OpenVDB  12.0.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3 //
4 /// @author Nick Avramoussis
5 ///
6 /// @file PointRasterizeSDF.h
7 ///
8 /// @brief Transfer schemes for rasterizing point positional and radius data to
9 /// signed distance fields with optional closest point attribute transfers.
10 /// All methods support arbitrary target linear transformations, fixed or
11 /// varying point radius, filtering of point data and arbitrary types for
12 /// attribute transferring.
13 ///
14 /// @details There are two main transfer implementations; rasterizeSpheres and
15 /// rasterizeSmoothSpheres. The prior performs trivial narrow band stamping
16 /// of spheres for each point, where as the latter calculates an averaged
17 /// position of influence per voxel as described in:
18 /// [Animating Sand as a Fluid - Zhu Bridson 05].
19 ///
20 /// rasterizeSpheres() is an extremely fast and efficient way to produce both a
21 /// valid symmetrical narrow band level set and transfer attributes using
22 /// closest point lookups.
23 ///
24 /// rasterizeSmoothSpheres() produces smoother, more blended connections
25 /// between points which is ideal for generating a more artistically pleasant
26 /// surface directly from point distributions. It aims to avoid typical post
27 /// filtering operations used to smooth surface volumes. Note however that
28 /// rasterizeSmoothSpheres may not necessarily produce a *symmetrical* narrow
29 /// band level set; the exterior band may be smaller than desired depending on
30 /// the search radius. The surface can be rebuilt or resized if necessary.
31 /// The same closet point algorithm is used to transfer attributes.
32 ///
33 /// In general, it is recommended to consider post rebuilding/renormalizing the
34 /// generated surface using either tools::levelSetRebuild() or
35 /// tools::LevelSetTracker::normalize() tools::LevelSetTracker::resize().
36 ///
37 /// @note These methods use the framework provided in PointTransfer.h
38 ///
43 #include "PointDataGrid.h"
44 #include "PointTransfer.h"
45 #include "PointStatistics.h"
47 #include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
48 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
49 #include <openvdb/tools/Prune.h>
51 #include <openvdb/thread/Threading.h>
53 #include <openvdb/util/Assert.h>
55 #include <unordered_map>
57 #include <tbb/task_group.h>
58 #include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
60 namespace openvdb {
63 namespace points {
65 /// @brief Narrow band sphere stamping with a uniform radius.
66 /// @details Rasterizes points into a level set using basic sphere stamping with
67 /// a uniform radius. The radius parameter is given in world space units and
68 /// is applied to every point to generate a fixed surface mask and consequent
69 /// distance values.
70 /// @param points the point data grid to rasterize
71 /// @param radius the world space radius of every point
72 /// @param halfband the half band width
73 /// @param transform the target transform for the surface
74 /// @param filter a filter to apply to points
75 /// @param interrupter optional interrupter
76 /// @return The signed distance field.
77 template <typename PointDataGridT,
78  typename SdfT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<float>::Type,
79  typename FilterT = NullFilter,
80  typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
81 typename SdfT::Ptr
82 rasterizeSpheres(const PointDataGridT& points,
83  const Real radius,
84  const Real halfband = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH,
85  math::Transform::Ptr transform = nullptr,
86  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
87  InterrupterT* interrupter = nullptr);
89 /// @brief Narrow band sphere stamping with a varying radius.
90 /// @details Rasterizes points into a level set using basic sphere stamping with
91 /// a variable radius. The radius string parameter expects a point attribute
92 /// of type RadiusT to exist.
93 /// @param points the point data grid to rasterize
94 /// @param radius the name of the radius attribute
95 /// @param scale an optional scale to apply to each per point radius
96 /// @param halfband the half band width
97 /// @param transform the target transform for the surface
98 /// @param filter a filter to apply to points
99 /// @param interrupter optional interrupter
100 /// @return The signed distance field.
101 template <typename PointDataGridT,
102  typename RadiusT = float,
103  typename SdfT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<float>::Type,
104  typename FilterT = NullFilter,
105  typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
106 typename SdfT::Ptr
107 rasterizeSpheres(const PointDataGridT& points,
108  const std::string& radius,
109  const Real scale = 1.0,
110  const Real halfband = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH,
111  math::Transform::Ptr transform = nullptr,
112  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
113  InterrupterT* interrupter = nullptr);
115 /// @brief Narrow band sphere stamping with a uniform radius and closest point
116 /// attribute transfer.
