OpenVDB  12.0.1
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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3 //
4 /// @file UT_VDBTools.h
5 /// @author FX R&D Simulation team
6 /// @brief Less commonly-used utility classes and functions for OpenVDB plugins
11 #include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
13 #include "Utils.h" // for GridPtr
15 namespace openvdb_houdini {
17 /// @brief GridTransformOp is a functor class for use with GridBase::apply()
18 /// that samples an input grid into an output grid of the same type through
19 /// a given affine transform.
20 /// @details The output grid's transform is unchanged by this operation.
21 /// @sa GridResampleOp, GridResampleToMatchOp
22 /// @par Example:
23 /// @code
24 /// const Grid& inGrid = ...; // generic reference to a grid of any type
25 ///
26 /// // Create a new, empty output grid of the same (so far, unknown) type
27 /// // as the input grid and with the same transform and metadata.
28 /// GridPtr outGrid = inGrid.copyGridWithNewTree();
29 ///
30 /// // Initialize a GridTransformer with the parameters of an affine transform.
31 /// openvdb::tools::GridTransformer xform(pivot, scale, rotate, ...);
32 ///
33 /// // Resolve the input grid's type and resample it into the output grid,
34 /// // using a second-order sampling kernel.
35 /// GridTransformOp<openvdb::tools::QuadraticSampler> op(outGrid, xform);
36 /// inGrid.apply<openvdb_houdini::ScalarGridTypes>(op);
37 /// @endcode
38 template<typename Sampler>
40 {
41 public:
42  /// @param outGrid a generic pointer to an output grid of the same type
43  /// as the grid to be resampled
44  /// @param t a @c GridTransformer that defines an affine transform
45  /// @note GridTransformOp makes an internal copy of the @c GridTransformer
46  /// and supplies the copy with a default Interrupter that replaces any
47  /// existing interrupter.
48  GridTransformOp(GridPtr& outGrid, const openvdb::tools::GridTransformer& t):
49  mOutGrid(outGrid), mTransformer(t) {}
51  template<typename GridType>
52  void operator()(const GridType& inGrid)
53  {
54  typename GridType::Ptr outGrid = openvdb::gridPtrCast<GridType>(mOutGrid);
56  HoudiniInterrupter interrupter;
57  mTransformer.setInterrupter(interrupter.interrupter());
59  mTransformer.transformGrid<Sampler, GridType>(inGrid, *outGrid);
60  }
62 private:
63  GridPtr mOutGrid;
64  openvdb::tools::GridTransformer mTransformer;
65 };
68 ////////////////////////////////////////
71 /// @brief GridResampleOp is a functor class for use with UTvdbProcessTypedGrid()
72 /// that samples an input grid into an output grid of the same type through
73 /// a given transform.
74 /// @details The output grid's transform is unchanged by this operation.
75 /// @sa GridTransformOp, GridResampleToMatchOp
76 /// @par Example:
77 /// @code
78 /// namespace {
79 /// // Class that implements GridResampler's Transformer interface
80 /// struct MyXform
81 /// {
82 /// bool isAffine() const { ... }
83 /// openvdb::Vec3d transform(const openvdb::Vec3d&) const { ... }
84 /// openvdb::Vec3d invTransform(const openvdb::Vec3d&) const { ... }
85 /// };
86 /// }
87 ///
88 /// const Grid& inGrid = ...; // generic reference to a grid of any type
89 ///
90 /// // Create a new, empty output grid of the same (so far, unknown) type
91 /// // as the input grid and with the same transform and metadata.
92 /// GridPtr outGrid = inGrid.copyGridWithNewTree();
93 ///
94 /// // Resolve the input grid's type and resample it into the output grid,
95 /// // using a trilinear sampling kernel.
