mMinLevel = int(ROOT_LEVEL - std::min(maxDepth, this->getLeafDepth()));
800  if (int(mLevel) < mMinLevel) this->next();
801 }
804 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
805 inline bool
807 {
808  do {
809  if (!this->advance()) return false;
810  } while (int(mLevel) < mMinLevel || int(mLevel) > mMaxLevel);
811  return true;
812 }
815 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
816 inline bool
818 {
819  bool recurse = false;
820  do {
821  recurse = false;
822  Index
823  vPos = mValueIterList.pos(mLevel),
824  cPos = mChildIterList.pos(mLevel);
825  if (vPos == cPos && mChildIterList.test(mLevel)) {
826  /// @todo Once ValueOff iterators properly skip child pointers, remove this block.
828  vPos = mValueIterList.pos(mLevel);
829  }
830  if (vPos < cPos) {
831  if (dontIncrement) return true;
832  if ( {
833  if (mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) == cPos && mChildIterList.test(mLevel)) {
834  /// @todo Once ValueOff iterators properly skip child pointers,
835  /// remove this block.
837  }
838  // If there is a next value and it precedes the next child, return.
839  if (mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) < cPos) return true;
840  }
841  } else {
842  // Advance to the next child, which may or may not precede the next value.
843  if (!dontIncrement);
844  }
846  std::cout << "\n" << this->summary() << std::flush;
847 #endif
849  // Descend to the lowest level at which the next value precedes the next child.
850  while (mChildIterList.pos(mLevel) < mValueIterList.pos(mLevel)) {
852  if (int(mLevel) == mMinLevel) {
853  // If the current node lies at the lowest allowed level, none of its
854  // children can be visited, so just advance its child iterator.
856  if (mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) == mChildIterList.pos(mLevel)
857  && mChildIterList.test(mLevel))
858  {
859  /// @todo Once ValueOff iterators properly skip child pointers,
860  /// remove this block.
862  }
863  } else
864 #endif
865  if (mChildIterList.down(mLevel)) {
866  --mLevel; // descend one level
867  mValueIterList.initLevel(mLevel, mChildIterList);
868  if (mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) == mChildIterList.pos(mLevel)
869  && mChildIterList.test(mLevel))
870  {
871  /// @todo Once ValueOff iterators properly skip child pointers,
872  /// remove this block.
874  }
875  } else break;
877  std::cout << "\n" << this->summary() << std::flush;
878 #endif
879  }
880  // Ascend to the nearest level at which one of the iterators is not yet exhausted.
881  while (!mChildIterList.test(mLevel) && !mValueIterList.test(mLevel)) {
882  if (mLevel == ROOT_LEVEL) return false;
883  ++mLevel;
885  dontIncrement = true;
886  recurse = true;
887  }
888  } while (recurse);
889  return true;
890 }
893 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
894 inline bool
896 {
897  if (!this->test()) {
898  bbox = CoordBBox();
899  return false;
900  }
901  bbox.min() = mValueIterList.getCoord(mLevel);
902  bbox.max() = bbox.min().offsetBy(mValueIterList.getChildDim(mLevel) - 1);
903  return true;
904 }
907 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
908 inline std::string
910 {
911  std::ostringstream ostr;
912  for (int lvl = int(ROOT_LEVEL); lvl >= 0 && lvl >= int(mLevel); --lvl) {
913  if (lvl == 0) ostr << "leaf";
914  else if (lvl == int(ROOT_LEVEL)) ostr << "root";
915  else ostr << "int" << (ROOT_LEVEL - lvl);
916  ostr << " v" << mValueIterList.pos(lvl)
917  << " c" << mChildIterList.pos(lvl);
918  if (lvl > int(mLevel)) ostr << " / ";
919  }
920  if (this->test() && mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) < mChildIterList.pos(mLevel)) {
921  if (mLevel == 0) {
922  ostr << " " << this->getCoord();
923  } else {
924  ostr << " " << this->getBoundingBox();
925  }
926  }
927  return ostr.str();
928 }
931 ////////////////////////////////////////
934 /// @brief Base class for tree-traversal iterators over all nodes
935 template<typename _TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
937 {
938 public:
939  using TreeT = _TreeT;
940  using RootIterT = RootChildOnIterT;
941  using RootNodeT = typename RootIterT::NodeType;
942  using NCRootNodeT = typename RootIterT::NonConstNodeType;
943  static const Index ROOT_LEVEL = RootNodeT::LEVEL;
945  static const Index LEAF_LEVEL = 0, ROOT_DEPTH = 0, LEAF_DEPTH = ROOT_LEVEL;
952  NodeIteratorBase(const NodeIteratorBase& other);
955  /// Specify the depth of the highest level of the tree to which to ascend (depth 0 = root).
