OpenVDB  12.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7 #include <openvdb/Exceptions.h>
8 #include <openvdb/Platform.h>
9 #include <openvdb/util/Assert.h>
10 #include "Math.h"
11 #include "Mat3.h"
12 #include "Vec3.h"
13 #include "Vec4.h"
14 #include <algorithm> // for std::copy(), std::swap()
15 #include <iomanip>
16 #include <cmath>
19 namespace openvdb {
22 namespace math {
24 template<typename T> class Vec4;
27 /// @class Mat4 Mat4.h
28 /// @brief 4x4 -matrix class.
29 template<typename T>
30 class Mat4: public Mat<4, T>
31 {
32 public:
33  /// Data type held by the matrix.
34  using value_type = T;
35  using ValueType = T;
36  using MyBase = Mat<4, T>;
38  /// Trivial constructor, the matrix is NOT initialized
39  /// @note destructor, copy constructor, assignment operator and
40  /// move constructor are left to be defined by the compiler (default)
41  Mat4() = default;
43  /// Constructor given array of elements, the ordering is in row major form:
44  /** @verbatim
45  a[ 0] a[1] a[ 2] a[ 3]
46  a[ 4] a[5] a[ 6] a[ 7]
47  a[ 8] a[9] a[10] a[11]
48  a[12] a[13] a[14] a[15]
49  @endverbatim */
50  template<typename Source>
51  Mat4(Source *a)
52  {
53  for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
54  MyBase::mm[i] = static_cast<T>(a[i]);
55  }
56  }
58  /// Constructor given array of elements, the ordering is in row major form:
59  /** @verbatim
60  a b c d
61  e f g h
62  i j k l
63  m n o p
64  @endverbatim */
65  template<typename Source>
66  Mat4(Source a, Source b, Source c, Source d,
67  Source e, Source f, Source g, Source h,
68  Source i, Source j, Source k, Source l,
69  Source m, Source n, Source o, Source p)
70  {
71  MyBase::mm[ 0] = static_cast<T>(a);
72  MyBase::mm[ 1] = static_cast<T>(b);
73  MyBase::mm[ 2] = static_cast<T>(c);
74  MyBase::mm[ 3] = static_cast<T>(d);
76  MyBase::mm[ 4] = static_cast<T>(e);
77  MyBase::mm[ 5] = static_cast<T>(f);
78  MyBase::mm[ 6] = static_cast<T>(g);
79  MyBase::mm[ 7] = static_cast<T>(h);
81  MyBase::mm[ 8] = static_cast<T>(i);
82  MyBase::mm[ 9] = static_cast<T>(j);
83  MyBase::mm[10] = static_cast<T>(k);
84  MyBase::mm[11] = static_cast<T>(l);
86  MyBase::mm[12] = static_cast<T>(m);
87  MyBase::mm[13] = static_cast<T>(n);
88  MyBase::mm[14] = static_cast<T>(o);
89  MyBase::mm[15] = static_cast<T>(p);
90  }
92  /// Construct matrix from rows or columns vectors (defaults to rows
93  /// for historical reasons)
94  template<typename Source>
95  Mat4(const Vec4<Source> &v1, const Vec4<Source> &v2,
96  const Vec4<Source> &v3, const Vec4<Source> &v4, bool rows = true)
97  {
98  if (rows) {
99  this->setRows(v1, v2, v3, v4);
100  } else {
101  this->setColumns(v1, v2, v3, v4);
102  }
103  }
105  /// Conversion constructor
106  template<typename Source>
107  explicit Mat4(const Mat4<Source> &m)
108  {
109  const Source *src = m.asPointer();
111  for (int i=0; i<16; ++i) {
112  MyBase::mm[i] = static_cast<T>(src[i]);
113  }
114  }
116  /// Predefined constant for identity matrix
117  static const Mat4<T>& identity() {
118  static const Mat4<T> sIdentity = Mat4<T>(
119  1, 0, 0, 0,
120  0, 1, 0, 0,
121  0, 0, 1, 0,
122  0, 0, 0, 1
123  );
124  return sIdentity;
125  }
127  /// Predefined constant for zero matrix
128  static const Mat4<T>& zero() {
129  static const Mat4<T> sZero = Mat4<T>(
130  0, 0, 0, 0,
131  0, 0, 0, 0,
132  0, 0, 0, 0,
133  0, 0, 0, 0
134  );
135  return sZero;
136  }
138  /// Set ith row to vector v
139  void setRow(int i, const Vec4<T> &v)
140  {
141  OPENVDB_ASSERT(i>=0 && i<4);
142  int i4 = i * 4;
143  MyBase::mm[i4+0] = v[0];
144  MyBase::mm[i4+1] = v[1];
145  MyBase::mm[i4+2] = v[2];
146  MyBase::mm[i4+3] = v[3];
147  }
149  /// Get ith row, e.g. Vec4f v = m.row(1);
150  Vec4<T> row(int i) const
151  {
152  OPENVDB_ASSERT(i>=0 && i<4);
153  return Vec4<T>((*this)(i,0), (*this)(i,1), (*this)(i,2), (*this)(i,3));
154  }
156  /// Set jth column to vector v
157  void setCol(int j, const Vec4<T>& v)
158  {
159  OPENVDB_ASSERT(j>=0 && j<4);
160  MyBase::mm[ 0+j] = v[0];
161  MyBase::mm[ 4+j] = v[1];
162  MyBase::mm[ 8+j] = v[2];
163  MyBase::mm[12+j] = v[3];
164  }
166  /// Get jth column, e.g. Vec4f v = m.col(0);
167  Vec4<T> col(int j) const
168  {
169  OPENVDB_ASSERT(j>=0 && j<4);
170  return Vec4<T>((*this)(0,j), (*this)(1,j), (*this)(2,j), (*this)(3,j));
171  }
173  /// Alternative indexed reference to the elements
174  /// Note that the indices are row first and column second.
175  /// e.g. m(0,0) = 1;
176  T& operator()(int i, int j)
177  {
178  OPENVDB_ASSERT(i>=0 && i<4);
179  OPENVDB_ASSERT(j>=0 && j<4);
180  return MyBase::mm[4*i+j];
181  }
183  /// Alternative indexed constant reference to the elements,
184  /// Note that the indices are row first and column second.
