OpenVDB  12.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7 #include <openvdb/version.h>
8 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
9 #include <openvdb/io/Compression.h> // for io::readData(), etc.
10 #include <openvdb/math/Math.h> // for math::isZero()
11 #include <openvdb/util/NodeMasks.h>
12 #include <openvdb/util/Assert.h>
13 #include "LeafNode.h"
14 #include "Iterator.h"
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include <sstream>
17 #include <string>
18 #include <type_traits>
19 #include <vector>
22 namespace openvdb {
25 namespace tree {
27 /// @brief LeafNode specialization for values of type ValueMask that encodes both
28 /// the active states and the boolean values of (2^Log2Dim)^3 voxels
29 /// in a single bit mask, i.e. voxel values and states are indistinguishable!
30 template<Index Log2Dim>
31 class LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>
32 {
33 public:
35  using BuildType = ValueMask;// this is a rare case where
36  using ValueType = bool;// value type != build type
37  using Buffer = LeafBuffer<ValueType, Log2Dim>;// buffer uses the bool specialization
41  // These static declarations must be on separate lines to avoid VC9 compiler errors.
42  static const Index LOG2DIM = Log2Dim; // needed by parent nodes
43  static const Index TOTAL = Log2Dim; // needed by parent nodes
44  static const Index DIM = 1 << TOTAL; // dimension along one coordinate direction
45  static const Index NUM_VALUES = 1 << 3 * Log2Dim;
46  static const Index NUM_VOXELS = NUM_VALUES; // total number of voxels represented by this node
47  static const Index SIZE = NUM_VALUES;
48  static const Index LEVEL = 0; // level 0 = leaf
50  /// @brief ValueConverter<T>::Type is the type of a LeafNode having the same
51  /// dimensions as this node but a different value type, T.
52  template<typename OtherValueType>
53  struct ValueConverter { using Type = LeafNode<OtherValueType, Log2Dim>; };
55  /// @brief SameConfiguration<OtherNodeType>::value is @c true if and only if
56  /// OtherNodeType is the type of a LeafNode with the same dimensions as this node.
57  template<typename OtherNodeType>
58  struct SameConfiguration {
60  };
62  /// Default constructor
63  LeafNode();
65  /// Constructor
66  /// @param xyz the coordinates of a voxel that lies within the node
67  /// @param value the initial value = state for all of this node's voxels
68  /// @param dummy dummy value
69  explicit LeafNode(const Coord& xyz, bool value = false, bool dummy = false);
71  /// "Partial creation" constructor used during file input
72  LeafNode(PartialCreate, const Coord& xyz, bool value = false, bool dummy = false);
74  /// Deep copy constructor
75  LeafNode(const LeafNode&);
77  /// Value conversion copy constructor
78  template<typename OtherValueType>
79  explicit LeafNode(const LeafNode<OtherValueType, Log2Dim>& other);
81  /// Topology copy constructor
82  template<typename ValueType>
85  //@{
86  /// @brief Topology copy constructor
87  /// @note This variant exists mainly to enable template instantiation.
88  template<typename ValueType>
89  LeafNode(const LeafNode<ValueType, Log2Dim>& other, bool offValue, bool onValue, TopologyCopy);
90  template<typename ValueType>
91  LeafNode(const LeafNode<ValueType, Log2Dim>& other, bool background, TopologyCopy);
92  //@}
94  /// Destructor
95  ~LeafNode();
97  //
98  // Statistics
99  //
100  /// Return log2 of the size of the buffer storage.
101  static Index log2dim() { return Log2Dim; }
102  /// Return the number of voxels in each dimension.
103  static Index dim() { return DIM; }
104  /// Return the total number of voxels represented by this LeafNode
105  static Index size() { return SIZE; }
106  /// Return the total number of voxels represented by this LeafNode
107  static Index numValues() { return SIZE; }
108  /// Return the level of this node, which by definition is zero for LeafNodes
109  static Index getLevel() { return LEVEL; }
110  /// Append the Log2Dim of this LeafNode to the specified vector
111  static void getNodeLog2Dims(std::vector<Index>& dims) { dims.push_back(Log2Dim); }
112  /// Return the dimension of child nodes of this LeafNode, which is one for voxels.
113  static Index getChildDim() { return 1; }
114  /// Return the leaf count for this node, which is one.
115  static Index64 leafCount() { return 1; }
116  /// no-op
117  void nodeCount(std::vector<Index64> &) const {}
118  OPENVDB_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("Use input type std::vector<Index64> for nodeCount.")
119  void nodeCount(std::vector<Index32> &) const {}
120  /// Return the non-leaf count for this node, which is zero.
121  static Index64 nonLeafCount() { return 0; }
123  /// Return the number of active voxels.
124  Index64 onVoxelCount() const { return mBuffer.mData.countOn(); }
125  /// Return the number of inactive voxels.
126  Index64 offVoxelCount() const { return mBuffer.mData.countOff(); }
127  Index64 onLeafVoxelCount() const { return this->onVoxelCount(); }
128  Index64 offLeafVoxelCount() const { return this->offVoxelCount(); }
129  static Index64 onTileCount() { return 0; }
130  static Index64 offTileCount() { return 0; }
132  /// Return @c true if this node has no active voxels.
133  bool isEmpty() const { return mBuffer.mData.isOff(); }
134  /// Return @c true if this node only contains active voxels.
135  bool isDense() const { return mBuffer.mData.isOn(); }
136  /// @brief Return @c true if memory for this node's buffer has been allocated.
137  /// @details Currently, boolean leaf nodes don't support partial creation,
138  /// so this always returns @c true.
139  bool isAllocated() const { return true; }
140  /// @brief Allocate memory for this node's buffer if it has not already been allocated.
141  /// @details Currently, boolean leaf nodes don't support partial creation,
142  /// so this has no effect.
143  bool allocate() { return true; }
145  /// Return the memory in bytes occupied by this node.
146  Index64 memUsage() const;
147  Index64 memUsageIfLoaded() const;
149  /// Expand the given bounding box so that it includes this leaf node's active voxels.
150  /// If visitVoxels is false this LeafNode will be approximated as dense, i.e. with all
151  /// voxels active. Else the individual active voxels are visited to produce a tight bbox.
152  void evalActiveBoundingBox(CoordBBox& bbox, bool visitVoxels = true) const;
154  /// @brief Return the bounding box of this node, i.e., the full index space
155  /// spanned by this leaf node.
156  CoordBBox getNodeBoundingBox() const { return CoordBBox::createCube(mOrigin, DIM); }
158  /// Set the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin.
159  void setOrigin(const Coord& origin) { mOrigin = origin; }
160  //@{
161  /// Return the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin.
162  const Coord& origin() const { return mOrigin; }
163  void getOrigin(Coord& origin) const { origin = mOrigin; }
164  void getOrigin(Int32& x, Int32& y, Int32& z) const { mOrigin.asXYZ(x, y, z); }
165  //@}
167  /// Return the linear table offset of the given global or local coordinates.
168  static Index coordToOffset(const Coord& xyz);
169  /// @brief Return the local coordinates for a linear table offset,
170  /// where offset 0 has coordinates (0, 0, 0).
171  static Coord offsetToLocalCoord(Index n);
172  /// Return the global coordinates for a linear table offset.
173  Coord offsetToGlobalCoord(Index n) const;
175  /// Return the transient data value.
176  Index32 transientData() const { return mTransientData; }
177  /// Set the transient data value.
178  void setTransientData(Index32 transientData) { mTransientData = transientData; }
180  /// Return a string representation of this node.
181  std::string str() const;
183  /// @brief Return @c true if the given node (which may have a different @c ValueType
184  /// than this node) has the same active value topology as this node.
185  template<typename OtherType, Index OtherLog2Dim>
186  bool hasSameTopology(const LeafNode<OtherType, OtherLog2Dim>* other) const;
188  /// Check for buffer equivalence by value.
189  bool operator==(const LeafNode&) const;
190  bool operator!=(const LeafNode&) const;
192  //
193  // Buffer management
194  //
195  /// @brief Exchange this node's data buffer with the given data buffer
196  /// without changing the active states of the values.
197  void swap(Buffer& other) { mBuffer.swap(other); }
198  const Buffer& buffer() const { return mBuffer; }
199  Buffer& buffer() { return mBuffer; }
201  //
202  // I/O methods
203  //
204  /// Read in just the topology.
205  void readTopology(std::istream&, bool fromHalf = false);
206  /// Write out just the topology.
207  void writeTopology(std::ostream&, bool toHalf = false) const;
209  /// Read in the topology and the origin.
210  void readBuffers(std::istream&, bool fromHalf = false);
211  void readBuffers(std::istream& is, const CoordBBox&, bool fromHalf = false);
212  /// Write out the topology and the origin.
213  void writeBuffers(std::ostream&, bool toHalf = false) const;
215  //
216  // Accessor methods
217  //
218  /// Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates.
219  const bool& getValue(const Coord& xyz) const;
220  /// Return the value of the voxel at the given offset.
221  const bool& getValue(Index offset) const;
223  /// @brief Return @c true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.
224  /// @param xyz the coordinates of the voxel to be probed
225  /// @param[out] val the value of the voxel at the given coordinates
226  bool probeValue(const Coord& xyz, bool& val) const;
227  /// @brief Return @c true if the voxel at the given offset is active.
228  /// @param offset the linear offset of the voxel to be probed
229  /// @param[out] val the value of the voxel at the given coordinates
230  bool probeValue(Index offset, bool& val) const;
232  /// Return the level (0) at which leaf node values reside.
233  static Index getValueLevel(const Coord&) { return LEVEL; }
235  /// Set the active state of the voxel at the given coordinates but don't change its value.
236  void setActiveState(const Coord& xyz, bool on);
237  /// Set the active state of the voxel at the given offset but don't change its value.