956  void setMinDepth(Index minDepth);
957  /// Return the depth of the highest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
958  Index getMinDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - Index(mMaxLevel); }
959  /// Specify the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which to descend (depth 0 = root).
960  void setMaxDepth(Index maxDepth);
961  /// Return the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
962  Index getMaxDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - Index(mMinLevel); }
964  //@{
965  /// Return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
966  bool test() const { return !mDone; }
967  operator bool() const { return this->test(); }
968  //@}
970  /// @brief Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
971  /// @return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
972  bool next();
973  /// Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
974  void increment() { this->next(); }
975  NodeIteratorBase& operator++() { this->increment(); return *this; }
976  /// Increment the iterator n times.
977  void increment(Index n) { for (Index i = 0; i < n && this->next(); ++i) {} }
979  /// @brief Return the level in the tree (0 = leaf) of the node to which
980  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
981  Index getLevel() const { return mLevel; }
982  /// @brief Return the depth in the tree (0 = root) of the node to which
983  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
984  Index getDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - mLevel; }
985  static Index getLeafDepth() { return LEAF_DEPTH; }
987  /// @brief Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which
988  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
989  Coord getCoord() const;
990  /// @brief Return in @a bbox the axis-aligned bounding box of
991  /// the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointing.
992  /// @return false if the bounding box is empty.
993  bool getBoundingBox(CoordBBox& bbox) const;
994  /// @brief Return the axis-aligned bounding box of the voxel or tile to which
995  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
996  CoordBBox getBoundingBox() const { CoordBBox b; this->getBoundingBox(b); return b; }
998  //@{
999  /// @brief Return the node to which the iterator is pointing.
1000  /// @note This iterator doesn't have the usual dereference operators (* and ->),
1001  /// because they would have to be overloaded by the returned node type.
1002  template<typename NodeT>
1003  void getNode(NodeT*& node) const { node = nullptr; mIterList.getNode(mLevel, node); }
1004  template<typename NodeT>
1005  void getNode(const NodeT*& node) const { node = nullptr; mIterList.getNode(mLevel, node); }
1006  //@}
1008  TreeT* getTree() const { return mTree; }
1010  std::string summary() const;
1012 private:
1013  struct PrevItem { using IterT = RootIterT; };
1015  IterListItem<PrevItem, InvTreeT, /*VecSize=*/ROOT_LEVEL+1, LEAF_LEVEL> mIterList;
1016  Index mLevel;
1017  int mMinLevel, mMaxLevel;
1018  bool mDone;
1019  TreeT* mTree;
1020 }; // class NodeIteratorBase
1023 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1024 inline
1026  mIterList(nullptr),
1027  mLevel(ROOT_LEVEL),
1028  mMinLevel(int(LEAF_LEVEL)),
1029  mMaxLevel(int(ROOT_LEVEL)),
1030  mDone(true),
1031  mTree(nullptr)
1032 {
1033 }
1036 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1037 inline
1039  mIterList(nullptr),
1040  mLevel(ROOT_LEVEL),
1041  mMinLevel(int(LEAF_LEVEL)),
1042  mMaxLevel(int(ROOT_LEVEL)),
1043  mDone(false),
1044  mTree(&tree)
1045 {
1046  mIterList.setIter(RootIterTraits::begin(tree.root()));
1047 }
1050 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1051 inline
1053  mIterList(other.mIterList),
1054  mLevel(other.mLevel),
1055  mMinLevel(other.mMinLevel),
1056  mMaxLevel(other.mMaxLevel),
1057  mDone(other.mDone),
1058  mTree(other.mTree)
1059 {
1060  mIterList.updateBackPointers();
1061 }
1064 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1067 {
1068  if (&other != this) {
1069  mLevel = other.mLevel;
1070  mMinLevel = other.mMinLevel;
1071  mMaxLevel = other.mMaxLevel;
1072  mDone = other.mDone;
1073  mTree = other.mTree;
1074  mIterList = other.mIterList;
1075  mIterList.updateBackPointers();
1076  }
1077  return *this;
1078 }
1081 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1082 inline void
1084 {
1085  mMaxLevel = int(ROOT_LEVEL - minDepth); // level = ROOT_LEVEL - depth
1086  if (int(mLevel) > mMaxLevel) this->next();
1087 }
1090 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1091 inline void
1093 {
1094  // level = ROOT_LEVEL - depth
1095  mMinLevel = int(ROOT_LEVEL - std::min(maxDepth, this->getLeafDepth()));
1096  if (int(mLevel) < mMinLevel) this->next();
1097 }
1100 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1101 inline bool
1103 {
1104  do {
1105  if (mDone) return false;
1107  // If the iterator over the current node points to a child,
1108  // descend to the child (depth-first traversal).