185  /// e.g. float f = m(1,0);
186  T operator()(int i, int j) const
187  {
188  OPENVDB_ASSERT(i>=0 && i<4);
189  OPENVDB_ASSERT(j>=0 && j<4);
190  return MyBase::mm[4*i+j];
191  }
193  /// Set the rows of this matrix to the vectors v1, v2, v3, v4
194  void setRows(const Vec4<T> &v1, const Vec4<T> &v2,
195  const Vec4<T> &v3, const Vec4<T> &v4)
196  {
197  MyBase::mm[ 0] = v1[0];
198  MyBase::mm[ 1] = v1[1];
199  MyBase::mm[ 2] = v1[2];
200  MyBase::mm[ 3] = v1[3];
202  MyBase::mm[ 4] = v2[0];
203  MyBase::mm[ 5] = v2[1];
204  MyBase::mm[ 6] = v2[2];
205  MyBase::mm[ 7] = v2[3];
207  MyBase::mm[ 8] = v3[0];
208  MyBase::mm[ 9] = v3[1];
209  MyBase::mm[10] = v3[2];
210  MyBase::mm[11] = v3[3];
212  MyBase::mm[12] = v4[0];
213  MyBase::mm[13] = v4[1];
214  MyBase::mm[14] = v4[2];
215  MyBase::mm[15] = v4[3];
216  }
218  /// Set the columns of this matrix to the vectors v1, v2, v3, v4
219  void setColumns(const Vec4<T> &v1, const Vec4<T> &v2,
220  const Vec4<T> &v3, const Vec4<T> &v4)
221  {
222  MyBase::mm[ 0] = v1[0];
223  MyBase::mm[ 1] = v2[0];
224  MyBase::mm[ 2] = v3[0];
225  MyBase::mm[ 3] = v4[0];
227  MyBase::mm[ 4] = v1[1];
228  MyBase::mm[ 5] = v2[1];
229  MyBase::mm[ 6] = v3[1];
230  MyBase::mm[ 7] = v4[1];
232  MyBase::mm[ 8] = v1[2];
233  MyBase::mm[ 9] = v2[2];
234  MyBase::mm[10] = v3[2];
235  MyBase::mm[11] = v4[2];
237  MyBase::mm[12] = v1[3];
238  MyBase::mm[13] = v2[3];
239  MyBase::mm[14] = v3[3];
240  MyBase::mm[15] = v4[3];
241  }
243  // Set this matrix to zero
244  void setZero()
245  {
246  MyBase::mm[ 0] = 0;
247  MyBase::mm[ 1] = 0;
248  MyBase::mm[ 2] = 0;
249  MyBase::mm[ 3] = 0;
250  MyBase::mm[ 4] = 0;
251  MyBase::mm[ 5] = 0;
252  MyBase::mm[ 6] = 0;
253  MyBase::mm[ 7] = 0;
254  MyBase::mm[ 8] = 0;
255  MyBase::mm[ 9] = 0;
256  MyBase::mm[10] = 0;
257  MyBase::mm[11] = 0;
258  MyBase::mm[12] = 0;
259  MyBase::mm[13] = 0;
260  MyBase::mm[14] = 0;
261  MyBase::mm[15] = 0;
262  }
264  /// Set this matrix to identity
265  void setIdentity()
266  {
267  MyBase::mm[ 0] = 1;
268  MyBase::mm[ 1] = 0;
269  MyBase::mm[ 2] = 0;
270  MyBase::mm[ 3] = 0;
272  MyBase::mm[ 4] = 0;
273  MyBase::mm[ 5] = 1;
274  MyBase::mm[ 6] = 0;
275  MyBase::mm[ 7] = 0;
277  MyBase::mm[ 8] = 0;
278  MyBase::mm[ 9] = 0;
279  MyBase::mm[10] = 1;
280  MyBase::mm[11] = 0;
282  MyBase::mm[12] = 0;
283  MyBase::mm[13] = 0;
284  MyBase::mm[14] = 0;
285  MyBase::mm[15] = 1;
286  }
289  /// Set upper left to a Mat3
290  void setMat3(const Mat3<T> &m)
291  {
292  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
293  for (int j=0; j < 3; j++)
294  MyBase::mm[i*4+j] = m[i][j];
295  }
297  Mat3<T> getMat3() const
298  {
299  Mat3<T> m;
301  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
302  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
303  m[i][j] = MyBase::mm[i*4+j];
305  return m;
306  }
308  /// Return the translation component
310  {
311  return Vec3<T>(MyBase::mm[12], MyBase::mm[13], MyBase::mm[14]);
312  }
314  void setTranslation(const Vec3<T> &t)
315  {
316  MyBase::mm[12] = t[0];
317  MyBase::mm[13] = t[1];
318  MyBase::mm[14] = t[2];
319  }
321  /// Assignment operator
322  template<typename Source>
323  const Mat4& operator=(const Mat4<Source> &m)
324  {
325  const Source *src = m.asPointer();
327  // don't suppress warnings when assigning from different numerical types
328  std::copy(src, (src + this->numElements()), MyBase::mm);
329  return *this;
330  }
332  /// Return @c true if this matrix is equivalent to @a m within a tolerance of @a eps.
333  bool eq(const Mat4 &m, T eps=1.0e-8) const
334  {
335  for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
336  if (!isApproxEqual(MyBase::mm[i],[i], eps))
337  return false;
338  }
339  return true;
340  }
342  /// Negation operator, for e.g. m1 = -m2;
344  {
345  return Mat4<T>(
346  -MyBase::mm[ 0], -MyBase::mm[ 1], -MyBase::mm[ 2], -MyBase::mm[ 3],
347  -MyBase::mm[ 4], -MyBase::mm[ 5], -MyBase::mm[ 6], -MyBase::mm[ 7],
348  -MyBase::mm[ 8], -MyBase::mm[ 9], -MyBase::mm[10], -MyBase::mm[11],
349  -MyBase::mm[12], -MyBase::mm[13], -MyBase::mm[14], -MyBase::mm[15]
350  );
351  } // trivial
353  /// Multiply each element of this matrix by @a scalar.
354  template <typename S>
355  const Mat4<T>& operator*=(S scalar)
356  {
357  MyBase::mm[ 0] *= scalar;
358  MyBase::mm[ 1] *= scalar;
359  MyBase::mm[ 2] *= scalar;
360  MyBase::mm[ 3] *= scalar;
362  MyBase::mm[ 4] *= scalar;
363  MyBase::mm[ 5] *= scalar;
364  MyBase::mm[ 6] *= scalar;
365  MyBase::mm[ 7] *= scalar;
367  MyBase::mm[ 8] *= scalar;
368  MyBase::mm[ 9] *= scalar;
369  MyBase::mm[10] *= scalar;
370  MyBase::mm[11] *= scalar;
372  MyBase::mm[12] *= scalar;
373  MyBase::mm[13] *= scalar;
374  MyBase::mm[14] *= scalar;
375  MyBase::mm[15] *= scalar;
376  return *this;
377  }
379  /// Add each element of the given matrix to the corresponding element of this matrix.
380  template <typename S>
381  const Mat4<T> &operator+=(const Mat4<S> &m1)
382  {
383  const S* s = m1.asPointer();
385  MyBase::mm[ 0] += s[ 0];
386  MyBase::mm[ 1] += s[ 1];
387  MyBase::mm[ 2] += s[ 2];
388  MyBase::mm[ 3] += s[ 3];
390  MyBase::mm[ 4] += s[ 4];
391  MyBase::mm[ 5] += s[ 5];
392  MyBase::mm[ 6] += s[ 6];
393  MyBase::mm[ 7] += s[ 7];
395  MyBase::mm[ 8] += s[ 8];
396  MyBase::mm[ 9] += s[ 9];
397  MyBase::mm[10] += s[10];
398  MyBase::mm[11] += s[11];
400  MyBase::mm[12] += s[12];
401  MyBase::mm[13] += s[13];
402  MyBase::mm[14] += s[14];
403  MyBase::mm[15] += s[15];
405  return *this;
406  }
408  /// Subtract each element of the given matrix from the corresponding element of this matrix.
409  template <typename S>
410  const Mat4<T> &operator-=(const Mat4<S> &m1)
411  {
412  const S* s = m1.asPointer();
414  MyBase::mm[ 0] -= s[ 0];
415  MyBase::mm[ 1] -= s[ 1];
416  MyBase::mm[ 2] -= s[ 2];
417  MyBase::mm[ 3] -= s[ 3];
419  MyBase::mm[ 4] -= s[ 4];
420  MyBase::mm[ 5] -= s[ 5];
421  MyBase::mm[ 6] -= s[ 6];
422  MyBase::mm[ 7] -= s[ 7];
424  MyBase::mm[ 8] -= s[ 8];
425  MyBase::mm[ 9] -= s[ 9];
426  MyBase::mm[10] -= s[10];
427  MyBase::mm[11] -= s[11];
429  MyBase::mm[12] -= s[12];
430  MyBase::mm[13] -= s[13];
431  MyBase::mm[14] -= s[14];
432  MyBase::mm[15] -= s[15];
434  return *this;
435  }
437  /// Multiply this matrix by the given matrix.