117 /// @details Rasterizes points into a level set using basic sphere stamping with
118 /// a uniform radius. The radius parameter is given in world space units and
119 /// is applied to every point to generate a fixed surface mask and consequent
120 /// distance values. Every voxel's closest point is used to transfer each
121 /// attribute in the attributes parameter to a new grid of matching topology.
122 /// The destination types of these grids is equal to the ValueConverter result
123 /// of the attribute type applied to the PointDataGridT.
124 /// @note The AttributeTypes template parameter should be a TypeList of the
125 /// required or possible attributes types. i.e. TypeList<int, float, double>.
126 /// A runtime error will be thrown if no equivalent type for a given attribute
127 //// is found in the AttributeTypes TypeList.
128 /// @param points the point data grid to rasterize
129 /// @param radius the world space radius of every point
130 /// @param attributes list of attributes to transfer
131 /// @param halfband the half band width
132 /// @param transform the target transform for the surface
133 /// @param filter a filter to apply to points
134 /// @param interrupter optional interrupter
135 /// @return A vector of grids. The signed distance field is guaranteed to be
136 /// first and at the type specified by SdfT. Successive grids are the closest
137 /// point attribute grids. These grids are guaranteed to have a topology
138 /// and transform equal to the surface.
139 template <typename PointDataGridT,
140  typename AttributeTypes,
141  typename SdfT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<float>::Type,
142  typename FilterT = NullFilter,
143  typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
145 rasterizeSpheres(const PointDataGridT& points,
146  const Real radius,
147  const std::vector<std::string>& attributes,
148  const Real halfband = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH,
149  math::Transform::Ptr transform = nullptr,
150  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
151  InterrupterT* interrupter = nullptr);
153 /// @brief Narrow band sphere stamping with a varying radius and closest point
154 /// attribute transfer.
155 /// @details Rasterizes points into a level set using basic sphere stamping with
156 /// a variable radius. The radius string parameter expects a point attribute
157 /// of type RadiusT to exist. Every voxel's closest point is used to transfer
158 /// each attribute in the attributes parameter to a new grid of matching
159 /// topology. The destination types of these grids is equal to the
160 /// ValueConverter result of the attribute type applied to the PointDataGridT.
161 /// @note The AttributeTypes template parameter should be a TypeList of the
162 /// required or possible attributes types. i.e. TypeList<int, float, double>.
163 /// A runtime error will be thrown if no equivalent type for a given attribute
164 //// is found in the AttributeTypes TypeList.
165 /// @param points the point data grid to rasterize
166 /// @param radius the name of the radius attribute
167 /// @param attributes list of attributes to transfer
168 /// @param scale scale to apply to each per point radius
169 /// @param halfband the half band width
170 /// @param transform the target transform for the surface
171 /// @param filter a filter to apply to points
172 /// @param interrupter optional interrupter
173 /// @return A vector of grids. The signed distance field is guaranteed to be
174 /// first and at the type specified by SdfT. Successive grids are the closest
175 /// point attribute grids. These grids are guaranteed to have a topology
176 /// and transform equal to the surface.
177 template <typename PointDataGridT,
178  typename AttributeTypes,
179  typename RadiusT = float,
180  typename SdfT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<float>::Type,
181  typename FilterT = NullFilter,
182  typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
184 rasterizeSpheres(const PointDataGridT& points,
185  const std::string& radius,
186  const std::vector<std::string>& attributes,
187  const Real scale = 1.0,
188  const Real halfband = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH,
189  math::Transform::Ptr transform = nullptr,
190  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
191  InterrupterT* interrupter = nullptr);
193 /// @brief Smoothed point distribution based sphere stamping with a uniform radius.
194 /// @details Rasterizes points into a level set using [Zhu Bridson 05] sphere
195 /// stamping with a uniform radius. The radius and search radius parameters
196 /// are given in world space units and are applied to every point to generate
197 /// a fixed surface mask and consequent distance values. The search radius is
198 /// each points points maximum contribution to the target level set. The search
199 /// radius should always have a value equal to or larger than the point radius.
200 /// @warning The width of the exterior half band *may* be smaller than the
201 /// specified half band if the search radius is less than the equivalent
202 /// world space halfband distance.
203 /// @param points the point data grid to rasterize
204 /// @param radius the world space radius of every point
205 /// @param searchRadius the maximum search distance of every point
206 /// @param halfband the half band width
207 /// @param transform the target transform for the surface
208 /// @param filter a filter to apply to points
209 /// @param interrupter optional interrupter
210 /// @return The signed distance field.