96 /// GridResampleOp<openvdb::tools::BoxSampler, MyXform> op(outGrid, MyXform());
97 /// inGrid.apply<openvdb_houdini::ScalarGridTypes>(op);
98 /// @endcode
99 template<typename Sampler, typename TransformerType>
101 {
102 public:
103  /// @param outGrid a generic pointer to an output grid of the same type
104  /// as the grid to be resampled
105  /// @param t an object that implements <tt>GridResampler</tt>'s
106  /// Transformer interface
107  /// @note GridResampleOp makes an internal copy of @a t.
108  GridResampleOp(GridPtr& outGrid, const TransformerType& t):
109  mOutGrid(outGrid), mTransformer(t) {}
111  template<typename GridType>
112  void operator()(const GridType& inGrid)
113  {
114  typename GridType::Ptr outGrid = openvdb::gridPtrCast<GridType>(mOutGrid);
116  openvdb::tools::GridResampler resampler;
118  HoudiniInterrupter interrupter;
119  resampler.setInterrupter(interrupter.interrupter());
121  resampler.transformGrid<Sampler>(mTransformer, inGrid, *outGrid);
122  }
124 private:
125  GridPtr mOutGrid;
126  const TransformerType mTransformer;
127 };
130 ////////////////////////////////////////
133 /// @brief GridResampleToMatchOp is a functor class for use with
134 /// GridBase::apply() that samples an input grid into an output grid
135 /// of the same type such that, after resampling, the input and output grids
136 /// coincide, but the output grid's transform is unchanged.
137 /// @sa GridTransformOp, GridResampleOp
138 /// @par Example:
139 /// @code
140 /// const Grid& inGrid = ...; // generic reference to a grid of any type
141 ///
142 /// // Create a new, empty output grid of the same (so far, unknown) type as
143 /// // the input grid and with the same metadata, but with a different transform.
144 /// GridPtr outGrid = inGrid.copyGridWithNewTree();
145 /// outGrid->setTransform(myTransform);
146 ///
147 /// // Resolve the input grid's type and resample it into the output grid,
148 /// // using a second-order sampling kernel.
149 /// GridResampleToMatchOp<openvdb::tools::QuadraticSampler> op(outGrid);
150 /// inGrid.apply<openvdb_houdini::ScalarGridTypes>(op);
151 /// @endcode
152 template<typename Sampler>
154 {
155 public:
156  GridResampleToMatchOp(GridPtr outGrid): mOutGrid(outGrid) {}
158  template<typename GridType>
159  void operator()(const GridType& inGrid)
160  {
161  typename GridType::Ptr outGrid = openvdb::gridPtrCast<GridType>(mOutGrid);
162  HoudiniInterrupter interrupter;
163  openvdb::tools::resampleToMatch<Sampler>(inGrid, *outGrid, interrupter.interrupter());
164  }
166 private:
167  GridPtr mOutGrid;
168 };
170 } // namespace openvdb_houdini
GridResampleToMatchOp(GridPtr outGrid)
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:156
GridResampleOp is a functor class for use with UTvdbProcessTypedGrid() that samples an input grid int...
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:100
GridResampleOp(GridPtr &outGrid, const TransformerType &t)
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:108
Utility classes and functions for OpenVDB plugins.
openvdb::GridBase::Ptr GridPtr
Definition: Utils.h:35
GridTransformOp is a functor class for use with GridBase::apply() that samples an input grid into an ...
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:39
OutGridT & outGrid
Definition: ValueTransformer.h:139
GridTransformOp(GridPtr &outGrid, const openvdb::tools::GridTransformer &t)
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:48
void operator()(const GridType &inGrid)
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:52
Definition: AttributeTransferUtil.h:34
GridResampleToMatchOp is a functor class for use with GridBase::apply() that samples an input grid in...
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:153
List of types that are currently supported by NanoVDB.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:219
void operator()(const GridType &inGrid)
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:112
void operator()(const GridType &inGrid)
Definition: UT_VDBTools.h:159
Wrapper class that adapts a Houdini UT_Interrupt object for use with OpenVDB library routines...
Definition: Utils.h:174