438  template <typename S>
439  const Mat4<T> &operator*=(const Mat4<S> &m1)
440  {
441  Mat4<T> m0(*this);
443  const T* s0 = m0.asPointer();
444  const S* s1 = m1.asPointer();
446  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
447  int i4 = 4 * i;
448  MyBase::mm[i4+0] = static_cast<T>(s0[i4+0] * s1[ 0] +
449  s0[i4+1] * s1[ 4] +
450  s0[i4+2] * s1[ 8] +
451  s0[i4+3] * s1[12]);
453  MyBase::mm[i4+1] = static_cast<T>(s0[i4+0] * s1[ 1] +
454  s0[i4+1] * s1[ 5] +
455  s0[i4+2] * s1[ 9] +
456  s0[i4+3] * s1[13]);
458  MyBase::mm[i4+2] = static_cast<T>(s0[i4+0] * s1[ 2] +
459  s0[i4+1] * s1[ 6] +
460  s0[i4+2] * s1[10] +
461  s0[i4+3] * s1[14]);
463  MyBase::mm[i4+3] = static_cast<T>(s0[i4+0] * s1[ 3] +
464  s0[i4+1] * s1[ 7] +
465  s0[i4+2] * s1[11] +
466  s0[i4+3] * s1[15]);
467  }
468  return *this;
469  }
471  /// @return transpose of this
472  Mat4 transpose() const
473  {
474  return Mat4<T>(
475  MyBase::mm[ 0], MyBase::mm[ 4], MyBase::mm[ 8], MyBase::mm[12],
476  MyBase::mm[ 1], MyBase::mm[ 5], MyBase::mm[ 9], MyBase::mm[13],
477  MyBase::mm[ 2], MyBase::mm[ 6], MyBase::mm[10], MyBase::mm[14],
478  MyBase::mm[ 3], MyBase::mm[ 7], MyBase::mm[11], MyBase::mm[15]
479  );
480  }
483  /// @return inverse of this
484  /// @throw ArithmeticError if singular
485  Mat4 inverse(T tolerance = 0) const
486  {
487  //
488  // inv [ A | b ] = [ E | f ] A: 3x3, b: 3x1, c': 1x3 d: 1x1
489  // [ c' | d ] [ g' | h ]
490  //
491  // If A is invertible use
492  //
493  // E = A^-1 + p*h*r
494  // p = A^-1 * b
495  // f = -p * h
496  // g' = -h * c'
497  // h = 1 / (d - c'*p)
498  // r' = c'*A^-1
499  //
500  // Otherwise use gauss-jordan elimination
501  //
503  //
504  // We create this alias to ourself so we can easily use own subscript
505  // operator.
506  const Mat4<T>& m(*this);
508  T m0011 = m[0][0] * m[1][1];
509  T m0012 = m[0][0] * m[1][2];
510  T m0110 = m[0][1] * m[1][0];
511  T m0210 = m[0][2] * m[1][0];
512  T m0120 = m[0][1] * m[2][0];
513  T m0220 = m[0][2] * m[2][0];
515  T detA = m0011 * m[2][2] - m0012 * m[2][1] - m0110 * m[2][2]
516  + m0210 * m[2][1] + m0120 * m[1][2] - m0220 * m[1][1];
518  bool hasPerspective =
519  (!isExactlyEqual(m[0][3], T(0.0)) ||
520  !isExactlyEqual(m[1][3], T(0.0)) ||
521  !isExactlyEqual(m[2][3], T(0.0)) ||
522  !isExactlyEqual(m[3][3], T(1.0)));
524  T det;
525  if (hasPerspective) {
526  det = m[0][3] * det3(m, 1,2,3, 0,2,1)
527  + m[1][3] * det3(m, 2,0,3, 0,2,1)
528  + m[2][3] * det3(m, 3,0,1, 0,2,1)
529  + m[3][3] * detA;
530  } else {
531  det = detA * m[3][3];
532  }
534  Mat4<T> inv;
535  bool invertible;
537  if (isApproxEqual(det,T(0.0),tolerance)) {
538  invertible = false;
540  } else if (isApproxEqual(detA,T(0.0),T(1e-8))) {
541  // det is too small to rely on inversion by subblocks
542  invertible = m.invert(inv, tolerance);
544  } else {
545  invertible = true;
546  detA = 1.0 / detA;
548  //
549  // Calculate A^-1
550  //
551  inv[0][0] = detA * ( m[1][1] * m[2][2] - m[1][2] * m[2][1]);
552  inv[0][1] = detA * (-m[0][1] * m[2][2] + m[0][2] * m[2][1]);
553  inv[0][2] = detA * ( m[0][1] * m[1][2] - m[0][2] * m[1][1]);
555  inv[1][0] = detA * (-m[1][0] * m[2][2] + m[1][2] * m[2][0]);
556  inv[1][1] = detA * ( m[0][0] * m[2][2] - m0220);
557  inv[1][2] = detA * ( m0210 - m0012);
559  inv[2][0] = detA * ( m[1][0] * m[2][1] - m[1][1] * m[2][0]);
560  inv[2][1] = detA * ( m0120 - m[0][0] * m[2][1]);
561  inv[2][2] = detA * ( m0011 - m0110);
563  if (hasPerspective) {
564  //
565  // Calculate r, p, and h
566  //
567  Vec3<T> r;
568  r[0] = m[3][0] * inv[0][0] + m[3][1] * inv[1][0]
569  + m[3][2] * inv[2][0];
570  r[1] = m[3][0] * inv[0][1] + m[3][1] * inv[1][1]
571  + m[3][2] * inv[2][1];
572  r[2] = m[3][0] * inv[0][2] + m[3][1] * inv[1][2]
573  + m[3][2] * inv[2][2];
575  Vec3<T> p;
576  p[0] = inv[0][0] * m[0][3] + inv[0][1] * m[1][3]
577  + inv[0][2] * m[2][3];
578  p[1] = inv[1][0] * m[0][3] + inv[1][1] * m[1][3]
579  + inv[1][2] * m[2][3];
580  p[2] = inv[2][0] * m[0][3] + inv[2][1] * m[1][3]
581  + inv[2][2] * m[2][3];
583  T h = m[3][3] -<T>(m[3][0],m[3][1],m[3][2]));
584  if (isApproxEqual(h,T(0.0),tolerance)) {
585  invertible = false;
587  } else {
588  h = 1.0 / h;
590  //
591  // Calculate h, g, and f
592  //
593  inv[3][3] = h;
594  inv[3][0] = -h * r[0];
595  inv[3][1] = -h * r[1];
596  inv[3][2] = -h * r[2];
598  inv[0][3] = -h * p[0];
599  inv[1][3] = -h * p[1];
600  inv[2][3] = -h * p[2];
602  //
603  // Calculate E
604  //
605  p *= h;
606  inv[0][0] += p[0] * r[0];
607  inv[0][1] += p[0] * r[1];
608  inv[0][2] += p[0] * r[2];
609  inv[1][0] += p[1] * r[0];
610  inv[1][1] += p[1] * r[1];
611  inv[1][2] += p[1] * r[2];
612  inv[2][0] += p[2] * r[0];
613  inv[2][1] += p[2] * r[1];
614  inv[2][2] += p[2] * r[2];
615  }
616  } else {