238  void setActiveState(Index offset, bool on) { OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset<SIZE); mBuffer.mData.set(offset, on); }
240  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but don't change its active state.
241  void setValueOnly(const Coord& xyz, bool val);
242  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given offset but don't change its active state.
243  void setValueOnly(Index offset, bool val) { OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset<SIZE); mBuffer.setValue(offset,val); }
245  /// Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as inactive but don't change its value.
246  void setValueOff(const Coord& xyz) { mBuffer.mData.setOff(this->coordToOffset(xyz)); }
247  /// Mark the voxel at the given offset as inactive but don't change its value.
248  void setValueOff(Index offset) { OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset < SIZE); mBuffer.mData.setOff(offset); }
250  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as inactive.
251  void setValueOff(const Coord& xyz, bool val);
252  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as inactive.
253  void setValueOff(Index offset, bool val);
255  /// Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as active but don't change its value.
256  void setValueOn(const Coord& xyz) { mBuffer.mData.setOn(this->coordToOffset(xyz)); }
257  /// Mark the voxel at the given offset as active but don't change its value.
258  void setValueOn(Index offset) { OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset < SIZE); mBuffer.mData.setOn(offset); }
260  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active.
261  void setValueOn(const Coord& xyz, bool val);
262  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active.
263  void setValue(const Coord& xyz, bool val) { this->setValueOn(xyz, val); }
264  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as active.
265  void setValueOn(Index offset, bool val);
267  /// @brief Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given offset
268  /// and mark the voxel as active.
269  template<typename ModifyOp>
270  void modifyValue(Index offset, const ModifyOp& op);
271  /// @brief Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given coordinates
272  /// and mark the voxel as active.
273  template<typename ModifyOp>
274  void modifyValue(const Coord& xyz, const ModifyOp& op);
276  /// Apply a functor to the voxel at the given coordinates.
277  template<typename ModifyOp>
278  void modifyValueAndActiveState(const Coord& xyz, const ModifyOp& op);
280  /// Mark all voxels as active but don't change their values.
281  void setValuesOn() { mBuffer.mData.setOn(); }
282  /// Mark all voxels as inactive but don't change their values.
283  void setValuesOff() { mBuffer.mData.setOff(); }
285  /// Return @c true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.
286  bool isValueOn(const Coord& xyz) const { return this->isValueOn(this->coordToOffset(xyz)); }
287  /// Return @c true if the voxel at the given offset is active.
288  bool isValueOn(Index offset) const { OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset < SIZE); return mBuffer.mData.isOn(offset); }
289  /// Return @c true if the voxel at the given coordinates is inactive.
290  bool isValueOff(const Coord& xyz) const { return this->isValueOff(this->coordToOffset(xyz)); }
291  /// Return @c true if the voxel at the given offset is inactive.
292  bool isValueOff(Index offset) const { OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset < SIZE); return mBuffer.mData.isOff(offset); }
294  /// Return @c false since leaf nodes never contain tiles.
295  static bool hasActiveTiles() { return false; }
297  /// Set all voxels that lie outside the given axis-aligned box to the background.
298  void clip(const CoordBBox&, bool background);
300  /// Set all voxels within an axis-aligned box to the specified value.
301  void fill(const CoordBBox& bbox, bool value, bool = false);
302  /// Set all voxels within an axis-aligned box to the specified value.
303  void denseFill(const CoordBBox& bbox, bool value, bool = false) { this->fill(bbox, value); }
305  /// Set the state of all voxels to the specified active state.
306  void fill(const bool& value, bool dummy = false);
308  /// @brief Copy into a dense grid the values of the voxels that lie within
309  /// a given bounding box.
310  ///
311  /// @param bbox inclusive bounding box of the voxels to be copied into the dense grid
312  /// @param dense dense grid with a stride in @e z of one (see tools::Dense
313  /// in tools/Dense.h for the required API)
314  ///
315  /// @note @a bbox is assumed to be identical to or contained in the coordinate domains
316  /// of both the dense grid and this node, i.e., no bounds checking is performed.
317  /// @note Consider using tools::CopyToDense in tools/Dense.h
318  /// instead of calling this method directly.
319  template<typename DenseT>
320  void copyToDense(const CoordBBox& bbox, DenseT& dense) const;
322  /// @brief Copy from a dense grid into this node the values of the voxels
323  /// that lie within a given bounding box.
324  /// @details Only values that are different (by more than the given tolerance)
325  /// from the background value will be active. Other values are inactive
326  /// and truncated to the background value.
327  ///
328  /// @param bbox inclusive bounding box of the voxels to be copied into this node
329  /// @param dense dense grid with a stride in @e z of one (see tools::Dense
330  /// in tools/Dense.h for the required API)
331  /// @param background background value of the tree that this node belongs to
332  /// @param tolerance tolerance within which a value equals the background value
333  ///
334  /// @note @a bbox is assumed to be identical to or contained in the coordinate domains
335  /// of both the dense grid and this node, i.e., no bounds checking is performed.
336  /// @note Consider using tools::CopyFromDense in tools/Dense.h
337  /// instead of calling this method directly.
338  template<typename DenseT>
339  void copyFromDense(const CoordBBox& bbox, const DenseT& dense, bool background, bool tolerance);
341  /// @brief Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates.
342  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
343  template<typename AccessorT>
344  const bool& getValueAndCache(const Coord& xyz, AccessorT&) const {return this->getValue(xyz);}
346  /// @brief Return @c true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.
347  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
348  template<typename AccessorT>
349  bool isValueOnAndCache(const Coord& xyz, AccessorT&) const { return this->isValueOn(xyz); }
351  /// @brief Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark it as active.
352  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
353  template<typename AccessorT>
354  void setValueAndCache(const Coord& xyz, bool val, AccessorT&) { this->setValueOn(xyz, val); }
356  /// @brief Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates
357  /// but preserve its state.
358  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
359  template<typename AccessorT>
360  void setValueOnlyAndCache(const Coord& xyz, bool val, AccessorT&) {this->setValueOnly(xyz,val);}
362  /// @brief Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark it as inactive.
363  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
364  template<typename AccessorT>
365  void setValueOffAndCache(const Coord& xyz, bool value, AccessorT&)
366  {
367  this->setValueOff(xyz, value);
368  }
370  /// @brief Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given coordinates
371  /// and mark the voxel as active.
372  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
373  template<typename ModifyOp, typename AccessorT>
374  void modifyValueAndCache(const Coord& xyz, const ModifyOp& op, AccessorT&)
375  {
376  this->modifyValue(xyz, op);
377  }
379  /// Apply a functor to the voxel at the given coordinates.
380  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
381  template<typename ModifyOp, typename AccessorT>
382  void modifyValueAndActiveStateAndCache(const Coord& xyz, const ModifyOp& op, AccessorT&)
383  {
384  this->modifyValueAndActiveState(xyz, op);
385  }
387  /// @brief Set the active state of the voxel at the given coordinates
388  /// without changing its value.
389  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
390  template<typename AccessorT>
391  void setActiveStateAndCache(const Coord& xyz, bool on, AccessorT&)
392  {
393  this->setActiveState(xyz, on);
394  }
396  /// @brief Return @c true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active
397  /// and return the voxel value in @a val.
398  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
399  template<typename AccessorT>
400  bool probeValueAndCache(const Coord& xyz, bool& val, AccessorT&) const
401  {
402  return this->probeValue(xyz, val);
403  }
405  /// @brief Return the LEVEL (=0) at which leaf node values reside.
406  /// @note Used internally by ValueAccessor.
407  template<typename AccessorT>
408  static Index getValueLevelAndCache(const Coord&, AccessorT&) { return LEVEL; }
410  /// @brief Return a const reference to the first entry in the buffer.
411  /// @note Since it's actually a reference to a static data member
412  /// it should not be converted to a non-const pointer!
413  const bool& getFirstValue() const { if (mBuffer.mData.isOn(0)) return Buffer::sOn; else return Buffer::sOff; }
414  /// @brief Return a const reference to the last entry in the buffer.
415  /// @note Since it's actually a reference to a static data member
416  /// it should not be converted to a non-const pointer!
417  const bool& getLastValue() const { if (mBuffer.mData.isOn(SIZE-1)) return Buffer::sOn; else return Buffer::sOff; }
419  /// Return @c true if all of this node's voxels have the same active state
420  /// and are equal to within the given tolerance, and return the value in
421  /// @a constValue and the active state in @a state.
422  bool isConstant(bool& constValue, bool& state, bool tolerance = 0) const;
424  /// @brief Computes the median value of all the active and inactive voxels in this node.
425  /// @return The median value.
426  ///
427  /// @details The median for boolean values is defined as the mode
428  /// of the values, i.e. the value that occurs most often.
429  bool medianAll() const;
431  /// @brief Computes the median value of all the active voxels in this node.
432  /// @return The number of active voxels.
433  ///
434  /// @param value Updated with the median value of all the active voxels.
435  ///
436  /// @note Since the value and state are shared for this
437  /// specialization of the LeafNode the @a value will always be true!
438  Index medianOn(ValueType &value) const;
440  /// @brief Computes the median value of all the inactive voxels in this node.
441  /// @return The number of inactive voxels.
442  ///
443  /// @param value Updated with the median value of all the inactive
444  /// voxels.
445  ///
446  /// @note Since the value and state are shared for this
447  /// specialization of the LeafNode the @a value will always be false!
448  Index medianOff(ValueType &value) const;
450  /// Return @c true if all of this node's values are inactive.
451  bool isInactive() const { return mBuffer.mData.isOff(); }
453  //
454  // Unsafe methods
455  //
456  // These methods are not in fact unsafe, but are only offered so that
457  // the same methods can be called on both internal nodes and leaf nodes.