1109  if (int(mLevel) > mMinLevel && mIterList.test(mLevel)) {
1110  if (!mIterList.down(mLevel)) return false;
1111  --mLevel;
1112  } else {
1113  // Ascend to the nearest ancestor that has other children.
1114  while (!mIterList.test(mLevel)) {
1115  if (mLevel == ROOT_LEVEL) {
1116  // Can't ascend higher than the root.
1117  mDone = true;
1118  return false;
1119  }
1120  ++mLevel; // ascend one level
1121; // advance to the next child, if there is one
1122  }
1123  // Descend to the child.
1124  if (!mIterList.down(mLevel)) return false;
1125  --mLevel;
1126  }
1127  } while (int(mLevel) < mMinLevel || int(mLevel) > mMaxLevel);
1128  return true;
1129 }
1132 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1133 inline Coord
1135 {
1136  if (mLevel != ROOT_LEVEL) return mIterList.getCoord(mLevel + 1);
1137  RootNodeT* root = nullptr;
1138  this->getNode(root);
1139  return root ? root->getMinIndex() : Coord::min();
1140 }
1143 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1144 inline bool
1146 {
1147  if (mLevel == ROOT_LEVEL) {
1148  RootNodeT* root = nullptr;
1149  this->getNode(root);
1150  if (root == nullptr) {
1151  bbox = CoordBBox();
1152  return false;
1153  }
1154  root->getIndexRange(bbox);
1155  return true;
1156  }
1157  bbox.min() = mIterList.getCoord(mLevel + 1);
1158  bbox.max() = bbox.min().offsetBy(mIterList.getChildDim(mLevel + 1) - 1);
1159  return true;
1160 }
1163 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1164 inline std::string
1166 {
1167  std::ostringstream ostr;
1168  for (int lvl = int(ROOT_LEVEL); lvl >= 0 && lvl >= int(mLevel); --lvl) {
1169  if (lvl == 0) ostr << "leaf";
1170  else if (lvl == int(ROOT_LEVEL)) ostr << "root";
1171  else ostr << "int" << (ROOT_LEVEL - lvl);
1172  ostr << " c" << mIterList.pos(lvl);
1173  if (lvl > int(mLevel)) ostr << " / ";
1174  }
1175  CoordBBox bbox;
1176  this->getBoundingBox(bbox);
1177  ostr << " " << bbox;
1178  return ostr.str();
1179 }
1182 ////////////////////////////////////////
1185 /// @brief Base class for tree-traversal iterators over all leaf nodes (but not leaf voxels)
1186 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1188 {
1189 public:
1190  using RootIterT = RootChildOnIterT;
1191  using RootNodeT = typename RootIterT::NodeType;
1192  using NCRootNodeT = typename RootIterT::NonConstNodeType;
1193  static const Index ROOT_LEVEL = RootNodeT::LEVEL;
1195  using NCLeafNodeT = typename InvTreeT::Front;
1197  static const Index LEAF_LEVEL = 0, LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL = LEAF_LEVEL + 1;
1201  LeafIteratorBase(): mIterList(nullptr), mTree(nullptr) {}
1203  LeafIteratorBase(TreeT& tree): mIterList(nullptr), mTree(&tree)
1204  {
1205  // Initialize the iterator list with a root node iterator.