617  // Equations are much simpler in the non-perspective case
618  inv[3][0] = - (m[3][0] * inv[0][0] + m[3][1] * inv[1][0]
619  + m[3][2] * inv[2][0]);
620  inv[3][1] = - (m[3][0] * inv[0][1] + m[3][1] * inv[1][1]
621  + m[3][2] * inv[2][1]);
622  inv[3][2] = - (m[3][0] * inv[0][2] + m[3][1] * inv[1][2]
623  + m[3][2] * inv[2][2]);
624  inv[0][3] = 0.0;
625  inv[1][3] = 0.0;
626  inv[2][3] = 0.0;
627  inv[3][3] = 1.0;
628  }
629  }
631  if (!invertible) OPENVDB_THROW(ArithmeticError, "Inversion of singular 4x4 matrix");
632  return inv;
633  }
636  /// Determinant of matrix
637  T det() const
638  {
639  const T *ap;
640  Mat3<T> submat;
641  T det;
642  T *sp;
643  int i, j, k, sign;
645  det = 0;
646  sign = 1;
647  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
648  ap = &MyBase::mm[ 0];
649  sp = submat.asPointer();
650  for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
651  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
652  if ((k != i) && (j != 0)) {
653  *sp++ = *ap;
654  }
655  ap++;
656  }
657  }
659  det += T(sign) * MyBase::mm[i] * submat.det();
660  sign = -sign;
661  }
663  return det;
664  }
666  /// Sets the matrix to a matrix that translates by v
667  static Mat4 translation(const Vec3d& v)
668  {
669  return Mat4(
670  T(1), T(0), T(0), T(0),
671  T(0), T(1), T(0), T(0),
672  T(0), T(0), T(1), T(0),
673  T(v.x()), T(v.y()),T(v.z()), T(1));
674  }
676  /// Sets the matrix to a matrix that translates by v
677  template <typename T0>
678  void setToTranslation(const Vec3<T0>& v)
679  {
680  MyBase::mm[ 0] = 1;
681  MyBase::mm[ 1] = 0;
682  MyBase::mm[ 2] = 0;
683  MyBase::mm[ 3] = 0;
685  MyBase::mm[ 4] = 0;
686  MyBase::mm[ 5] = 1;
687  MyBase::mm[ 6] = 0;
688  MyBase::mm[ 7] = 0;
690  MyBase::mm[ 8] = 0;
691  MyBase::mm[ 9] = 0;
692  MyBase::mm[10] = 1;
693  MyBase::mm[11] = 0;
695  MyBase::mm[12] = v.x();
696  MyBase::mm[13] = v.y();
697  MyBase::mm[14] = v.z();
698  MyBase::mm[15] = 1;
699  }
701  /// Left multiples by the specified translation, i.e. Trans * (*this)
702  template <typename T0>
703  void preTranslate(const Vec3<T0>& tr)
704  {
705  Vec3<T> tmp(tr.x(), tr.y(), tr.z());
706  Mat4<T> Tr = Mat4<T>::translation(tmp);
708  *this = Tr * (*this);
710  }
712  /// Right multiplies by the specified translation matrix, i.e. (*this) * Trans
713  template <typename T0>
714  void postTranslate(const Vec3<T0>& tr)
715  {
716  Vec3<T> tmp(tr.x(), tr.y(), tr.z());
717  Mat4<T> Tr = Mat4<T>::translation(tmp);
719  *this = (*this) * Tr;
721  }
724  /// Sets the matrix to a matrix that scales by v
725  template <typename T0>
726  void setToScale(const Vec3<T0>& v)
727  {
728  this->setIdentity();
729  MyBase::mm[ 0] = v.x();
730  MyBase::mm[ 5] = v.y();
731  MyBase::mm[10] = v.z();
732  }
734  // Left multiples by the specified scale matrix, i.e. Sc * (*this)
735  template <typename T0>
736  void preScale(const Vec3<T0>& v)
737  {
738  MyBase::mm[ 0] *= v.x();
739  MyBase::mm[ 1] *= v.x();
740  MyBase::mm[ 2] *= v.x();
741  MyBase::mm[ 3] *= v.x();
743  MyBase::mm[ 4] *= v.y();
744  MyBase::mm[ 5] *= v.y();
745  MyBase::mm[ 6] *= v.y();
746  MyBase::mm[ 7] *= v.y();
748  MyBase::mm[ 8] *= v.z();
749  MyBase::mm[ 9] *= v.z();
750  MyBase::mm[10] *= v.z();
751  MyBase::mm[11] *= v.z();
752  }
756  // Right multiples by the specified scale matrix, i.e. (*this) * Sc
757  template <typename T0>
758  void postScale(const Vec3<T0>& v)
759  {
761  MyBase::mm[ 0] *= v.x();
762  MyBase::mm[ 1] *= v.y();
763  MyBase::mm[ 2] *= v.z();
765  MyBase::mm[ 4] *= v.x();
766  MyBase::mm[ 5] *= v.y();
767  MyBase::mm[ 6] *= v.z();
769  MyBase::mm[ 8] *= v.x();
770  MyBase::mm[ 9] *= v.y();
771  MyBase::mm[10] *= v.z();
773  MyBase::mm[12] *= v.x();
774  MyBase::mm[13] *= v.y();
775  MyBase::mm[14] *= v.z();
777  }
780  /// @brief Sets the matrix to a rotation about the given axis.
781  /// @param axis The axis (one of X, Y, Z) to rotate about.
782  /// @param angle The rotation angle, in radians.
783  void setToRotation(Axis axis, T angle) {*this = rotation<Mat4<T> >(axis, angle);}
785  /// @brief Sets the matrix to a rotation about an arbitrary axis
786  /// @param axis The axis of rotation (cannot be zero-length)
787  /// @param angle The rotation angle, in radians.
788  void setToRotation(const Vec3<T>& axis, T angle) {*this = rotation<Mat4<T> >(axis, angle);}
790  /// @brief Sets the matrix to a rotation that maps v1 onto v2 about the cross
791  /// product of v1 and v2.
792  void setToRotation(const Vec3<T>& v1, const Vec3<T>& v2) {*this = rotation<Mat4<T> >(v1, v2);}
794  /// @brief Left multiplies by a rotation clock-wiseabout the given axis into this matrix.
795  /// @param axis The axis (one of X, Y, Z) of rotation.
796  /// @param angle The clock-wise rotation angle, in radians.