459  /// Return the value of the voxel at the given offset.
460  const bool& getValueUnsafe(Index offset) const { return this->getValue(offset); }
461  /// Return true if the voxel at the given offset is active and set value.
462  bool getValueUnsafe(Index offset, bool& value) const { return this->probeValue(offset, value); }
463  /// Set the active state of the voxel at the given offset but don't change its value.
464  void setActiveStateUnsafe(Index offset, bool on) { this->setActiveState(offset, on); }
465  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but don't change its active state.
466  void setValueOnlyUnsafe(Index offset, const bool& value) { return this->setValueOnly(offset, value); }
467  /// Mark the voxel at the given offset as active but don't change its value.
468  void setValueOnUnsafe(Index offset) { this->setValueOn(offset); }
469  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active.
470  void setValueOnUnsafe(Index offset, const bool& value) { this->setValueOn(offset, value); }
471  /// Mark the voxel at the given offset as inactive but don't change its value.
472  void setValueOffUnsafe(Index offset) { this->setValueOff(offset); }
473  /// Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active.
474  void setValueOffUnsafe(Index offset, const bool& value) { this->setValueOff(offset, value); }
476  /// @brief no-op since for this template specialization voxel
477  /// values and states are indistinguishable.
478  void resetBackground(bool, bool) {}
480  /// @brief Invert the bits of the voxels, i.e. states and values
481  void negate() { mBuffer.mData.toggle(); }
483  template<MergePolicy Policy>
484  void merge(const LeafNode& other, bool bg = false, bool otherBG = false);
485  template<MergePolicy Policy> void merge(bool tileValue, bool tileActive=false);
487  /// @brief No-op
488  /// @details This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
489  void voxelizeActiveTiles(bool = true) {}
491  /// @brief Union this node's set of active values with the active values
492  /// of the other node, whose @c ValueType may be different. So a
493  /// resulting voxel will be active if either of the original voxels
494  /// were active.
495  ///
496  /// @note This operation modifies only active states, not values.
497  template<typename OtherType>
498  void topologyUnion(const LeafNode<OtherType, Log2Dim>& other, const bool preserveTiles = false);
500  /// @brief Intersect this node's set of active values with the active values
501  /// of the other node, whose @c ValueType may be different. So a
502  /// resulting voxel will be active only if both of the original voxels
503  /// were active.
504  ///
505  /// @details The last dummy argument is required to match the signature
506  /// for InternalNode::topologyIntersection.
507  ///
508  /// @note This operation modifies only active states, not
509  /// values. Also note that this operation can result in all voxels
510  /// being inactive so consider subsequently calling prune.
511  template<typename OtherType>
512  void topologyIntersection(const LeafNode<OtherType, Log2Dim>& other, const bool&);
514  /// @brief Difference this node's set of active values with the active values
515  /// of the other node, whose @c ValueType may be different. So a
516  /// resulting voxel will be active only if the original voxel is
517  /// active in this LeafNode and inactive in the other LeafNode.
518  ///
519  /// @details The last dummy argument is required to match the signature
520  /// for InternalNode::topologyDifference.
521  ///
522  /// @note This operation modifies only active states, not values.
523  /// Also, because it can deactivate all of this node's voxels,
524  /// consider subsequently calling prune.
525  template<typename OtherType>
526  void topologyDifference(const LeafNode<OtherType, Log2Dim>& other, const bool&);
528  template<typename CombineOp>
529  void combine(const LeafNode& other, CombineOp& op);
530  template<typename CombineOp>
531  void combine(bool, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp& op);
533  template<typename CombineOp, typename OtherType /*= bool*/>
534  void combine2(const LeafNode& other, const OtherType&, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp&);
535  template<typename CombineOp, typename OtherNodeT /*= LeafNode*/>
536  void combine2(bool, const OtherNodeT& other, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp&);
537  template<typename CombineOp, typename OtherNodeT /*= LeafNode*/>
538  void combine2(const LeafNode& b0, const OtherNodeT& b1, CombineOp&);
540  //@{
541  /// This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
542  void prune(const ValueType& /*tolerance*/ = zeroVal<ValueType>()) {}
543  void addLeaf(LeafNode*) {}
544  template<typename AccessorT>
545  void addLeafAndCache(LeafNode*, AccessorT&) {}
546  template<typename NodeT>
547  NodeT* stealNode(const Coord&, const ValueType&, bool) { return nullptr; }
548  template<typename NodeT>
549  NodeT* probeNode(const Coord&) { return nullptr; }
550  template<typename NodeT>
551  const NodeT* probeConstNode(const Coord&) const { return nullptr; }
552  template<typename ArrayT> void getNodes(ArrayT&) const {}
553  template<typename ArrayT> void stealNodes(ArrayT&, const ValueType&, bool) {}
554  //@}
556  void addTile(Index level, const Coord&, bool val, bool active);
557  void addTile(Index offset, bool val, bool active);
558  template<typename AccessorT>
559  void addTileAndCache(Index level, const Coord&, bool val, bool active, AccessorT&);
561  //@{
562  /// @brief Return a pointer to this node.
563  LeafNode* touchLeaf(const Coord&) { return this; }
564  template<typename AccessorT>
565  LeafNode* touchLeafAndCache(const Coord&, AccessorT&) { return this; }
566  LeafNode* probeLeaf(const Coord&) { return this; }
567  template<typename AccessorT>
568  LeafNode* probeLeafAndCache(const Coord&, AccessorT&) { return this; }
569  template<typename NodeT, typename AccessorT>
570  NodeT* probeNodeAndCache(const Coord&, AccessorT&)
571  {
573  if (!(std::is_same<NodeT, LeafNode>::value)) return nullptr;
574  return reinterpret_cast<NodeT*>(this);
576  }
577  //@}
578  //@{
579  /// @brief Return a @const pointer to this node.
580  const LeafNode* probeLeaf(const Coord&) const { return this; }
581  template<typename AccessorT>
582  const LeafNode* probeLeafAndCache(const Coord&, AccessorT&) const { return this; }
583  const LeafNode* probeConstLeaf(const Coord&) const { return this; }
584  template<typename AccessorT>
585  const LeafNode* probeConstLeafAndCache(const Coord&, AccessorT&) const { return this; }
586  template<typename NodeT, typename AccessorT>
587  const NodeT* probeConstNodeAndCache(const Coord&, AccessorT&) const
588  {
590  if (!(std::is_same<NodeT, LeafNode>::value)) return nullptr;
591  return reinterpret_cast<const NodeT*>(this);
593  }
594  //@}
596  //
597  // Iterators
598  //
599 protected:
604  template<typename MaskIterT, typename NodeT, typename ValueT>
605  struct ValueIter:
606  // Derives from SparseIteratorBase, but can also be used as a dense iterator,
607  // if MaskIterT is a dense mask iterator type.
608  public SparseIteratorBase<MaskIterT, ValueIter<MaskIterT, NodeT, ValueT>, NodeT, ValueT>
609  {
613  ValueIter(const MaskIterT& iter, NodeT* parent): BaseT(iter, parent) {}
615  const bool& getItem(Index pos) const { return this->parent().getValue(pos); }
616  const bool& getValue() const { return this->getItem(this->pos()); }
618  // Note: setItem() can't be called on const iterators.
619  void setItem(Index pos, bool value) const { this->parent().setValueOnly(pos, value); }
620  // Note: setValue() can't be called on const iterators.
621  void setValue(bool value) const { this->setItem(this->pos(), value); }
623  // Note: modifyItem() can't be called on const iterators.
624  template<typename ModifyOp>
625  void modifyItem(Index n, const ModifyOp& op) const { this->parent().modifyValue(n, op); }
626  // Note: modifyValue() can't be called on const iterators.
627  template<typename ModifyOp>
628  void modifyValue(const ModifyOp& op) const { this->modifyItem(this->pos(), op); }
629  };
631  /// Leaf nodes have no children, so their child iterators have no get/set accessors.
632  template<typename MaskIterT, typename NodeT>
633  struct ChildIter:
634  public SparseIteratorBase<MaskIterT, ChildIter<MaskIterT, NodeT>, NodeT, bool>
635  {
637  ChildIter(const MaskIterT& iter, NodeT* parent): SparseIteratorBase<
638  MaskIterT, ChildIter<MaskIterT, NodeT>, NodeT, bool>(iter, parent) {}
639  };
641  template<typename NodeT, typename ValueT>
642  struct DenseIter: public DenseIteratorBase<
643  MaskDenseIter, DenseIter<NodeT, ValueT>, NodeT, /*ChildT=*/void, ValueT>
644  {
649  DenseIter(const MaskDenseIter& iter, NodeT* parent): BaseT(iter, parent) {}
651  bool getItem(Index pos, void*& child, NonConstValueT& value) const
652  {
653  value = this->parent().getValue(pos);
654  child = nullptr;
655  return false; // no child
656  }
658  // Note: setItem() can't be called on const iterators.
659  //void setItem(Index pos, void* child) const {}
661  // Note: unsetItem() can't be called on const iterators.