1206  mIterList.setIter(RootIterTraits::begin(tree.root()));
1207  // Descend along the first branch, initializing the node iterator at each level.
1208  Index lvl = ROOT_LEVEL;
1209  for ( ; lvl > 0 && mIterList.down(lvl); --lvl) {}
1210  // If the first branch terminated above the leaf level, backtrack to the next branch.
1211  if (lvl > 0) this->next();
1212  }
1214  LeafIteratorBase(const LeafIteratorBase& other): mIterList(other.mIterList), mTree(other.mTree)
1215  {
1216  mIterList.updateBackPointers();
1217  }
1219  {
1220  if (&other != this) {
1221  mTree = other.mTree;
1222  mIterList = other.mIterList;
1223  mIterList.updateBackPointers();
1224  }
1225  return *this;
1226  }
1228  //@{
1229  /// Return the leaf node to which the iterator is pointing.
1231  {
1232  LeafNodeT* n = nullptr;
1233  mIterList.getNode(LEAF_LEVEL, n);
1234  return n;
1235  }
1236  LeafNodeT& operator*() const { return *this->getLeaf(); }
1237  LeafNodeT* operator->() const { return this->getLeaf(); }
1238  //@}
1240  bool test() const { return mIterList.test(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL); }
1241  operator bool() const { return this->test(); }
1243  //@{
1244  /// Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
1245  bool next();
1246  void increment() { this->next(); }
1247  LeafIteratorBase& operator++() { this->increment(); return *this; }
1248  //@}
1249  /// Increment the iterator n times.
1250  void increment(Index n) { for (Index i = 0; i < n && this->next(); ++i) {} }
1252  TreeT* getTree() const { return mTree; }
1254 private:
1255  struct PrevItem { using IterT = RootIterT; };
1257  /// @note Even though a LeafIterator doesn't iterate over leaf voxels,
1258  /// the first item of this linked list of node iterators is a leaf node iterator,
1259  /// whose purpose is only to provide access to its parent leaf node.
1260  IterListItem<PrevItem, InvTreeT, /*VecSize=*/ROOT_LEVEL+1, LEAF_LEVEL> mIterList;
1261  TreeT* mTree;
1262 }; // class LeafIteratorBase
1265 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1266 inline bool
1268 {
1269  // If the iterator is valid for the current node one level above the leaf level,
1270  // advance the iterator to the node's next child.
1271  if (mIterList.test(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL) && {
1272  mIterList.down(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL); // initialize the leaf iterator
1273  return true;
1274  }
1276  Index lvl = LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL;
1277  while (!mIterList.test(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL)) {
1278  if (mIterList.test(lvl)) {
1280  } else {
1281  do {
1282  // Ascend to the nearest level at which
1283  // one of the iterators is not yet exhausted.
1284  if (lvl == ROOT_LEVEL) return false;
1285  ++lvl;
1286  if (mIterList.test(lvl));
1287  } while (!mIterList.test(lvl));
1288  }
1289  // Descend to the lowest child, but not as far as the leaf iterator.
1290  while (lvl > LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL && mIterList.down(lvl)) --lvl;
1291  }
1292  mIterList.down(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL); // initialize the leaf iterator
1293  return true;
1294 }
1297 ////////////////////////////////////////
1300 /// An IteratorRange wraps a tree or node iterator, giving the iterator TBB
1301 /// splittable range semantics.
1302 template<typename IterT>
1304 {
1305 public:
1306  /// @brief Constructor from iterator and grain size
1307  /// @param iter Iterator from which the range is constructed
1308  /// @param grainSize Grain size which controls the granularity of range splitting
1309  IteratorRange(const IterT& iter, size_t grainSize = 8):
1310  mIter(iter),
1311  mGrainSize(grainSize),
1312  mSize(0)
1313  {
1314  mSize = this->size();
1315  }
1317  /// @brief Split constructor used by tbb (should rarely be called directly)
1318  /// @param other IteratorRange to be split
1319  /// @param tbb::split Dummy class used to create a unique signature for this constructor
1321  mIter(other.mIter),
1322  mGrainSize(other.mGrainSize),
1323  mSize(other.mSize >> 1)
1324  {
1325  other.increment(mSize);
1326  }
1328  /// @brief Return a reference to this range's iterator.