797  void preRotate(Axis axis, T angle)
798  {
799  OPENVDB_ASSERT(axis==X_AXIS || axis==Y_AXIS || axis==Z_AXIS);
801  T c = static_cast<T>(cos(angle));
802  T s = -static_cast<T>(sin(angle)); // the "-" makes it clockwise
804  switch (axis)
805  {
806  case X_AXIS:
807  {
808  T a4, a5, a6, a7;
810  a4 = c * MyBase::mm[ 4] - s * MyBase::mm[ 8];
811  a5 = c * MyBase::mm[ 5] - s * MyBase::mm[ 9];
812  a6 = c * MyBase::mm[ 6] - s * MyBase::mm[10];
813  a7 = c * MyBase::mm[ 7] - s * MyBase::mm[11];
816  MyBase::mm[ 8] = s * MyBase::mm[ 4] + c * MyBase::mm[ 8];
817  MyBase::mm[ 9] = s * MyBase::mm[ 5] + c * MyBase::mm[ 9];
818  MyBase::mm[10] = s * MyBase::mm[ 6] + c * MyBase::mm[10];
819  MyBase::mm[11] = s * MyBase::mm[ 7] + c * MyBase::mm[11];
821  MyBase::mm[ 4] = a4;
822  MyBase::mm[ 5] = a5;
823  MyBase::mm[ 6] = a6;
824  MyBase::mm[ 7] = a7;
825  }
826  break;
828  case Y_AXIS:
829  {
830  T a0, a1, a2, a3;
832  a0 = c * MyBase::mm[ 0] + s * MyBase::mm[ 8];
833  a1 = c * MyBase::mm[ 1] + s * MyBase::mm[ 9];
834  a2 = c * MyBase::mm[ 2] + s * MyBase::mm[10];
835  a3 = c * MyBase::mm[ 3] + s * MyBase::mm[11];
837  MyBase::mm[ 8] = -s * MyBase::mm[ 0] + c * MyBase::mm[ 8];
838  MyBase::mm[ 9] = -s * MyBase::mm[ 1] + c * MyBase::mm[ 9];
839  MyBase::mm[10] = -s * MyBase::mm[ 2] + c * MyBase::mm[10];
840  MyBase::mm[11] = -s * MyBase::mm[ 3] + c * MyBase::mm[11];
843  MyBase::mm[ 0] = a0;
844  MyBase::mm[ 1] = a1;
845  MyBase::mm[ 2] = a2;
846  MyBase::mm[ 3] = a3;
847  }
848  break;
850  case Z_AXIS:
851  {
852  T a0, a1, a2, a3;
854  a0 = c * MyBase::mm[ 0] - s * MyBase::mm[ 4];
855  a1 = c * MyBase::mm[ 1] - s * MyBase::mm[ 5];
856  a2 = c * MyBase::mm[ 2] - s * MyBase::mm[ 6];
857  a3 = c * MyBase::mm[ 3] - s * MyBase::mm[ 7];
859  MyBase::mm[ 4] = s * MyBase::mm[ 0] + c * MyBase::mm[ 4];
860  MyBase::mm[ 5] = s * MyBase::mm[ 1] + c * MyBase::mm[ 5];
861  MyBase::mm[ 6] = s * MyBase::mm[ 2] + c * MyBase::mm[ 6];
862  MyBase::mm[ 7] = s * MyBase::mm[ 3] + c * MyBase::mm[ 7];
864  MyBase::mm[ 0] = a0;
865  MyBase::mm[ 1] = a1;
866  MyBase::mm[ 2] = a2;
867  MyBase::mm[ 3] = a3;
868  }
869  break;
871  default:
872  OPENVDB_ASSERT(axis==X_AXIS || axis==Y_AXIS || axis==Z_AXIS);
873  }
874  }
877  /// @brief Right multiplies by a rotation clock-wiseabout the given axis into this matrix.
878  /// @param axis The axis (one of X, Y, Z) of rotation.
879  /// @param angle The clock-wise rotation angle, in radians.
880  void postRotate(Axis axis, T angle)
881  {
882  T c = static_cast<T>(cos(angle));
883  T s = -static_cast<T>(sin(angle)); // the "-" makes it clockwise
885  switch (axis)
886  {
887  case X_AXIS:
888  {
889  T a2, a6, a10, a14;
891  a2 = c * MyBase::mm[ 2] - s * MyBase::mm[ 1];
892  a6 = c * MyBase::mm[ 6] - s * MyBase::mm[ 5];
893  a10 = c * MyBase::mm[10] - s * MyBase::mm[ 9];
894  a14 = c * MyBase::mm[14] - s * MyBase::mm[13];
897  MyBase::mm[ 1] = c * MyBase::mm[ 1] + s * MyBase::mm[ 2];
898  MyBase::mm[ 5] = c * MyBase::mm[ 5] + s * MyBase::mm[ 6];
899  MyBase::mm[ 9] = c * MyBase::mm[ 9] + s * MyBase::mm[10];
900  MyBase::mm[13] = c * MyBase::mm[13] + s * MyBase::mm[14];
902  MyBase::mm[ 2] = a2;
903  MyBase::mm[ 6] = a6;
904  MyBase::mm[10] = a10;
905  MyBase::mm[14] = a14;
906  }
907  break;
909  case Y_AXIS:
910  {
911  T a2, a6, a10, a14;
913  a2 = c * MyBase::mm[ 2] + s * MyBase::mm[ 0];
914  a6 = c * MyBase::mm[ 6] + s * MyBase::mm[ 4];
915  a10 = c * MyBase::mm[10] + s * MyBase::mm[ 8];
916  a14 = c * MyBase::mm[14] + s * MyBase::mm[12];
918  MyBase::mm[ 0] = c * MyBase::mm[ 0] - s * MyBase::mm[ 2];
919  MyBase::mm[ 4] = c * MyBase::mm[ 4] - s * MyBase::mm[ 6];
920  MyBase::mm[ 8] = c * MyBase::mm[ 8] - s * MyBase::mm[10];
921  MyBase::mm[12] = c * MyBase::mm[12] - s * MyBase::mm[14];
923  MyBase::mm[ 2] = a2;
924  MyBase::mm[ 6] = a6;
925  MyBase::mm[10] = a10;
926  MyBase::mm[14] = a14;
927  }
928  break;
930  case Z_AXIS:
931  {
932  T a1, a5, a9, a13;
934  a1 = c * MyBase::mm[ 1] - s * MyBase::mm[ 0];
935  a5 = c * MyBase::mm[ 5] - s * MyBase::mm[ 4];
936  a9 = c * MyBase::mm[ 9] - s * MyBase::mm[ 8];
937  a13 = c * MyBase::mm[13] - s * MyBase::mm[12];
939  MyBase::mm[ 0] = c * MyBase::mm[ 0] + s * MyBase::mm[ 1];
940  MyBase::mm[ 4] = c * MyBase::mm[ 4] + s * MyBase::mm[ 5];
941  MyBase::mm[ 8] = c * MyBase::mm[ 8] + s * MyBase::mm[ 9];
942  MyBase::mm[12] = c * MyBase::mm[12] + s * MyBase::mm[13];
944  MyBase::mm[ 1] = a1;
945  MyBase::mm[ 5] = a5;
946  MyBase::mm[ 9] = a9;
947  MyBase::mm[13] = a13;
949  }
950  break;
952  default:
953  OPENVDB_ASSERT(axis==X_AXIS || axis==Y_AXIS || axis==Z_AXIS);
954  }
955  }
957  /// @brief Sets the matrix to a shear along axis0 by a fraction of axis1.
958  /// @param axis0 The fixed axis of the shear.
959  /// @param axis1 The shear axis.
960  /// @param shearby The shear factor.
961  void setToShear(Axis axis0, Axis axis1, T shearby)
962  {
963  *this = shear<Mat4<T> >(axis0, axis1, shearby);
964  }
967  /// @brief Left multiplies a shearing transformation into the matrix.
968  /// @see setToShear
969  void preShear(Axis axis0, Axis axis1, T shear)
970  {
971  int index0 = static_cast<int>(axis0);
972  int index1 = static_cast<int>(axis1);
974  // to row "index1" add a multiple of the index0 row
975  MyBase::mm[index1 * 4 + 0] += shear * MyBase::mm[index0 * 4 + 0];
976  MyBase::mm[index1 * 4 + 1] += shear * MyBase::mm[index0 * 4 + 1];
977  MyBase::mm[index1 * 4 + 2] += shear * MyBase::mm[index0 * 4 + 2];
978  MyBase::mm[index1 * 4 + 3] += shear * MyBase::mm[index0 * 4 + 3];
979  }
982  /// @brief Right multiplies a shearing transformation into the matrix.
983  /// @see setToShear
984  void postShear(Axis axis0, Axis axis1, T shear)
985  {
986  int index0 = static_cast<int>(axis0);
987  int index1 = static_cast<int>(axis1);
989  // to collumn "index0" add a multiple of the index1 row
990  MyBase::mm[index0 + 0] += shear * MyBase::mm[index1 + 0];
991  MyBase::mm[index0 + 4] += shear * MyBase::mm[index1 + 4];
992  MyBase::mm[index0 + 8] += shear * MyBase::mm[index1 + 8];
993  MyBase::mm[index0 + 12] += shear * MyBase::mm[index1 + 12];
995  }
997  /// Transform a Vec4 by post-multiplication.