662  void unsetItem(Index pos, const ValueT& val) const {this->parent().setValueOnly(pos, val);}
663  };
665 public:
666  using ValueOnIter = ValueIter<MaskOnIter, LeafNode, const bool>;
667  using ValueOnCIter = ValueIter<MaskOnIter, const LeafNode, const bool>;
668  using ValueOffIter = ValueIter<MaskOffIter, LeafNode, const bool>;
669  using ValueOffCIter = ValueIter<MaskOffIter, const LeafNode, const bool>;
670  using ValueAllIter = ValueIter<MaskDenseIter, LeafNode, const bool>;
671  using ValueAllCIter = ValueIter<MaskDenseIter, const LeafNode, const bool>;
672  using ChildOnIter = ChildIter<MaskOnIter, LeafNode>;
673  using ChildOnCIter = ChildIter<MaskOnIter, const LeafNode>;
674  using ChildOffIter = ChildIter<MaskOffIter, LeafNode>;
675  using ChildOffCIter = ChildIter<MaskOffIter, const LeafNode>;
676  using ChildAllIter = DenseIter<LeafNode, bool>;
677  using ChildAllCIter = DenseIter<const LeafNode, const bool>;
679  ValueOnCIter cbeginValueOn() const { return ValueOnCIter(mBuffer.mData.beginOn(), this); }
680  ValueOnCIter beginValueOn() const { return ValueOnCIter(mBuffer.mData.beginOn(), this); }
681  ValueOnIter beginValueOn() { return ValueOnIter(mBuffer.mData.beginOn(), this); }
682  ValueOffCIter cbeginValueOff() const { return ValueOffCIter(mBuffer.mData.beginOff(), this); }
683  ValueOffCIter beginValueOff() const { return ValueOffCIter(mBuffer.mData.beginOff(), this); }
684  ValueOffIter beginValueOff() { return ValueOffIter(mBuffer.mData.beginOff(), this); }
685  ValueAllCIter cbeginValueAll() const { return ValueAllCIter(mBuffer.mData.beginDense(), this); }
686  ValueAllCIter beginValueAll() const { return ValueAllCIter(mBuffer.mData.beginDense(), this); }
687  ValueAllIter beginValueAll() { return ValueAllIter(mBuffer.mData.beginDense(), this); }
689  ValueOnCIter cendValueOn() const { return ValueOnCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
690  ValueOnCIter endValueOn() const { return ValueOnCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
691  ValueOnIter endValueOn() { return ValueOnIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
692  ValueOffCIter cendValueOff() const { return ValueOffCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
693  ValueOffCIter endValueOff() const { return ValueOffCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
694  ValueOffIter endValueOff() { return ValueOffIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
695  ValueAllCIter cendValueAll() const { return ValueAllCIter(mBuffer.mData.endDense(), this); }
696  ValueAllCIter endValueAll() const { return ValueAllCIter(mBuffer.mData.endDense(), this); }
697  ValueAllIter endValueAll() { return ValueAllIter(mBuffer.mData.endDense(), this); }
699  // Note that [c]beginChildOn() and [c]beginChildOff() actually return end iterators,
700  // because leaf nodes have no children.
701  ChildOnCIter cbeginChildOn() const { return ChildOnCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
702  ChildOnCIter beginChildOn() const { return ChildOnCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
703  ChildOnIter beginChildOn() { return ChildOnIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
704  ChildOffCIter cbeginChildOff() const { return ChildOffCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
705  ChildOffCIter beginChildOff() const { return ChildOffCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
706  ChildOffIter beginChildOff() { return ChildOffIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
707  ChildAllCIter cbeginChildAll() const { return ChildAllCIter(mBuffer.mData.beginDense(), this); }
708  ChildAllCIter beginChildAll() const { return ChildAllCIter(mBuffer.mData.beginDense(), this); }
709  ChildAllIter beginChildAll() { return ChildAllIter(mBuffer.mData.beginDense(), this); }
711  ChildOnCIter cendChildOn() const { return ChildOnCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
712  ChildOnCIter endChildOn() const { return ChildOnCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
713  ChildOnIter endChildOn() { return ChildOnIter(mBuffer.mData.endOn(), this); }
714  ChildOffCIter cendChildOff() const { return ChildOffCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
715  ChildOffCIter endChildOff() const { return ChildOffCIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
716  ChildOffIter endChildOff() { return ChildOffIter(mBuffer.mData.endOff(), this); }
717  ChildAllCIter cendChildAll() const { return ChildAllCIter(mBuffer.mData.endDense(), this); }
718  ChildAllCIter endChildAll() const { return ChildAllCIter(mBuffer.mData.endDense(), this); }
719  ChildAllIter endChildAll() { return ChildAllIter(mBuffer.mData.endDense(), this); }
721  //
722  // Mask accessors
723  //
724  bool isValueMaskOn(Index n) const { return mBuffer.mData.isOn(n); }
725  bool isValueMaskOn() const { return mBuffer.mData.isOn(); }
726  bool isValueMaskOff(Index n) const { return mBuffer.mData.isOff(n); }
727  bool isValueMaskOff() const { return mBuffer.mData.isOff(); }
728  const NodeMaskType& getValueMask() const { return mBuffer.mData; }
729  const NodeMaskType& valueMask() const { return mBuffer.mData; }
730  NodeMaskType& getValueMask() { return mBuffer.mData; }
731  void setValueMask(const NodeMaskType& mask) { mBuffer.mData = mask; }
732  bool isChildMaskOn(Index) const { return false; } // leaf nodes have no children
733  bool isChildMaskOff(Index) const { return true; }
734  bool isChildMaskOff() const { return true; }
735 protected:
736  void setValueMask(Index n, bool on) { mBuffer.mData.set(n, on); }
737  void setValueMaskOn(Index n) { mBuffer.mData.setOn(n); }
738  void setValueMaskOff(Index n) { mBuffer.mData.setOff(n); }
740  /// Compute the origin of the leaf node that contains the voxel with the given coordinates.
741  static void evalNodeOrigin(Coord& xyz) { xyz &= ~(DIM - 1); }
743  /// Bitmask representing the values AND state of voxels
745  /// Global grid index coordinates (x,y,z) of the local origin of this node
746  Coord mOrigin;
747  /// Transient data (not serialized)
748  Index32 mTransientData = 0;
750 private:
751  /// @brief During topology-only construction, access is needed
752  /// to protected/private members of other template instances.
753  template<typename, Index> friend class LeafNode;
755  friend struct ValueIter<MaskOnIter, LeafNode, bool>;
756  friend struct ValueIter<MaskOffIter, LeafNode, bool>;
757  friend struct ValueIter<MaskDenseIter, LeafNode, bool>;
758  friend struct ValueIter<MaskOnIter, const LeafNode, bool>;
759  friend struct ValueIter<MaskOffIter, const LeafNode, bool>;
760  friend struct ValueIter<MaskDenseIter, const LeafNode, bool>;
762  //@{
763  /// Allow iterators to call mask accessor methods (see below).
764  /// @todo Make mask accessors public?
768  //@}
770  template<typename, Index> friend class LeafBuffer;
772 }; // class LeafNode<ValueMask>
775 ////////////////////////////////////////
778 template<Index Log2Dim>
779 inline
781  : mOrigin(0, 0, 0)
782 {
783 }
785 template<Index Log2Dim>
786 inline
787 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::LeafNode(const Coord& xyz, bool value, bool active)
788  : mBuffer(value || active)
789  , mOrigin(xyz & (~(DIM - 1)))
790 {
791 }
794 template<Index Log2Dim>
795 inline
796 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::LeafNode(PartialCreate, const Coord& xyz, bool value, bool active)
797  : mBuffer(value || active)
798  , mOrigin(xyz & (~(DIM - 1)))
799 {
800 }
803 template<Index Log2Dim>
804 inline
806  : mBuffer(other.mBuffer)
807  , mOrigin(other.mOrigin)
808  , mTransientData(other.mTransientData)
809 {
810 }
813 // Copy-construct from a leaf node with the same configuration but a different ValueType.
814 template<Index Log2Dim>
815 template<typename ValueT>
816 inline
818  : mBuffer(other.valueMask())
819  , mOrigin(other.origin())
820  , mTransientData(other.mTransientData)
821 {
822 }
825 template<Index Log2Dim>
826 template<typename ValueT>
827 inline
829  bool, TopologyCopy)
830  : mBuffer(other.valueMask())// value = active state
831  , mOrigin(other.origin())
832  , mTransientData(other.mTransientData)
833 {
834 }
837 template<Index Log2Dim>
838 template<typename ValueT>
839 inline
841  : mBuffer(other.valueMask())// value = active state
842  , mOrigin(other.origin())
843  , mTransientData(other.mTransientData)
844 {
845 }
848 template<Index Log2Dim>
849 template<typename ValueT>
850 inline
852  bool offValue, bool onValue, TopologyCopy)
853  : mBuffer(other.valueMask())
854  , mOrigin(other.origin())
855  , mTransientData(other.mTransientData)
856 {
857  if (offValue==true) {
858  if (onValue==false) {
859  mBuffer.mData.toggle();
860  } else {
861  mBuffer.mData.setOn();
862  }
863  }
864 }
867 template<Index Log2Dim>
868 inline
870 {
871 }
874 ////////////////////////////////////////
877 template<Index Log2Dim>
878 inline Index64
880 {
881  // Use sizeof(*this) to capture alignment-related padding
882  return sizeof(*this);
883 }
886 template<Index Log2Dim>
887 inline Index64
889 {
890  // Use sizeof(*this) to capture alignment-related padding
891  return sizeof(*this);
892 }
895 template<Index Log2Dim>
896 inline void
897 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::evalActiveBoundingBox(CoordBBox& bbox, bool visitVoxels) const
898 {
899  CoordBBox this_bbox = this->getNodeBoundingBox();
900  if (bbox.isInside(this_bbox)) return;//this LeafNode is already enclosed in the bbox
901  if (ValueOnCIter iter = this->cbeginValueOn()) {//any active values?
902  if (visitVoxels) {//use voxel granularity?