211 template <typename PointDataGridT,
212  typename SdfT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<float>::Type,
213  typename FilterT = NullFilter,
214  typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
215 typename SdfT::Ptr
216 rasterizeSmoothSpheres(const PointDataGridT& points,
217  const Real radius,
218  const Real searchRadius,
219  const Real halfband = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH,
220  math::Transform::Ptr transform = nullptr,
221  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
222  InterrupterT* interrupter = nullptr);
224 /// @brief Smoothed point distribution based sphere stamping with a varying radius.
225 /// @details Rasterizes points into a level set using [Zhu Bridson 05] sphere
226 /// stamping with a variable radius. The radius string parameter expects a
227 /// point attribute of type RadiusT to exist. The radiusScale parameter is
228 /// multiplier for radius values held on the radius attribute. The searchRadius
229 /// parameter remains a fixed size value which represents each points points
230 /// maximum contribution to the target level set. The radius scale and search
231 /// radius parameters are given in world space units and are applied to every
232 /// point to generate a fixed surface mask and consequent distance values. The
233 /// search radius should always have a value equal to or larger than the point
234 /// radii.
235 /// @warning The width of the exterior half band *may* be smaller than the
236 /// specified half band if the search radius is less than the equivalent
237 /// world space halfband distance.
238 /// @param points the point data grid to rasterize
239 /// @param radius the attribute containing the world space radius
240 /// @param radiusScale the scale applied to every world space radius value
241 /// @param searchRadius the maximum search distance of every point
242 /// @param halfband the half band width
243 /// @param transform the target transform for the surface
244 /// @param filter a filter to apply to points
245 /// @param interrupter optional interrupter
246 /// @return The signed distance field.
247 template <typename PointDataGridT,
248  typename RadiusT = float,
249  typename SdfT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<float>::Type,
250  typename FilterT = NullFilter,
251  typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
252 typename SdfT::Ptr
253 rasterizeSmoothSpheres(const PointDataGridT& points,
254  const std::string& radius,
255  const Real radiusScale,
256  const Real searchRadius,
257  const Real halfband = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH,
258  math::Transform::Ptr transform = nullptr,
259  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
260  InterrupterT* interrupter = nullptr);
262 /// @brief Smoothed point distribution based sphere stamping with a uniform
263 /// radius and closest point attribute transfer.
264 /// @details Rasterizes points into a level set using [Zhu Bridson 05] sphere
265 /// stamping with a uniform radius. The radius and search radius parameters
266 /// are given in world space units and are applied to every point to generate
267 /// a fixed surface mask and consequent distance values. The search radius is
268 /// each points points maximum contribution to the target level set. The
269 /// search radius should always be larger than the point radius. Every voxel's
270 /// closest point is used to transfer each attribute in the attributes
271 /// parameter to a new grid of matching topology. The destination types of
272 /// these grids is equal to the ValueConverter result of the attribute type
273 /// applied to the PointDataGridT.
274 /// @note The AttributeTypes template parameter should be a TypeList of the
275 /// required or possible attributes types. i.e. TypeList<int, float, double>.
276 /// A runtime error will be thrown if no equivalent type for a given attribute
277 /// is found in the AttributeTypes TypeList.
278 /// @warning The width of the exterior half band *may* be smaller than the
279 /// specified half band if the search radius is less than the equivalent
280 /// world space halfband distance.
281 /// @param points the point data grid to rasterize
282 /// @param radius the world space radius of every point
283 /// @param searchRadius the maximum search distance of every point
284 /// @param attributes list of attributes to transfer
285 /// @param halfband the half band width
286 /// @param transform the target transform for the surface
287 /// @param filter a filter to apply to points
288 /// @param interrupter optional interrupter
289 /// @return A vector of grids. The signed distance field is guaranteed to be
290 /// first and at the type specified by SdfT. Successive grids are the closest
291 /// point attribute grids. These grids are guaranteed to have a topology
292 /// and transform equal to the surface.
293 template <typename PointDataGridT,
294  typename AttributeTypes,
295  typename SdfT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<float>::Type,
296  typename FilterT = NullFilter,
297  typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
299 rasterizeSmoothSpheres(const PointDataGridT& points,
300  const Real radius,
301  const Real searchRadius,
302  const std::vector<std::string>& attributes,
303  const Real halfband = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH,
304  math::Transform::Ptr transform = nullptr,
305  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
306  InterrupterT* interrupter = nullptr);
308 /// @brief Smoothed point distribution based sphere stamping with a varying
309 /// radius and closest point attribute transfer.