1329  /// @note The reference is const, because the iterator should not be
1330  /// incremented directly. Use this range object's increment() instead.
1331  const IterT& iterator() const { return mIter; }
1333  bool empty() const { return mSize == 0 || !mIter.test(); }
1334  bool test() const { return !this->empty(); }
1335  operator bool() const { return !this->empty(); }
1337  /// @brief Return @c true if this range is splittable (i.e., if the iterator
1338  /// can be advanced more than mGrainSize times).
1339  bool is_divisible() const { return mSize > mGrainSize; }
1341  /// Advance the iterator @a n times.
1342  void increment(size_t n = 1) { for ( ; n > 0 && mSize > 0; --n, --mSize, ++mIter) {} }
1343  /// Advance the iterator to the next item.
1344  IteratorRange& operator++() { this->increment(); return *this; }
1345  /// @brief Advance the iterator to the next item.
1346  /// @return @c true if the iterator is not yet exhausted.
1347  bool next() { this->increment(); return this->test(); }
1349 private:
1350  size_t size() const { size_t n = 0; for (IterT it(mIter); it.test(); ++n, ++it) {} return n; }
1352  IterT mIter;
1353  size_t mGrainSize, mSize;
1354  /// @note mSize is only an estimate of the number of times mIter can be incremented
1355  /// before it is exhausted (because the topology of the underlying tree could change
1356  /// during iteration). For the purpose of range splitting, though, that should be
1357  /// sufficient, since the two halves need not be of exactly equal size.
1358 };// class IteratorRange
1361 ////////////////////////////////////////
1364 /// @brief Base class for tree-traversal iterators over real and virtual voxel values
1365 /// @todo class TreeVoxelIteratorBase;
1367 } // namespace tree
1368 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
1369 } // namespace openvdb
typename NodeT::ChildAllIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:114
LeafNodeT * getLeaf() const
Return the leaf node to which the iterator is pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1230
static IterT begin(NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:115
Index getLevel() const
Return the level in the tree (0 = leaf) of the node to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:981
const NCValueT & getValue(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:469
void getNode(Index lvl, OtherNodeT *&node) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:428
const ValueT & operator*() const
Return the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:694
static const Index ROOT_LEVEL
Definition: TreeIterator.h:625
RootChildOnIterT RootIterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1190
typename ValueIterT::NodeType NodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:622
Coord getCoord() const
Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:672
void increment(Index n)
Increment the iterator n times.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1250
static IterT begin(NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:143
void setMaxDepth(Index maxDepth)
Specify the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which to descend (depth 0 = root).
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1092
typename IterT::NonConstNodeType NCNodeT
The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
Definition: TreeIterator.h:519
typename SubtreeT::template Append< HeadT > Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:35
void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on=true) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:595
bool down(Index lvl)
If the iterator at level lvl of the tree points to a child node, initialize the next iterator in this...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:297
std::string summary() const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1165
Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const
Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree is ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:310
LeafIteratorBase & operator++()
Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1247
void setMinDepth(Index minDepth)
Specify the depth of the highest level of the tree to which to ascend (depth 0 = root).