903  this_bbox.reset();
904  for(; iter; ++iter) this_bbox.expand(this->offsetToLocalCoord(iter.pos()));
905  this_bbox.translate(this->origin());
906  }
907  bbox.expand(this_bbox);
908  }
909 }
912 template<Index Log2Dim>
913 template<typename OtherType, Index OtherLog2Dim>
914 inline bool
916 {
917  OPENVDB_ASSERT(other);
918  return (Log2Dim == OtherLog2Dim && mBuffer.mData == other->getValueMask());
919 }
922 template<Index Log2Dim>
923 inline std::string
925 {
926  std::ostringstream ostr;
927  ostr << "LeafNode @" << mOrigin << ": ";
928  for (Index32 n = 0; n < SIZE; ++n) ostr << (mBuffer.mData.isOn(n) ? '#' : '.');
929  return ostr.str();
930 }
933 ////////////////////////////////////////
936 template<Index Log2Dim>
937 inline Index
939 {
940  OPENVDB_ASSERT((xyz[0] & (DIM-1u)) < DIM && (xyz[1] & (DIM-1u)) < DIM && (xyz[2] & (DIM-1u)) < DIM);
941  return ((xyz[0] & (DIM-1u)) << 2*Log2Dim)
942  + ((xyz[1] & (DIM-1u)) << Log2Dim)
943  + (xyz[2] & (DIM-1u));
944 }
947 template<Index Log2Dim>
948 inline Coord
950 {
951  OPENVDB_ASSERT(n < (1 << 3*Log2Dim));
952  Coord xyz;
953  xyz.setX(n >> 2*Log2Dim);
954  n &= ((1 << 2*Log2Dim) - 1);
955  xyz.setY(n >> Log2Dim);
956  xyz.setZ(n & ((1 << Log2Dim) - 1));
957  return xyz;
958 }
961 template<Index Log2Dim>
962 inline Coord
964 {
965  return (this->offsetToLocalCoord(n) + this->origin());
966 }
969 ////////////////////////////////////////
972 template<Index Log2Dim>
973 inline void
974 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::readTopology(std::istream& is, bool /*fromHalf*/)
975 {
976  mBuffer.mData.load(is);
977 }
980 template<Index Log2Dim>
981 inline void
982 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::writeTopology(std::ostream& os, bool /*toHalf*/) const
983 {
985 }
988 template<Index Log2Dim>
989 inline void
990 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::readBuffers(std::istream& is, const CoordBBox& clipBBox, bool fromHalf)
991 {
992  // Boolean LeafNodes don't currently implement lazy loading.
993  // Instead, load the full buffer, then clip it.
995  this->readBuffers(is, fromHalf);
997  // Get this tree's background value.
998  bool background = false;
999  if (const void* bgPtr = io::getGridBackgroundValuePtr(is)) {
1000  background = *static_cast<const bool*>(bgPtr);
1001  }
1002  this->clip(clipBBox, background);
1003 }
1006 template<Index Log2Dim>
1007 inline void
1008 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::readBuffers(std::istream& is, bool /*fromHalf*/)
1009 {
1010  // Read in the value mask = buffer.
1011  mBuffer.mData.load(is);
1012  // Read in the origin.
1013<char*>(&mOrigin), sizeof(Coord::ValueType) * 3);
1014 }
1017 template<Index Log2Dim>
1018 inline void
1019 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::writeBuffers(std::ostream& os, bool /*toHalf*/) const
1020 {
1021  // Write out the value mask = buffer.
1023  // Write out the origin.
1024  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&mOrigin), sizeof(Coord::ValueType) * 3);
1025 }
1028 ////////////////////////////////////////
1031 template<Index Log2Dim>
1032 inline bool
1034 {
1035  return mOrigin == other.mOrigin && mBuffer == other.mBuffer;
1036 }
1039 template<Index Log2Dim>
1040 inline bool
1042 {
1043  return !(this->operator==(other));
1044 }
1047 ////////////////////////////////////////
1050 template<Index Log2Dim>
1051 inline bool
1052 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::isConstant(bool& constValue, bool& state, bool) const
1053 {
1054  if (!mBuffer.mData.isConstant(state)) return false;
1056  constValue = state;
1057  return true;
1058 }
1061 ////////////////////////////////////////
1063 template<Index Log2Dim>
1064 inline bool
1066 {
1067  const Index countTrue = mBuffer.mData.countOn();
1068  return countTrue > (NUM_VALUES >> 1);
1069 }
1071 template<Index Log2Dim>
1072 inline Index
1074 {
1075  const Index countTrueOn = mBuffer.mData.countOn();
1076  state = true;//since value and state are the same for this specialization of the leaf node
1077  return countTrueOn;
1078 }
1080 template<Index Log2Dim>
1081 inline Index
1083 {
1084  const Index countFalseOff = mBuffer.mData.countOff();
1085  state = false;//since value and state are the same for this specialization of the leaf node
1086  return countFalseOff;
1087 }
1090 ////////////////////////////////////////
1093 template<Index Log2Dim>
1094 inline void
1095 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::addTile(Index /*level*/, const Coord& xyz, bool val, bool active)
1096 {
1097  this->addTile(this->coordToOffset(xyz), val, active);
1098 }
1100 template<Index Log2Dim>
1101 inline void
1102 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::addTile(Index offset, bool val, bool active)
1103 {
1104  OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset < SIZE);
1105  this->setValueOnly(offset, val);
1106  this->setActiveState(offset, active);
1107 }
1109 template<Index Log2Dim>
1110 template<typename AccessorT>
1111 inline void
1113  bool val, bool active, AccessorT&)
1114 {
1115  this->addTile(level, xyz, val, active);
1116 }
1119 ////////////////////////////////////////
1122 template<Index Log2Dim>
1123 inline const bool&
1125 {
1126  // This *CANNOT* use operator ? because Visual C++
1127  if (mBuffer.mData.isOn(this->coordToOffset(xyz))) return Buffer::sOn; else return Buffer::sOff;
1128 }
1131 template<Index Log2Dim>
1132 inline const bool&
1134 {
1135  OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset < SIZE);
1136  // This *CANNOT* use operator ? for Windows
1137  if (mBuffer.mData.isOn(offset)) return Buffer::sOn; else return Buffer::sOff;
1138 }
1141 template<Index Log2Dim>
1142 inline bool
1143 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::probeValue(const Coord& xyz, bool& val) const
1144 {
1145  return this->probeValue(this->coordToOffset(xyz), val);
1146 }
1149 template<Index Log2Dim>
1150 inline bool
1152 {
1153  val = mBuffer.mData.isOn(offset);
1154  return val;
1155 }
1158 template<Index Log2Dim>
1159 inline void
1160 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::setValueOn(const Coord& xyz, bool val)
1161 {
1162  this->setValueOn(this->coordToOffset(xyz), val);
1163 }
1166 template<Index Log2Dim>
1167 inline void
1169 {
1170  OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset < SIZE);
1171  mBuffer.mData.set(offset, val);
1172 }
1175 template<Index Log2Dim>
1176 inline void
1178 {
1179  this->setValueOnly(this->coordToOffset(xyz), val);
1180 }
1183 template<Index Log2Dim>
1184 inline void
1186 {
1187  mBuffer.mData.set(this->coordToOffset(xyz), on);
1188 }
1191 template<Index Log2Dim>
1192 inline void
1194 {
1195  this->setValueOff(this->coordToOffset(xyz), val);
1196 }
1199 template<Index Log2Dim>
1200 inline void
1202 {
1203  OPENVDB_ASSERT(offset < SIZE);
1204  mBuffer.mData.set(offset, val);
1205 }
1208 template<Index Log2Dim>
1209 template<typename ModifyOp>
1210 inline void
1212 {
1213  bool val = mBuffer.mData.isOn(offset);
1214  op(val);
1215  mBuffer.mData.set(offset, val);
1216 }
1219 template<Index Log2Dim>
1220 template<typename ModifyOp>
1221 inline void
1222 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::modifyValue(const Coord& xyz, const ModifyOp& op)
1223 {
1224  this->modifyValue(this->coordToOffset(xyz), op);
1225 }
1228 template<Index Log2Dim>
1229 template<typename ModifyOp>
1230 inline void
1231 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::modifyValueAndActiveState(const Coord& xyz, const ModifyOp& op)
1232 {
1233  const Index offset = this->coordToOffset(xyz);
1234  bool val = mBuffer.mData.isOn(offset), state = val;
1235  op(val, state);
1236  mBuffer.mData.set(offset, val);
1237 }
1240 ////////////////////////////////////////
1243 template<Index Log2Dim>
1244 template<MergePolicy Policy>
1245 inline void
1246 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::merge(const LeafNode& other, bool /*bg*/, bool /*otherBG*/)
1247 {
1249  if (Policy == MERGE_NODES) return;
1250  mBuffer.mData |= other.mBuffer.mData;
1252 }
1254 template<Index Log2Dim>
1255 template<MergePolicy Policy>
1256 inline void
1258 {
1260  if (Policy != MERGE_ACTIVE_STATES_AND_NODES) return;
1261  if (tileValue) mBuffer.mData.setOn();
1263 }
1266 ////////////////////////////////////////
1269 template<Index Log2Dim>
1270 template<typename OtherType>
1271 inline void
1273 {
1274  mBuffer.mData |= other.valueMask();
1275 }
1278 template<Index Log2Dim>
1279 template<typename OtherType>
1280 inline void
1282  const bool&)
1283 {
1284  mBuffer.mData &= other.valueMask();
1285 }
1288 template<Index Log2Dim>
1289 template<typename OtherType>
1290 inline void
1292  const bool&)
1293 {
1294  mBuffer.mData &= !other.valueMask();
1295 }
1298 ////////////////////////////////////////
1301 template<Index Log2Dim>
1302 inline void
1303 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::clip(const CoordBBox& clipBBox, bool background)
1304 {
1305  CoordBBox nodeBBox = this->getNodeBoundingBox();
1306  if (!clipBBox.hasOverlap(nodeBBox)) {
1307  // This node lies completely outside the clipping region. Fill it with background tiles.