310 /// @details Rasterizes points into a level set using [Zhu Bridson 05] sphere
311 /// stamping with a variable radius. The radius string parameter expects a
312 /// point attribute of type RadiusT to exist. The radiusScale parameter is
313 /// multiplier for radius values held on the radius attribute. The searchRadius
314 /// parameter remains a fixed size value which represents each points points
315 /// maximum contribution to the target level set. The radius scale and search
316 /// radius parameters are given in world space units and are applied to every
317 /// point to generate a fixed surface mask and consequent distance values. The
318 /// search radius should always have a value equal to or larger than the point
319 /// radii. Every voxel's closest point is used to transfer each attribute in
320 /// the attributes parameter to a new grid of matching topology. The
321 /// destination types of these grids is equal to the ValueConverter result of
322 /// the attribute type applied to the PointDataGridT.
323 /// @note The AttributeTypes template parameter should be a TypeList of the
324 /// required or possible attributes types. i.e. TypeList<int, float, double>.
325 /// A runtime error will be thrown if no equivalent type for a given attribute
326 //// is found in the AttributeTypes TypeList.
327 /// @warning The width of the exterior half band *may* be smaller than the
328 /// specified half band if the search radius is less than the equivalent
329 /// world space halfband distance.
330 /// @param points the point data grid to rasterize
331 /// @param radius the attribute containing the world space radius
332 /// @param radiusScale the scale applied to every world space radius value
333 /// @param searchRadius the maximum search distance of every point
334 /// @param attributes list of attributes to transfer
335 /// @param halfband the half band width
336 /// @param transform the target transform for the surface
337 /// @param filter a filter to apply to points
338 /// @param interrupter optional interrupter
339 /// @return A vector of grids. The signed distance field is guaranteed to be
340 /// first and at the type specified by SdfT. Successive grids are the closest
341 /// point attribute grids. These grids are guaranteed to have a topology
342 /// and transform equal to the surface.
343 template <typename PointDataGridT,
344  typename AttributeTypes,
345  typename RadiusT = float,
346  typename SdfT = typename PointDataGridT::template ValueConverter<float>::Type,
347  typename FilterT = NullFilter,
348  typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
350 rasterizeSmoothSpheres(const PointDataGridT& points,
351  const std::string& radius,
352  const Real radiusScale,
353  const Real searchRadius,
354  const std::vector<std::string>& attributes,
355  const Real halfband = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH,
356  math::Transform::Ptr transform = nullptr,
357  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
358  InterrupterT* interrupter = nullptr);
360 } // namespace points
361 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
362 } // namespace openvdb
Framework methods for rasterizing PointDataGrid data to Trees.
std::vector< GridBase::Ptr > GridPtrVec
Definition: Grid.h:508
Defined various multi-threaded utility functions for trees.
static const Real LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH
Definition: Types.h:461
NumericAttributeTypes::Append< Vec3AttributeTypes >::Append< Mat3AttributeTypes >::Append< Mat4AttributeTypes >::Append< QuatAttributeTypes >::Append< points::GroupAttributeArray >::Append< points::StringAttributeArray >::Append< points::TypedAttributeArray< bool >> AttributeTypes
The attribute array types which OpenVDB will register by default.
Definition: openvdb.h:186
MatType scale(const Vec3< typename MatType::value_type > &s)
Return a matrix that scales by s.
Definition: Mat.h:615
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
double Real
Definition: Types.h:60
GridPtrVec rasterizeSpheres(const PointDataGridT &points, const std::string &radius, const std::vector< std::string > &attributes, const Real scale=1.0, const Real halfband=LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH, math::Transform::Ptr transform=nullptr, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), InterrupterT *interrupter=nullptr)
Narrow band sphere stamping with a varying radius and closest point attribute transfer.
Definition: PointRasterizeSDFImpl.h:1145
Attribute-owned data structure for points. Point attributes are stored in leaf nodes and ordered by v...
The version namespace name for this library version.
Functions to perform multi threaded reductions and analysis of arbitrary point attribute types...
GridPtrVec rasterizeSmoothSpheres(const PointDataGridT &points, const std::string &radius, const Real radiusScale, const Real searchRadius, const std::vector< std::string > &attributes, const Real halfband=LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH, math::Transform::Ptr transform=nullptr, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), InterrupterT *interrupter=nullptr)
Smoothed point distribution based sphere stamping with a varying radius and closest point attribute t...
Definition: PointRasterizeSDFImpl.h:1299