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1083
typename IterT::NodeType NodeT
The type of node over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:517
bool next()
Advance to the next tile or voxel value. Return true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:806
void increment()
Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1246
typename iter::InvertedTree< NCRootNodeT, ROOT_LEVEL >::Type InvTreeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1194
typename RootIterT::NodeType RootNodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:941
IterListItem(PrevItemT *prev)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:239
static ChildT * getChild(const IterT &)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:62
void setIter(const IterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:547
Base class for tree-traversal iterators over tile and voxel values.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:617
static IterT begin(NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:69
Index pos(Index lvl) const
Return The table offset of the iterator at level lvl of the tree.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:287
IterListItem & operator=(const IterListItem &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:533
IterListItem(PrevItemT *prev)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:530
typename IterT::NonConstValueType NCValueT
The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:395
_TreeT TreeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:620
typename OtherNodeT::ChildAllIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:121
IteratorRange & operator++()
Advance the iterator to the next item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1344
Index getMinDepth() const
Return the depth of the highest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:958
IterListItem(const IterListItem &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:241
void getNode(NodeType *&node) const
Return in node a pointer to the node over which this iterator is currently iterating or one of that n...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:668
uint64_t Index64
Definition: Types.h:53
bool next()
Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1102
Index64 getVoxelCount(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:459
typename OtherNodeT::ChildAllCIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:135
typename NodeT::ChildOffCIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:104
void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT &val) const
Set the value (to val) to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree points and mark the value as ac...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:340
typename OtherNodeT::ChildOffIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:97
IterListItem & operator=(const IterListItem &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:243
IteratorRange(IteratorRange &other, tbb::split)
Split constructor used by tbb (should rarely be called directly)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1320
typename PrevItem::IterT PrevIterT
The type of iterator stored in the previous list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:218
typename NodeT::ChildAllCIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:128
void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp &op) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:489
IterListItem(const IterListItem &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:532
A list of types (not necessarily unique)
Definition: TypeList.h:577
void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT &val) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:594
bool test(Index lvl) const
Return true if the iterator at level lvl of the tree has not yet reached its end. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:290
static ChildT * getChild(const IterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:130
void setValueOff(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:596
bool next(Index lvl)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:568
typename std::remove_const< ToType >::type Type
Definition: Types.h:439
bool test() const
Return true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:966
typename InvTreeT::Front _NodeT
The type of node (non-const) whose iterator is stored in this list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:220
Index getMinDepth() const
Return the depth of the highest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:637
void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT *prev)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:253
IterListItem & operator=(const IterListItem &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:404
An IterListItem is an element of a compile-time linked list of iterators to nodes of different types...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:214
void modifyValue(const ModifyOp &op) const
Apply a functor to the item to which this iterator is pointing. (Not valid for const iterators...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:713
static Index getLeafDepth()
Definition: TreeIterator.h:985
Coord getCoord() const
Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1134
_ValueIterT ValueIterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:621
bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:585
LeafNodeT & operator*() const
Return the leaf node to which the iterator is pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1236
static ChildT * getChild(const IterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:116
typename CopyConstness< NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildNodeType >::Type ChildT
NodeT&#39;s child node type, with the same constness (e.g., const InternalNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:232
void setValueOff(Index lvl) const
Mark the value to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree points as inactive. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:354
const NCValueT & getValue(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:587
typename OtherNodeT::ChildOffCIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:107
static IterT begin(const NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:105
bool test() const
Return true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:645
typename NodeVecT::Front _NodeT
The type of node (non-const) whose iterator is stored in this list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:385
static const Index LEAF_LEVEL
Definition: TreeIterator.h:627
Index32 Index
Definition: Types.h:54
typename OtherNodeT::ValueAllCIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:195
static Index getLeafDepth()
Definition: TreeIterator.h:661
OutGridT XformOp & op
Definition: ValueTransformer.h:139
Index getMaxDepth() const
Return the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:641
LeafNodeT * operator->() const
Return the leaf node to which the iterator is pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1237
void setValueOff(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:483
Index64 getVoxelCount(Index lvl) const
Return the number of (virtual) voxels spanned by a tile value or child node.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:319