1308  this->fill(nodeBBox, background, /*active=*/false);
1309  } else if (clipBBox.isInside(nodeBBox)) {
1310  // This node lies completely inside the clipping region. Leave it intact.
1311  return;
1312  }
1314  // This node isn't completely contained inside the clipping region.
1315  // Set any voxels that lie outside the region to the background value.
1317  // Construct a boolean mask that is on inside the clipping region and off outside it.
1318  NodeMaskType mask;
1319  nodeBBox.intersect(clipBBox);
1320  Coord xyz;
1321  int &x = xyz.x(), &y = xyz.y(), &z = xyz.z();
1322  for (x = nodeBBox.min().x(); x <= nodeBBox.max().x(); ++x) {
1323  for (y = nodeBBox.min().y(); y <= nodeBBox.max().y(); ++y) {
1324  for (z = nodeBBox.min().z(); z <= nodeBBox.max().z(); ++z) {
1325  mask.setOn(static_cast<Index32>(this->coordToOffset(xyz)));
1326  }
1327  }
1328  }
1330  // Set voxels that lie in the inactive region of the mask (i.e., outside
1331  // the clipping region) to the background value.
1332  for (MaskOffIter maskIter = mask.beginOff(); maskIter; ++maskIter) {
1333  this->setValueOff(maskIter.pos(), background);
1334  }
1335 }
1338 ////////////////////////////////////////
1341 template<Index Log2Dim>
1342 inline void
1343 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::fill(const CoordBBox& bbox, bool value, bool)
1344 {
1345  auto clippedBBox = this->getNodeBoundingBox();
1346  clippedBBox.intersect(bbox);
1347  if (!clippedBBox) return;
1349  for (Int32 x = clippedBBox.min().x(); x <= clippedBBox.max().x(); ++x) {
1350  const Index offsetX = (x & (DIM-1u))<<2*Log2Dim;
1351  for (Int32 y = clippedBBox.min().y(); y <= clippedBBox.max().y(); ++y) {
1352  const Index offsetXY = offsetX + ((y & (DIM-1u))<< Log2Dim);
1353  for (Int32 z = clippedBBox.min().z(); z <= clippedBBox.max().z(); ++z) {
1354  const Index offset = offsetXY + (z & (DIM-1u));
1355  mBuffer.mData.set(offset, value);
1356  }
1357  }
1358  }
1359 }
1361 template<Index Log2Dim>
1362 inline void
1363 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::fill(const bool& value, bool)
1364 {
1365  mBuffer.fill(value);
1366 }
1369 ////////////////////////////////////////
1372 template<Index Log2Dim>
1373 template<typename DenseT>
1374 inline void
1375 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::copyToDense(const CoordBBox& bbox, DenseT& dense) const
1376 {
1377  using DenseValueType = typename DenseT::ValueType;
1379  const size_t xStride = dense.xStride(), yStride = dense.yStride(), zStride = dense.zStride();
1380  const Coord& min = dense.bbox().min();
1381  DenseValueType* t0 = + zStride * (bbox.min()[2] - min[2]); // target array
1382  const Int32 n0 = bbox.min()[2] & (DIM-1u);
1383  for (Int32 x = bbox.min()[0], ex = bbox.max()[0] + 1; x < ex; ++x) {
1384  DenseValueType* t1 = t0 + xStride * (x - min[0]);
1385  const Int32 n1 = n0 + ((x & (DIM-1u)) << 2*LOG2DIM);
1386  for (Int32 y = bbox.min()[1], ey = bbox.max()[1] + 1; y < ey; ++y) {
1387  DenseValueType* t2 = t1 + yStride * (y - min[1]);
1388  Int32 n2 = n1 + ((y & (DIM-1u)) << LOG2DIM);
1389  for (Int32 z = bbox.min()[2], ez = bbox.max()[2] + 1; z < ez; ++z, t2 += zStride) {
1390  *t2 = DenseValueType(mBuffer.mData.isOn(n2++));
1391  }
1392  }
1393  }
1394 }
1397 template<Index Log2Dim>
1398 template<typename DenseT>
1399 inline void
1400 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::copyFromDense(const CoordBBox& bbox, const DenseT& dense,
1401  bool background, bool tolerance)
1402 {
1403  using DenseValueType = typename DenseT::ValueType;
1404  struct Local {
1405  inline static bool toBool(const DenseValueType& v) { return !math::isZero(v); }
1406  };
1408  const size_t xStride = dense.xStride(), yStride = dense.yStride(), zStride = dense.zStride();
1409  const Coord& min = dense.bbox().min();
1410  const DenseValueType* s0 = + zStride * (bbox.min()[2] - min[2]); // source
1411  const Int32 n0 = bbox.min()[2] & (DIM-1u);
1412  for (Int32 x = bbox.min()[0], ex = bbox.max()[0] + 1; x < ex; ++x) {
1413  const DenseValueType* s1 = s0 + xStride * (x - min[0]);
1414  const Int32 n1 = n0 + ((x & (DIM-1u)) << 2*LOG2DIM);
1415  for (Int32 y = bbox.min()[1], ey = bbox.max()[1] + 1; y < ey; ++y) {
1416  const DenseValueType* s2 = s1 + yStride * (y - min[1]);
1417  Int32 n2 = n1 + ((y & (DIM-1u)) << LOG2DIM);
1418  for (Int32 z = bbox.min()[2], ez = bbox.max()[2]+1; z < ez; ++z, ++n2, s2 += zStride) {
1419  // Note: if tolerance is true (i.e., 1), then all boolean values compare equal.
1420  if (tolerance || (background == Local::toBool(*s2))) {
1421  mBuffer.mData.set(n2, background);
1422  } else {
1423  mBuffer.mData.set(n2, Local::toBool(*s2));
1424  }
1425  }
1426  }
1427  }
1428 }
1431 ////////////////////////////////////////
1434 template<Index Log2Dim>
1435 template<typename CombineOp>
1436 inline void
1438 {
1439  CombineArgs<bool> args;
1440  for (Index i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
1441  bool result = false, aVal = mBuffer.mData.isOn(i), bVal = other.mBuffer.mData.isOn(i);
1442  op(args.setARef(aVal)
1443  .setAIsActive(aVal)
1444  .setBRef(bVal)
1445  .setBIsActive(bVal)
1446  .setResultRef(result));
1447  mBuffer.mData.set(i, result);
1448  }
1449 }
1452 template<Index Log2Dim>
1453 template<typename CombineOp>
1454 inline void
1455 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::combine(bool value, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp& op)
1456 {
1457  CombineArgs<bool> args;
1458  args.setBRef(value).setBIsActive(valueIsActive);
1459  for (Index i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
1460  bool result = false, aVal = mBuffer.mData.isOn(i);
1461  op(args.setARef(aVal)
1462  .setAIsActive(aVal)
1463  .setResultRef(result));
1464  mBuffer.mData.set(i, result);
1465  }
1466 }
1469 ////////////////////////////////////////
1472 template<Index Log2Dim>
1473 template<typename CombineOp, typename OtherType>
1474 inline void
1475 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::combine2(const LeafNode& other, const OtherType& value,
1476  bool valueIsActive, CombineOp& op)
1477 {
1479  args.setBRef(value).setBIsActive(valueIsActive);
1480  for (Index i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
1481  bool result = false, aVal = other.mBuffer.mData.isOn(i);
1482  op(args.setARef(aVal)
1483  .setAIsActive(aVal)
1484  .setResultRef(result));
1485  mBuffer.mData.set(i, result);
1486  }
1487 }
1490 template<Index Log2Dim>
1491 template<typename CombineOp, typename OtherNodeT>
1492 inline void
1493 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::combine2(bool value, const OtherNodeT& other,
1494  bool valueIsActive, CombineOp& op)
1495 {
1497  args.setARef(value).setAIsActive(valueIsActive);
1498  for (Index i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
1499  bool result = false, bVal = other.mBuffer.mData.isOn(i);
1500  op(args.setBRef(bVal)
1501  .setBIsActive(bVal)
1502  .setResultRef(result));
1503  mBuffer.mData.set(i, result);
1504  }
1505 }
1508 template<Index Log2Dim>
1509 template<typename CombineOp, typename OtherNodeT>
1510 inline void
1511 LeafNode<ValueMask, Log2Dim>::combine2(const LeafNode& b0, const OtherNodeT& b1, CombineOp& op)
1512 {
1514  for (Index i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
1515  bool result = false, b0Val = b0.mBuffer.mData.isOn(i), b1Val = b1.mBuffer.mData.isOn(i);
1516  op(args.setARef(b0Val)
1517  .setAIsActive(b0Val)
1518  .setBRef(b1Val)
1519  .setBIsActive(b1Val)
1520  .setResultRef(result));
1521  mBuffer.mData.set(i, result);
1522  }
1523 }
1526 } // namespace tree
1527 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
1528 } // namespace openvdb
ChildIter< MaskOnIter, const LeafNode > ChildOnCIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:673
Index64 offLeafVoxelCount() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:128
Templated block class to hold specific data types and a fixed number of values determined by Log2Dim...
Definition: LeafNode.h:38
void setActiveStateUnsafe(Index offset, bool on)
Set the active state of the voxel at the given offset but don&#39;t change its value. ...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:464
void copyToDense(const GridOrTreeT &sparse, DenseT &dense, bool serial=false)
Populate a dense grid with the values of voxels from a sparse grid, where the sparse grid intersects ...
Definition: Dense.h:422
void setValueMask(Index n, bool on)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:736
const NodeT * probeConstNode(const Coord &) const
This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:551
ValueType medianAll(ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const
Computes the median value of all the active AND inactive voxels in this node.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1541
void setValueOff(Index offset)
Mark the voxel at the given offset as inactive but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:248
void readBuffers(std::istream &is, bool fromHalf=false)
Read buffers from a stream.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1334
NodeMaskType & getValueMask()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:730
typename NodeMaskType::OffIterator MaskOffIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:601
ValueOnCIter cbeginValueOn() const
Definition: LeafNode.h:300
void modifyValueAndActiveState(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op)
Apply a functor to the voxel at the given coordinates.