998  template<typename T0>
999  Vec4<T0> transform(const Vec4<T0> &v) const
1000  {
1001  return static_cast< Vec4<T0> >(v * *this);
1002  }
1004  /// Transform a Vec3 by post-multiplication, without homogenous division.
1005  template<typename T0>
1006  Vec3<T0> transform(const Vec3<T0> &v) const
1007  {
1008  return static_cast< Vec3<T0> >(v * *this);
1009  }
1011  /// Transform a Vec4 by pre-multiplication.
1012  template<typename T0>
1014  {
1015  return static_cast< Vec4<T0> >(*this * v);
1016  }
1018  /// Transform a Vec3 by pre-multiplication, without homogenous division.
1019  template<typename T0>
1021  {
1022  return static_cast< Vec3<T0> >(*this * v);
1023  }
1025  /// Transform a Vec3 by post-multiplication, doing homogenous divison.
1026  template<typename T0>
1027  Vec3<T0> transformH(const Vec3<T0> &p) const
1028  {
1029  T0 w;
1031  // w = p * (*this).col(3);
1032  w = static_cast<T0>(p[0] * MyBase::mm[ 3] + p[1] * MyBase::mm[ 7]
1033  + p[2] * MyBase::mm[11] + MyBase::mm[15]);
1035  if ( !isExactlyEqual(w , 0.0) ) {
1036  return Vec3<T0>(static_cast<T0>((p[0] * MyBase::mm[ 0] + p[1] * MyBase::mm[ 4] +
1037  p[2] * MyBase::mm[ 8] + MyBase::mm[12]) / w),
1038  static_cast<T0>((p[0] * MyBase::mm[ 1] + p[1] * MyBase::mm[ 5] +
1039  p[2] * MyBase::mm[ 9] + MyBase::mm[13]) / w),
1040  static_cast<T0>((p[0] * MyBase::mm[ 2] + p[1] * MyBase::mm[ 6] +
1041  p[2] * MyBase::mm[10] + MyBase::mm[14]) / w));
1042  }
1044  return Vec3<T0>(0, 0, 0);
1045  }
1047  /// Transform a Vec3 by pre-multiplication, doing homogenous division.
1048  template<typename T0>
1050  {
1051  T0 w;
1053  // w = p * (*this).col(3);
1054  w = p[0] * MyBase::mm[12] + p[1] * MyBase::mm[13] + p[2] * MyBase::mm[14] + MyBase::mm[15];
1056  if ( !isExactlyEqual(w , 0.0) ) {
1057  return Vec3<T0>(static_cast<T0>((p[0] * MyBase::mm[ 0] + p[1] * MyBase::mm[ 1] +
1058  p[2] * MyBase::mm[ 2] + MyBase::mm[ 3]) / w),
1059  static_cast<T0>((p[0] * MyBase::mm[ 4] + p[1] * MyBase::mm[ 5] +
1060  p[2] * MyBase::mm[ 6] + MyBase::mm[ 7]) / w),
1061  static_cast<T0>((p[0] * MyBase::mm[ 8] + p[1] * MyBase::mm[ 9] +
1062  p[2] * MyBase::mm[10] + MyBase::mm[11]) / w));
1063  }
1065  return Vec3<T0>(0, 0, 0);
1066  }
1068  /// Transform a Vec3 by post-multiplication, without translation.
1069  template<typename T0>
1071  {
1072  return Vec3<T0>(
1073  static_cast<T0>(v[0] * MyBase::mm[ 0] + v[1] * MyBase::mm[ 4] + v[2] * MyBase::mm[ 8]),
1074  static_cast<T0>(v[0] * MyBase::mm[ 1] + v[1] * MyBase::mm[ 5] + v[2] * MyBase::mm[ 9]),
1075  static_cast<T0>(v[0] * MyBase::mm[ 2] + v[1] * MyBase::mm[ 6] + v[2] * MyBase::mm[10]));
1076  }
1079 private:
1080  bool invert(Mat4<T> &inverse, T tolerance) const;
1082  T det2(const Mat4<T> &a, int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1) const {
1083  int i0row = i0 * 4;
1084  int i1row = i1 * 4;
1085  return[i0row+j0]*[i1row+j1] -[i0row+j1]*[i1row+j0];
1086  }
1088  T det3(const Mat4<T> &a, int i0, int i1, int i2,
1089  int j0, int j1, int j2) const {
1090  int i0row = i0 * 4;
1091  return[i0row+j0]*det2(a, i1,i2, j1,j2) +
1092[i0row+j1]*det2(a, i1,i2, j2,j0) +
1093[i0row+j2]*det2(a, i1,i2, j0,j1);
1094  }
1095 }; // class Mat4
1098 /// @relates Mat4
1099 /// @brief Equality operator, does exact floating point comparisons
1100 template <typename T0, typename T1>
1101 bool operator==(const Mat4<T0> &m0, const Mat4<T1> &m1)
1102 {
1103  const T0 *t0 = m0.asPointer();
1104  const T1 *t1 = m1.asPointer();
1106  for (int i=0; i<16; ++i) if (!isExactlyEqual(t0[i], t1[i])) return false;
1107  return true;
1108 }
1110 /// @relates Mat4
1111 /// @brief Inequality operator, does exact floating point comparisons
1112 template <typename T0, typename T1>
1113 bool operator!=(const Mat4<T0> &m0, const Mat4<T1> &m1) { return !(m0 == m1); }
1115 /// @relates Mat4
1116 /// @brief Multiply each element of the given matrix by @a scalar and return the result.
1117 template <typename S, typename T>
1119 {
1120  return m*scalar;
1121 }
1123 /// @relates Mat4
1124 /// @brief Multiply each element of the given matrix by @a scalar and return the result.
1125 template <typename S, typename T>
1127 {
1129  result *= scalar;
1130  return result;
1131 }
1133 /// @relates Mat4
1134 /// @brief Multiply @a _m by @a _v and return the resulting vector.
1135 template<typename T, typename MT>
1138  const Vec4<T> &_v)
1139 {
1140  MT const *m = _m.asPointer();
1142  _v[0]*m[0] + _v[1]*m[1] + _v[2]*m[2] + _v[3]*m[3],
1143  _v[0]*m[4] + _v[1]*m[5] + _v[2]*m[6] + _v[3]*m[7],
1144  _v[0]*m[8] + _v[1]*m[9] + _v[2]*m[10] + _v[3]*m[11],
1145  _v[0]*m[12] + _v[1]*m[13] + _v[2]*m[14] + _v[3]*m[15]);
1146 }
1148 /// @relates Mat4
1149 /// @brief Multiply @a _v by @a _m and return the resulting vector.
1150 template<typename T, typename MT>
1152 operator*(const Vec4<T> &_v,
1153  const Mat4<MT> &_m)
1154 {
1155  MT const *m = _m.asPointer();
1157  _v[0]*m[0] + _v[1]*m[4] + _v[2]*m[8] + _v[3]*m[12],
1158  _v[0]*m[1] + _v[1]*m[5] + _v[2]*m[9] + _v[3]*m[13],
1159  _v[0]*m[2] + _v[1]*m[6] + _v[2]*m[10] + _v[3]*m[14],
1160  _v[0]*m[3] + _v[1]*m[7] + _v[2]*m[11] + _v[3]*m[15]);
1161 }
1163 /// @relates Mat4
1164 /// @brief Multiply @a _m by @a _v and return the resulting vector.
