OpenVDB  12.0.1
Classes | Namespaces
PagedArray.h File Reference

Concurrent, page-based, dynamically-sized linear data structure with O(1) random access and STL-compliant iterators. It is primarily intended for applications that involve multi-threading push_back of (a possibly unkown number of) elements into a dynamically growing linear array, and fast random access to said elements. More...

#include <openvdb/version.h>
#include <openvdb/Types.h>
#include <openvdb/util/Assert.h>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <tbb/spin_mutex.h>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include <tbb/parallel_sort.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  PagedArray< ValueT, Log2PageSize >
 Concurrent, page-based, dynamically-sized linear data structure with O(1) random access and STL-compliant iterators. It is primarily intended for applications that concurrently insert (a possibly unkown number of) elements into a dynamically growing linear array, and fast random access to said elements. More...
class  PagedArray< ValueT, Log2PageSize >::ValueBuffer
class  PagedArray< ValueT, Log2PageSize >::ConstIterator
class  PagedArray< ValueT, Log2PageSize >::Iterator
class  PagedArray< ValueT, Log2PageSize >::Page



Detailed Description

Concurrent, page-based, dynamically-sized linear data structure with O(1) random access and STL-compliant iterators. It is primarily intended for applications that involve multi-threading push_back of (a possibly unkown number of) elements into a dynamically growing linear array, and fast random access to said elements.

Ken Museth