Definition: LeafNode.h:459
bool isValueOn(const Coord &xyz) const
Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:286
void setValue(bool value) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:621
This struct collects both input and output arguments to "grid combiner" functors used with the tree::...
Definition: Types.h:568
ValueAllIter endValueAll()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:697
ValueAllIter beginValueAll()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:687
bool operator==(const LeafNode &other) const
Check for buffer, state and origin equivalence.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1449
void setValueOn(Index offset)
Mark the voxel at the given offset as active but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:258
Base class for iterators over internal and leaf nodes.
Definition: Iterator.h:29
void copyToDense(const CoordBBox &bbox, DenseT &dense) const
Copy into a dense grid the values of the voxels that lie within a given bounding box.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1234
void setValueOnly(Index offset, bool val)
Set the value of the voxel at the given offset but don&#39;t change its active state. ...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:243
Default constructor.
Definition: LeafNode.h:932
void setValueOff(const Coord &xyz)
Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as inactive but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:246
static Index numValues()
Return the total number of voxels represented by this LeafNode.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:107
void addLeaf(LeafNode *)
This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:543
static Index getValueLevel(const Coord &)
Return the level (0) at which leaf node values reside.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:233
bool isValueMaskOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:725
void readTopology(std::istream &is, bool fromHalf=false)
Read in just the topology.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1298
void setValueOnlyUnsafe(Index offset, const bool &value)
Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but don&#39;t change its active state.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:466
General-purpose arithmetic and comparison routines, most of which accept arbitrary value types (or at...
void unsetItem(Index pos, const ValueT &val) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:662
Index64 memUsageIfLoaded(const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
Return the deserialized memory usage of this tree. This is not necessarily equal to the current memor...
Definition: Count.h:502
bool isValueMaskOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:727
bool isChildMaskOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:734
typename NodeMaskType::OnIterator MaskOnIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:600
void modifyValue(Index offset, const ModifyOp &op)
Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as active...
Definition: LeafNode.h:438
ChildIter(const MaskIterT &iter, NodeT *parent)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:637
uint64_t Index64
Definition: Types.h:53
bool isChildMaskOn(Index) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:732
ChildOffCIter cbeginChildOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:704
void setOn(Index32 n)
Set the nth bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:452
void topologyIntersection(const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &)
Intersect this node&#39;s set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may be different. So a resulting voxel will be active only if both of the original voxels were active.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1718
void setValueOff(const Coord &xyz)
Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as inactive but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNode.h:410
CoordBBox getNodeBoundingBox() const
Return the bounding box of this node, i.e., the full index space spanned by this leaf node...
Definition: LeafNode.h:170
void setValueOnlyAndCache(const Coord &xyz, bool val, AccessorT &)
Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but preserve its state.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:360
bool getValueUnsafe(Index offset, bool &value) const
Return true if the voxel at the given offset is active and set value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:462
void setActiveState(const Coord &xyz, bool on)
Set the active state of the voxel at the given coordinates but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1125
bool isInactive() const
Return true if all of this node&#39;s values are inactive.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:451
static const Index DIM
Definition: LeafNode.h:51
ChildAllCIter cendChildAll() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:717
void combine(const LeafNode &other, CombineOp &op)
Definition: LeafNode.h:1751
const ValueType & getValue(const Coord &xyz) const
Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1075
Bit mask for the internal and leaf nodes of VDB. This is a 64-bit implementation. ...
Definition: NodeMasks.h:307
void stealNodes(ArrayT &, const ValueType &, bool)
This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:553
void setValueOn(const Coord &xyz)
Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as active but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNode.h:420
DenseIter< const LeafNode, const bool > ChildAllCIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:677
Definition: NodeMasks.h:270
void swap(Buffer &other)
Exchange this node&#39;s data buffer with the given data buffer without changing the active states of the...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:197
GridType::Ptr clip(const GridType &grid, const BBoxd &bbox, bool keepInterior=true)
Clip the given grid against a world-space bounding box and return a new grid containing the result...
Definition: Clip.h:352
ValueOffCIter cbeginValueOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:682
const bool & getValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const
Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:344
typename NodeMaskType::DenseIterator MaskDenseIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:602
void copyFromDense(const CoordBBox &bbox, const DenseT &dense, const ValueType &background, const ValueType &tolerance)
Copy from a dense grid into this node the values of the voxels that lie within a given bounding box...
Definition: LeafNode.h:1261
Definition: NodeMasks.h:239
static Coord offsetToLocalCoord(Index n)
Return the local coordinates for a linear table offset, where offset 0 has coordinates (0...
Definition: LeafNode.h:1050
Definition: Coord.h:590
void setItem(Index pos, bool value) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:619
void setValueMaskOn(Index n)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:737
ChildAllIter endChildAll()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:719
ValueIter(const MaskIterT &iter, NodeT *parent)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:613
NodeT * probeNodeAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &)
Return a pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:570
const Coord & origin() const
Return the grid index coordinates of this node&#39;s local origin.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:162
static const Index SIZE
Definition: LeafNode.h:54
void setValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, bool val, AccessorT &)
Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark it as active.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:354
static Index getLevel()
Return the level of this node, which by definition is zero for LeafNodes.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:109
static void getNodeLog2Dims(std::vector< Index > &dims)
Append the Log2Dim of this LeafNode to the specified vector.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:111
ValueAllCIter cendValueAll() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:695
int32_t Int32
Definition: Types.h:56
Index32 Index
Definition: Types.h:54
const Coord & origin() const
Return the grid index coordinates of this node&#39;s local origin.
Definition: LeafNode.h:176
static Index64 nonLeafCount()
Return the non-leaf count for this node, which is zero.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:121
ValueIter< MaskDenseIter, LeafNode, const bool > ValueAllIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:670
OutGridT XformOp & op
Definition: ValueTransformer.h:139
void negate()
Invert the bits of the voxels, i.e. states and values.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:481
bool ValueType
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:36
const bool & getItem(Index pos) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:615
ChildOnCIter beginChildOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:702
ChildOffIter beginChildOff()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:706
void setValueMask(const NodeMaskType &mask)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:731
ValueOffCIter cendValueOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:692
bool isChildMaskOff(Index) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:733
static void evalNodeOrigin(Coord &xyz)
Compute the origin of the leaf node that contains the voxel with the given coordinates.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:741
ValueOffIter beginValueOff()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:684
static Index64 leafCount()
Return the leaf count for this node, which is one.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:115
void merge(const LeafNode &)
Definition: LeafNode.h:1661
DenseIter< LeafNode, bool > ChildAllIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:676
ValueIter< MaskOffIter, LeafNode, const bool > ValueOffIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:668
void setValueOffUnsafe(Index offset)
Mark the voxel at the given offset as inactive but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:472
void addTile(Index level, const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool)
Definition: LeafNode.h:1610
static Index coordToOffset(const Coord &xyz)
Return the linear table offset of the given global or local coordinates.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1040
Index64 memUsage() const
Return the memory in bytes occupied by this node.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1459
ChildAllCIter cbeginChildAll() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:707
void denseFill(const CoordBBox &bbox, bool value, bool=false)
Set all voxels within an axis-aligned box to the specified value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:303
bool operator==(const Vec3< T0 > &v0, const Vec3< T1 > &v1)
Equality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Vec3.h:474
ChildIter< MaskOffIter, const LeafNode > ChildOffCIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:675
void evalActiveBoundingBox(CoordBBox &bbox, bool visitVoxels=true) const
Definition: LeafNode.h:1479
static const Index LOG2DIM
Definition: LeafNode.h:49
bool isValueMaskOn(Index n) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:724
OutGridT XformOp bool bool MergePolicy merge
Definition: ValueTransformer.h:141
ChildOnCIter cbeginChildOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:701
void getOrigin(Int32 &x, Int32 &y, Int32 &z) const
Return the grid index coordinates of this node&#39;s local origin.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:164
static Index dim()
Return the number of voxels in each dimension.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:103
ValueOnCIter beginValueOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:680
bool isValueOn(Index offset) const
Return true if the voxel at the given offset is active.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:288
bool operator!=(const LeafNode &other) const
Definition: LeafNode.h:204
ValueIter< MaskOffIter, const LeafNode, const bool > ValueOffCIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:669
void setValue(const Coord &xyz, bool val)
Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active. ...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:263
ValueAllCIter beginValueAll() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:686
ValueAllCIter endValueAll() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:696
CombineArgs & setBRef(const BValueType &b)
Redirect the B value to a new external source.
Definition: Types.h:623
void setValueOnly(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)
Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but don&#39;t change its active state.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1133
static Index size()
Return the total number of voxels represented by this LeafNode.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:105
void writeBuffers(std::ostream &os, bool toHalf=false) const
Write buffers to a stream.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1432
CoordBBox getNodeBoundingBox() const
Return the bounding box of this node, i.e., the full index space spanned by this leaf node...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:156
void modifyValueAndActiveStateAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op, AccessorT &)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:382
Definition: NodeMasks.h:208
Index64 memUsage(const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
Return the total amount of memory in bytes occupied by this tree.
Definition: Count.h:493
CombineArgs & setARef(const AValueType &a)
Redirect the A value to a new external source.
Definition: Types.h:621
void topologyDifference(const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &)
Difference this node&#39;s set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may be different. So a resulting voxel will be active only if the original voxel is active in this LeafNode and inactive in the other LeafNode.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1727
LeafNode specialization for values of type ValueMask that encodes both the active states and the bool...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:31
std::shared_ptr< T > SharedPtr
Definition: Types.h:114
bool isZero(const Type &x)
Return true if x is exactly equal to zero.