1165 template<typename T, typename MT>
1167 operator*(const Mat4<MT> &_m, const Vec3<T> &_v)
1168 {
1169  MT const *m = _m.asPointer();
1171  _v[0]*m[0] + _v[1]*m[1] + _v[2]*m[2] + m[3],
1172  _v[0]*m[4] + _v[1]*m[5] + _v[2]*m[6] + m[7],
1173  _v[0]*m[8] + _v[1]*m[9] + _v[2]*m[10] + m[11]);
1174 }
1176 /// @relates Mat4
1177 /// @brief Multiply @a _v by @a _m and return the resulting vector.
1178 template<typename T, typename MT>
1180 operator*(const Vec3<T> &_v, const Mat4<MT> &_m)
1181 {
1182  MT const *m = _m.asPointer();
1184  _v[0]*m[0] + _v[1]*m[4] + _v[2]*m[8] + m[12],
1185  _v[0]*m[1] + _v[1]*m[5] + _v[2]*m[9] + m[13],
1186  _v[0]*m[2] + _v[1]*m[6] + _v[2]*m[10] + m[14]);
1187 }
1189 /// @relates Mat4
1190 /// @brief Add corresponding elements of @a m0 and @a m1 and return the result.
1191 template <typename T0, typename T1>
1193 operator+(const Mat4<T0> &m0, const Mat4<T1> &m1)
1194 {
1196  result += m1;
1197  return result;
1198 }
1200 /// @relates Mat4
1201 /// @brief Subtract corresponding elements of @a m0 and @a m1 and return the result.
1202 template <typename T0, typename T1>
1204 operator-(const Mat4<T0> &m0, const Mat4<T1> &m1)
1205 {
1207  result -= m1;
1208  return result;
1209 }
1211 /// @relates Mat4
1212 /// @brief Multiply @a m0 by @a m1 and return the resulting matrix.
1213 template <typename T0, typename T1>
1215 operator*(const Mat4<T0> &m0, const Mat4<T1> &m1)
1216 {
1218  result *= m1;
1219  return result;
1220 }
1223 /// Transform a Vec3 by pre-multiplication, without translation.
1224 /// Presumes this matrix is inverse of coordinate transform
1225 /// Synonymous to "pretransform3x3"
1226 template<typename T0, typename T1>
1228 {
1229  return Vec3<T1>(
1230  static_cast<T1>(m[0][0]*n[0] + m[0][1]*n[1] + m[0][2]*n[2]),
1231  static_cast<T1>(m[1][0]*n[0] + m[1][1]*n[1] + m[1][2]*n[2]),
1232  static_cast<T1>(m[2][0]*n[0] + m[2][1]*n[1] + m[2][2]*n[2]));
1233 }
1236 /// Invert via gauss-jordan elimination. Modified from dreamworks internal mx library
1237 template<typename T>
1238 bool Mat4<T>::invert(Mat4<T> &inverse, T tolerance) const
1239 {
1240  Mat4<T> temp(*this);
1241  inverse.setIdentity();
1243  // Forward elimination step
1244  double det = 1.0;
1245  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
1246  int row = i;
1247  double max = fabs(temp[i][i]);
1249  for (int k = i+1; k < 4; ++k) {
1250  if (fabs(temp[k][i]) > max) {
1251  row = k;
1252  max = fabs(temp[k][i]);
1253  }
1254  }
1256  if (isExactlyEqual(max, 0.0)) return false;
1258  // must move pivot to row i
1259  if (row != i) {
1260  det = -det;
1261  for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
1262  std::swap(temp[row][k], temp[i][k]);
1263  std::swap(inverse[row][k], inverse[i][k]);
1264  }
1265  }
1267  double pivot = temp[i][i];
1268  det *= pivot;
1270  // scale row i
1271  for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
1272  temp[i][k] /= pivot;
1273  inverse[i][k] /= pivot;
1274  }
1276  // eliminate in rows below i
1277  for (int j = i+1; j < 4; ++j) {
1278  double t = temp[j][i];
1279  if (!isExactlyEqual(t, 0.0)) {
1280  // subtract scaled row i from row j
1281  for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
1282  temp[j][k] -= temp[i][k] * t;
1283  inverse[j][k] -= inverse[i][k] * t;
1284  }
1285  }
1286  }
1287  }
1289  // Backward elimination step
1290  for (int i = 3; i > 0; --i) {
1291  for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
1292  double t = temp[j][i];
1294  if (!isExactlyEqual(t, 0.0)) {
1295  for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
1296  inverse[j][k] -= inverse[i][k]*t;
1297  }
1298  }
1299  }
1300  }
1301  return det*det >= tolerance*tolerance;
1302 }
1304 template <typename T>
1305 inline bool isAffine(const Mat4<T>& m) {
1306  return (m.col(3) == Vec4<T>(0, 0, 0, 1));
1307 }
1309 template <typename T>
1310 inline bool hasTranslation(const Mat4<T>& m) {
1311  return (m.row(3) != Vec4<T>(0, 0, 0, 1));
1312 }
1314 template<typename T>
1315 inline Mat4<T>
1316 Abs(const Mat4<T>& m)
1317 {
1318  Mat4<T> out;
1319  const T* ip = m.asPointer();
1320  T* op = out.asPointer();
1321  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i, ++op, ++ip) *op = math::Abs(*ip);
1322  return out;
1323 }
1325 template<typename Type1, typename Type2>
1326 inline Mat4<Type1>
1327 cwiseAdd(const Mat4<Type1>& m, const Type2 s)
1328 {
1329  Mat4<Type1> out;
1330  const Type1* ip = m.asPointer();
1331  Type1* op = out.asPointer();
1332  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i, ++op, ++ip) {
1334  *op = *ip + s;
1336  }
1337  return out;
1338 }
1340 template<typename T>
1341 inline bool
1342 cwiseLessThan(const Mat4<T>& m0, const Mat4<T>& m1)
1343 {
1344  return cwiseLessThan<4, T>(m0, m1);
1345 }
1347 template<typename T>
1348 inline bool
1349 cwiseGreaterThan(const Mat4<T>& m0, const Mat4<T>& m1)
1350 {
1351  return cwiseGreaterThan<4, T>(m0, m1);
1352 }
1356 using Mat4f = Mat4d;
1361 } // namespace math
1364 template<> inline math::Mat4s zeroVal<math::Mat4s>() { return math::Mat4s::zero(); }
1365 template<> inline math::Mat4d zeroVal<math::Mat4d>() { return math::Mat4d::zero(); }
1367 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
1368 } // namespace openvdb
Bracket code with OPENVDB_NO_TYPE_CONVERSION_WARNING_BEGIN/_END, to inhibit warnings about type conve...
Definition: Platform.h:221
bool isExactlyEqual(const T0 &a, const T1 &b)
Return true if a is exactly equal to b.
Definition: Math.h:443
T & y()
Definition: Vec3.h:87
Mat4 transpose() const
Definition: Mat4.h:472
void setToRotation(const Vec3< T > &v1, const Vec3< T > &v2)
Sets the matrix to a rotation that maps v1 onto v2 about the cross product of v1 and v2...
Definition: Mat4.h:792
T & operator()(int i, int j)
Definition: Mat4.h:176
void setToScale(const Vec3< T0 > &v)
Sets the matrix to a matrix that scales by v.
Definition: Mat4.h:726
bool cwiseGreaterThan(const Mat4< T > &m0, const Mat4< T > &m1)
Definition: Mat4.h:1349
Vec4< typename promote< T, MT >::type > operator*(const Mat4< MT > &_m, const Vec4< T > &_v)
Multiply _m by _v and return the resulting vector.