void setValueOff() const
Mark the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing as inactive.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:705
Index64 getVoxelCount(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:583
bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:464
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1303
Mat3< typename promote< T0, T1 >::type > operator*(const Mat3< T0 > &m0, const Mat3< T1 > &m1)
Multiply m0 by m1 and return the resulting matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:597
CoordBBox getBoundingBox() const
Return the axis-aligned bounding box of the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointin...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:996
typename InvertedTree< typename HeadT::ChildNodeType, HeadLevel-1 >::Type SubtreeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:34
Base class for tree-traversal iterators over all leaf nodes (but not leaf voxels) ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1187
static IterT begin(const NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:193
void setIter(const OtherIterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:257
void split(ContainerT &out, const std::string &in, const char delim)
Definition: Name.h:43
typename PrevItemT::IterT PrevIterT
The type of iterator stored in the previous list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:511
typename NodeT::ChildOnCIter ChildOnIterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:624
void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT *prev)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:542
void getNode(NodeT *&node) const
Return the node to which the iterator is pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1003
typename OtherNodeT::ValueOnCIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:155
typename NodeT::ValueOnCIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:152
bool is_divisible() const
Return true if this range is splittable (i.e., if the iterator can be advanced more than mGrainSize t...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1339
static IterT begin(NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:95
RootChildOnIterT RootIterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:940
typename IterTraits< typename PrevIterT::NonConstNodeType, PrevIterT >::template NodeConverter< _NodeT >::Type IterT
The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., InternalNode::ValueOnCIter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:223
typename OtherNodeT::ChildOnIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:74
Base class for tree-traversal iterators over all nodes.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:936
Definition: Assert.h:41
bool next(Index lvl)
Increment the iterator at level lvl of the tree.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:293
typename NodeT::ChildOnCIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:81
bool test(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:566
typename InvTreeT::Front NCLeafNodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1195
static const ChildT * getChild(const IterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:83
static const Index ROOT_DEPTH
Definition: TreeIterator.h:627
typename OtherNodeT::ValueOnIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:145
void increment(size_t n=1)
Advance the iterator n times.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1342
void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on=true) const
Set the value (to val) to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree points and mark the value as ac...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:347
#define ROOT_LEVEL
Definition: CNanoVDB.h:53
typename NodeT::ValueAllIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:182
typename RootIterT::NonConstNodeType NCRootNodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:942
typename OtherNodeT::ValueOffCIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:175
Index getChildDim(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:314
void setMinDepth(Index minDepth)
Specify the depth of the highest level of the tree to which to ascend (depth 0 = root).
Definition: TreeIterator.h:787
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1025
void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp &op) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:599
bool down(Index lvl)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:570
bool empty(const char *str)
tests if a c-string str is empty, that is its first value is &#39;\0&#39;
Definition: Util.h:144
typename CopyConstness< RootNodeT, NCLeafNodeT >::Type LeafNodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1196
void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT *&node) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:549
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
bool isValueOn() const
Return true if the value to which this iterator is currently pointing is active.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:689
TreeT * getTree() const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1008
bool isTileValue() const
Return true if this iterator is currently pointing to a (non-leaf) tile value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:685
Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:450
void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp &op) const
Apply a functor to the item to which this iterator is pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:362
static IterT begin(const NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:82
typename NodeT::ValueOnIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:142
Message severity level.
Definition: logging.h:31
typename NodeT::ChildOnIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:68
TreeValueIteratorBase & operator++()
Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:653
const IterT & iterator() const
Return a reference to this range&#39;s iterator.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1331
Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:581
IterListItem(const IterListItem &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:402
typename NodeT::ValueOffIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:162
typename IterTraits< typename PrevIterT::NonConstNodeType, PrevIterT >::template NodeConverter< _NodeT >::Type IterT
The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., InternalNode::ValueOnCIter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:388
LeafIteratorBase(TreeT &tree)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1203
typename RootIterT::NonConstNodeType NCRootNodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1192
LeafIteratorBase & operator=(const LeafIteratorBase &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1218
void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on=true) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:479
NodeIteratorBase & operator=(const NodeIteratorBase &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1066
Definition: TreeIterator.h:60
OutGridT const XformOp bool bool
Definition: ValueTransformer.h:609
void setMaxDepth(Index maxDepth)
Specify the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which to descend (depth 0 = root).