Definition: Math.h:337
Buffer & buffer()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:199
Definition: Assert.h:41
bool hasSameTopology(const LeafNode< OtherType, OtherLog2Dim > *other) const
Return true if the given node (which may have a different ValueType than this node) has the same acti...
Definition: LeafNode.h:1497
Index64 onVoxelCount() const
Return the number of active voxels.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:124
void setValueMaskOff(Index n)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:738
Definition: Types.h:508
ValueOffCIter endValueOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:693
ChildOnCIter cendChildOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:711
ValueOnCIter cendValueOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:689
void writeTopology(std::ostream &os, bool toHalf=false) const
Write out just the topology.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1306
void voxelizeActiveTiles(bool=true)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:489
static const Index NUM_VALUES
Definition: LeafNode.h:52
ValueIter< MaskDenseIter, const LeafNode, const bool > ValueAllCIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:671
bool isValueOff(Index offset) const
Return true if the voxel at the given offset is inactive.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:292
const LeafNode * probeConstLeafAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &) const
Return a const pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:585
ValueOnIter beginValueOn()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:681
void getOrigin(Coord &origin) const
Return the grid index coordinates of this node&#39;s local origin.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:163
ChildOnCIter endChildOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:712
static Index log2dim()
Return log2 of the size of the buffer storage.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:101
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
bool isDense() const
Return true if this node only contains active voxels.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:135
Coord mOrigin
Global grid index coordinates (x,y,z) of the local origin of this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:746
Definition: Platform.h:140
bool getItem(Index pos, void *&child, NonConstValueT &value) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:651
ValueOnIter endValueOn()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:691
Index medianOn(ValueType &value, ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const
Computes the median value of all the active voxels in this node.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1559
Definition: Types.h:111
LeafNode * probeLeafAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &)
Return a pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:568
const NodeMaskType & valueMask() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:729
void setTransientData(Index32 transientData)
Set the transient data value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:178
bool allocate()
Allocate memory for this node&#39;s buffer if it has not already been allocated.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:143
const LeafNode * probeLeaf(const Coord &) const
Return a const pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:580
bool probeValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, bool &val, AccessorT &) const
Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active and return the voxel value in val...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:400
ValueIter< MaskOnIter, LeafNode, const bool > ValueOnIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:666
void setValueOnUnsafe(Index offset)
Mark the voxel at the given offset as active but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:468
std::string str() const
Return a string representation of this node.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1027
typename BaseT::NonConstValueType NonConstValueT
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:646
const bool & getLastValue() const
Return a const reference to the last entry in the buffer.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:417
void setValueOffUnsafe(Index offset, const bool &value)
Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active. ...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:474
OutGridT const XformOp bool bool
Definition: ValueTransformer.h:609
ChildAllCIter beginChildAll() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:708
ChildOffCIter endChildOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:715
const LeafNode * probeConstLeaf(const Coord &) const
Return a const pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:583
ChildOnIter beginChildOn()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:703
void addTileAndCache(Index, const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool, AccessorT &)
Definition: LeafNode.h:1627
static bool hasActiveTiles()
Return false since leaf nodes never contain tiles.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:295
static Index getValueLevelAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &)
Return the LEVEL (=0) at which leaf node values reside.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:408
void modifyItem(Index n, const ModifyOp &op) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:625
void setValuesOn()
Mark all voxels as active but don&#39;t change their values.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:281
void setActiveState(Index offset, bool on)
Set the active state of the voxel at the given offset but don&#39;t change its value. ...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:238
Index64 offVoxelCount() const
Return the number of inactive voxels.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:126
const LeafNode * probeLeafAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &) const
Return a const pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:582
Index64 memUsageIfLoaded() const
Definition: LeafNode.h:1469
void setValueOnUnsafe(Index offset, const bool &value)
Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active. ...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:470
void copyFromDense(const DenseT &dense, GridOrTreeT &sparse, const typename GridOrTreeT::ValueType &tolerance, bool serial=false)
Populate a sparse grid with the values of all of the voxels of a dense grid.
Definition: Dense.h:569
void setValuesOff()
Mark all voxels as inactive but don&#39;t change their values.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:283
ValueOffIter endValueOff()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:694
ChildOffCIter cendChildOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:714
const bool & getValue() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:616
bool probeValue(const Coord &xyz, ValueType &val) const
Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1091
OffIterator beginOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:354
void resetBackground(bool, bool)
no-op since for this template specialization voxel values and states are indistinguishable.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:478
static Index64 offTileCount()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:130
const NodeMaskType & getValueMask() const
Definition: LeafNode.h:884
ValueIter< MaskOnIter, const LeafNode, const bool > ValueOnCIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:667
uint32_t Index32
Definition: Types.h:52
LeafNode * probeLeaf(const Coord &)
Return a pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:566
Coord offsetToGlobalCoord(Index n) const
Return the global coordinates for a linear table offset.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1064
Definition: Platform.h:141
Buffer mBuffer
Bitmask representing the values AND state of voxels.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:744
ChildOffIter endChildOff()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:716
ValueOnCIter cbeginValueOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:679
OPENVDB_API const void * getGridBackgroundValuePtr(std::ios_base &)
Return a pointer to the background value of the grid currently being read from or written to the give...
bool isConstant(ValueType &firstValue, bool &state, const ValueType &tolerance=zeroVal< ValueType >()) const
Definition: LeafNode.h:1505
DenseIter(const MaskDenseIter &iter, NodeT *parent)
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:649
ChildOnIter endChildOn()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:713
void topologyUnion(const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const bool preserveTiles=false)
Union this node&#39;s set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may ...
Definition: LeafNode.h:1710
NodeT * probeNode(const Coord &)
This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:549
void clip(const CoordBBox &, const ValueType &background)
Set all voxels that lie outside the given axis-aligned box to the background.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1151
typename std::remove_const< UnsetItemT >::type NonConstValueType
Definition: Iterator.h:184
bool isValueOff(const Coord &xyz) const
Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is inactive.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:290
bool isValueOnAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const
Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:349
ValueOffCIter beginValueOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:683
const NodeT * probeConstNodeAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &) const
Return a const pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:587
void modifyValue(const ModifyOp &op) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:628
const NodeMaskType & valueMask() const
Definition: LeafNode.h:886
void setOrigin(const Coord &origin)
Set the grid index coordinates of this node&#39;s local origin.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:159
LeafNode * touchLeafAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &)
Return a pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:565
void setActiveStateAndCache(const Coord &xyz, bool on, AccessorT &)
Set the active state of the voxel at the given coordinates without changing its value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:391
static Index getChildDim()
Return the dimension of child nodes of this LeafNode, which is one for voxels.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:113
Index32 transientData() const
Return the transient data value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:176
static Index64 onTileCount()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:129
Tag dispatch class that distinguishes topology copy constructors from deep copy constructors.
Definition: Types.h:683
NodeT * stealNode(const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool)
This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:547
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & min(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:106
ChildOffCIter beginChildOff() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:705
Index medianOff(ValueType &value, ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const
Computes the median value of all the inactive voxels in this node.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1583
LeafNode * touchLeaf(const Coord &)
Return a pointer to this node.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:563
void prune(const ValueType &=zeroVal< ValueType >())
This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:542
bool isValueMaskOff(Index n) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:726
const bool & getFirstValue() const
Return a const reference to the first entry in the buffer.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:413
void getNodes(ArrayT &) const
This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:552
Definition: LeafNode.h:1020
The version namespace name for this library version.
bool isAllocated() const
Return true if memory for this node&#39;s buffer has been allocated.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:139
bool isEmpty() const
Return true if this node has no active voxels.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:133
Index64 onLeafVoxelCount() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:127
ChildAllIter beginChildAll()
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:709
ChildAllCIter endChildAll() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:718
void addLeafAndCache(LeafNode *, AccessorT &)
This function exists only to enable template instantiation.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:545
void combine2(const LeafNode &other, const OtherType &, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp &)
Definition: LeafNode.h:1791
ValueType combine(const ValueType &v0, const ValueType &v1, const ValueType &v2, const openvdb::Vec3d &w)
Combine different value types.
Definition: AttributeTransferUtil.h:141
ChildIter< MaskOnIter, LeafNode > ChildOnIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:672
void setValueOffAndCache(const Coord &xyz, bool value, AccessorT &)
Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark it as inactive.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:365
const NodeMaskType & getValueMask() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:728
ChildIter< MaskOffIter, LeafNode > ChildOffIter
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:674
Definition: PointDataGrid.h:171
ValueOnCIter endValueOn() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:690
Base class for dense iterators over internal and leaf nodes.
Definition: Iterator.h:178
Definition: Platform.h:148
void fill(const ValueType &)
Populate this buffer with a constant value.
Definition: LeafBuffer.h:275
void fill(const CoordBBox &bbox, const ValueType &, bool active=true)
Set all voxels within an axis-aligned box to the specified value and active state.
Definition: LeafNode.h:1191
void nodeCount(std::vector< Index64 > &) const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:117
SharedPtr< LeafNodeType > Ptr
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:39
const Buffer & buffer() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:198
void setValueOn(const Coord &xyz)
Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as active but don&#39;t change its value.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:256
bool operator!=(const Vec3< T0 > &v0, const Vec3< T1 > &v1)
Inequality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Vec3.h:482
const bool & getValueUnsafe(Index offset) const
Return the value of the voxel at the given offset.
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:460
Base class for sparse iterators over internal and leaf nodes.
Definition: Iterator.h:114
ValueAllCIter cbeginValueAll() const
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:685
Tag dispatch class that distinguishes constructors during file input.
Definition: Types.h:689
void modifyValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op, AccessorT &)
Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active...
Definition: LeafNodeMask.h:374