Definition: TreeIterator.h:796
typename ValueIterT::NonConstValueType ValueT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:623
typename NodeT::ValueAllCIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:192
typename IterT::NonConstValueType NCValueT
The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:230
typename OtherNodeT::ValueAllIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:185
const ValueT & getValue() const
Return the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:693
void increment()
Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:974
static IterT begin(NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:183
void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT &otherListItem)
Initialize the iterator for level lvl of the tree with the node over which the corresponding iterator...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:274
bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const
Return true if the iterator at level lvl of the tree points to an active value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:325
Index pos(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:442
Definition: TreeIterator.h:33
void setValue(const ValueT &val) const
Change the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing and mark it as active...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:700
TreeValueIteratorBase(TreeT &)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:738
typename IterT::NonConstNodeType NCNodeT
The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
Definition: TreeIterator.h:393
typename RootIterT::NodeType RootNodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1191
void setIter(const IterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:419
bool empty() const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1333
Index getLevel() const
Return the level in the tree (0 = leaf) of the node to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:657
bool test(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:444
typename CopyConstness< NCNodeT, typename NCNodeT::ChildNodeType >::Type NCChildT
NodeT&#39;s child node type with const qualifiers removed.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:525
typename IterTraits< typename PrevIterT::NonConstNodeType, PrevIterT >::template NodeConverter< _NodeT >::Type IterT
The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., RootNode::ValueOnCIter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:514
Index getChildDim(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:582
void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT &val) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:475
void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT &otherListItem)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:431
NodeIteratorBase & operator++()
Definition: TreeIterator.h:975
static IterT begin(const NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:153
typename iter::InvertedTree< NCRootNodeT, ROOT_LEVEL >::Type InvTreeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:944
void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT *&node) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:423
Index getDepth() const
Return the depth in the tree (0 = root) of the node to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:984
typename IterT::NonConstNodeType NCNodeT
The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
Definition: TreeIterator.h:228
static const Index ROOT_LEVEL
Definition: TreeIterator.h:943
void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT &otherListItem)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:555
static IterT begin(const NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:129
TreeT * getTree() const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1252
const ValueT * operator->() const
Return the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:695
void setActiveState(bool on) const
Change the active/inactive state of the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently point...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:703
IteratorRange(const IterT &iter, size_t grainSize=8)
Constructor from iterator and grain size.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1309
typename PrevItemT::IterT PrevIterT
The type of iterator stored in the previous list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:383
_TreeT TreeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:939
typename CopyConstness< NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildNodeType >::Type ChildT
NodeT&#39;s child node type, with the same constness (e.g., const InternalNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:523
typename OtherNodeT::ValueOffIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:165
bool test() const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1334
void getNode(const NodeT *&node) const
Return the node to which the iterator is pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1005
void setIter(const IterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:255
typename IterT::NodeType NodeT
The type of node (const or non-const) over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:391
Index64 getVoxelCount() const
Return the number of (virtual) voxels corresponding to the value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:682
typename NodeT::ValueOffCIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:172
void increment(Index n)
Increment the iterator n times.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:977
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & min(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:106
bool next()
Advance the iterator to the next item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1347
typename OtherNodeT::ChildOnCIter Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:87
bool test() const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1240
typename CopyConstness< NCNodeT, typename NCNodeT::ChildNodeType >::Type NCChildT
NodeT&#39;s child node type with const qualifiers removed.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:234
void setIter(const OtherIterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:421
Index getChildDim(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:454
typename IterT::NonConstValueType NCValueT
The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:521
std::string summary() const
Return a string (for debugging, mainly) describing this iterator&#39;s current state. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:909
The version namespace name for this library version.
TreeT * getTree() const
Return a pointer to the tree over which this iterator is iterating.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:716
Index getMaxDepth() const
Return the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:962
typename NodeVecT::Front _NodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:509
void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT *&node) const
Return the node over which this list element&#39;s iterator iterates.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:260
bool isVoxelValue() const
Return true if this iterator is currently pointing to a (leaf) voxel value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:687
void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT *=nullptr)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:414
static IterT begin(NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:163
LeafIteratorBase(const LeafIteratorBase &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1214
TreeValueIteratorBase & operator=(const TreeValueIteratorBase &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:769
Index pos(Index lvl) const
Definition: TreeIterator.h:564
static const Index LEAF_DEPTH
Definition: TreeIterator.h:627
bool next()
Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1267
Index getDepth() const
Return the depth in the tree (0 = root) of the node to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:660
CoordBBox getBoundingBox() const
Return the axis-aligned bounding box of the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointin...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:679
static IterT begin(const NodeT &node)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:173
typename NodeT::ChildOffIter IterT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:94
const NCValueT & getValue(Index lvl) const
Return the value to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree points.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:331
static ChildT * getChild(const IterT &iter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:70
typename IterT::NodeType NodeT
The type of node (const or non-const) over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:226
Definition: TreeIterator.h:1201
static const Index LEAF_LEVEL
Definition: TreeIterator.h:945
void getNode(Index lvl, OtherNodeT *&node) const
Return the node over which one of the following list elements&#39; iterator iterates. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:266