Definition: Mat4.h:1137
T det() const
Determinant of matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:637
#define OPENVDB_THROW(exception, message)
Definition: Exceptions.h:74
T operator()(int i, int j) const
Definition: Mat4.h:186
bool eq(const Mat4 &m, T eps=1.0e-8) const
Return true if this matrix is equivalent to m within a tolerance of eps.
Definition: Mat4.h:333
General-purpose arithmetic and comparison routines, most of which accept arbitrary value types (or at...
Mat4< double > Mat4d
Definition: Mat4.h:1355
void setToRotation(Axis axis, T angle)
Sets the matrix to a rotation about the given axis.
Definition: Mat4.h:783
void setColumns(const Vec4< T > &v1, const Vec4< T > &v2, const Vec4< T > &v3, const Vec4< T > &v4)
Set the columns of this matrix to the vectors v1, v2, v3, v4.
Definition: Mat4.h:219
void setIdentity()
Set this matrix to identity.
Definition: Mat4.h:265
Definition: Math.h:903
Vec3< T0 > pretransform(const Vec3< T0 > &v) const
Transform a Vec3 by pre-multiplication, without homogenous division.
Definition: Mat4.h:1020
Mat4(Source a, Source b, Source c, Source d, Source e, Source f, Source g, Source h, Source i, Source j, Source k, Source l, Source m, Source n, Source o, Source p)
Constructor given array of elements, the ordering is in row major form:
Definition: Mat4.h:66
Vec4< T0 > transform(const Vec4< T0 > &v) const
Transform a Vec4 by post-multiplication.
Definition: Mat4.h:999
3x3 matrix class.
Definition: Mat3.h:28
Vec3< T0 > transformH(const Vec3< T0 > &p) const
Transform a Vec3 by post-multiplication, doing homogenous divison.
Definition: Mat4.h:1027
const Mat4< T > & operator-=(const Mat4< S > &m1)
Subtract each element of the given matrix from the corresponding element of this matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:410
void setCol(int j, const Vec4< T > &v)
Set jth column to vector v.
Definition: Mat4.h:157
bool isApproxEqual(const Type &a, const Type &b, const Type &tolerance)
Return true if a is equal to b to within the given tolerance.
Definition: Math.h:406
Definition: Math.h:904
T & z()
Definition: Vec3.h:88
Mat4< typename promote< T0, T1 >::type > operator+(const Mat4< T0 > &m0, const Mat4< T1 > &m1)
Add corresponding elements of m0 and m1 and return the result.
Definition: Mat4.h:1193
Vec3< T0 > pretransformH(const Vec3< T0 > &p) const
Transform a Vec3 by pre-multiplication, doing homogenous division.
Definition: Mat4.h:1049
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & max(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:110
Mat4(const Vec4< Source > &v1, const Vec4< Source > &v2, const Vec4< Source > &v3, const Vec4< Source > &v4, bool rows=true)
Definition: Mat4.h:95
Vec3< typename promote< T, MT >::type > operator*(const Vec3< T > &_v, const Mat4< MT > &_m)
Multiply _v by _m and return the resulting vector.
Definition: Mat4.h:1180
OutGridT XformOp & op
Definition: ValueTransformer.h:139
bool cwiseLessThan(const Mat4< T > &m0, const Mat4< T > &m1)
Definition: Mat4.h:1342
Definition: Platform.h:222
Mat4< T > Abs(const Mat4< T > &m)
Definition: Mat4.h:1316
Mat4 inverse(T tolerance=0) const
Definition: Mat4.h:485
Definition: Mat.h:26
T & x()
Reference to the component, e.g. v.x() = 4.5f;.
Definition: Vec3.h:86
void preScale(const Vec3< T0 > &v)
Definition: Mat4.h:736
static const Mat4< T > & identity()
Predefined constant for identity matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:117
4x4 -matrix class.
Definition: Mat3.h:22
Mat4(Source *a)
Constructor given array of elements, the ordering is in row major form:
Definition: Mat4.h:51
Real value_type
Definition: Mat.h:29
static const Mat4< T > & zero()
Predefined constant for zero matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:128
Mat3< T > getMat3() const
Definition: Mat4.h:297
Definition: Assert.h:41
Mat4< typename promote< S, T >::type > operator*(const Mat4< T > &m, S scalar)
Multiply each element of the given matrix by scalar and return the result.
Definition: Mat4.h:1126
void setRow(int i, const Vec4< T > &v)
Set ith row to vector v.
Definition: Mat4.h:139
bool hasTranslation(const Mat4< T > &m)
Definition: Mat4.h:1310
Definition: Math.h:901
Vec3< T1 > transformNormal(const Mat4< T0 > &m, const Vec3< T1 > &n)
Definition: Mat4.h:1227
void postRotate(Axis axis, T angle)
Right multiplies by a rotation clock-wiseabout the given axis into this matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:880
T det() const
Determinant of matrix.
Definition: Mat3.h:479
void setRows(const Vec4< T > &v1, const Vec4< T > &v2, const Vec4< T > &v3, const Vec4< T > &v4)
Set the rows of this matrix to the vectors v1, v2, v3, v4.
Definition: Mat4.h:194
bool operator!=(const Mat4< T0 > &m0, const Mat4< T1 > &m1)
Inequality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Mat4.h:1113
static Mat4 translation(const Vec3d &v)
Sets the matrix to a matrix that translates by v.
Definition: Mat4.h:667
Definition: Mat.h:160
void setToTranslation(const Vec3< T0 > &v)
Sets the matrix to a matrix that translates by v.
Definition: Mat4.h:678
bool operator==(const Mat4< T0 > &m0, const Mat4< T1 > &m1)
Equality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Mat4.h:1101
const Mat4< T > & operator*=(S scalar)
Multiply each element of this matrix by scalar.
Definition: Mat4.h:355
Mat4< typename promote< T0, T1 >::type > operator*(const Mat4< T0 > &m0, const Mat4< T1 > &m1)
Multiply m0 by m1 and return the resulting matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:1215
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
Mat4< typename promote< S, T >::type > operator*(S scalar, const Mat4< T > &m)
Multiply each element of the given matrix by scalar and return the result.
Definition: Mat4.h:1118
constexpr T zeroVal()
Return the value of type T that corresponds to zero.
Definition: Math.h:70
T angle(const Vec2< T > &v1, const Vec2< T > &v2)
Definition: Vec2.h:446
Mat4< Type1 > cwiseAdd(const Mat4< Type1 > &m, const Type2 s)
Definition: Mat4.h:1327
void pivot(int i, int j, Mat3< T > &S, Vec3< T > &D, Mat3< T > &Q)
Definition: Mat3.h:668
void setToRotation(const Vec3< T > &axis, T angle)
Sets the matrix to a rotation about an arbitrary axis.
Definition: Mat4.h:788
Definition: Mat.h:165
Real ValueType
Definition: Mat.h:30
void postScale(const Vec3< T0 > &v)
Definition: Mat4.h:758
Definition: Math.h:902
Mat4< float > Mat4s
Definition: Mat4.h:1354
void setTranslation(const Vec3< T > &t)
Definition: Mat4.h:314
void postShear(Axis axis0, Axis axis1, T shear)
Right multiplies a shearing transformation into the matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:984
Vec4< T > row(int i) const
Get ith row, e.g. Vec4f v = m.row(1);.
Definition: Mat4.h:150
void preShear(Axis axis0, Axis axis1, T shear)
Left multiplies a shearing transformation into the matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:969
Definition: Exceptions.h:56
void preTranslate(const Vec3< T0 > &tr)
Left multiples by the specified translation, i.e. Trans * (*this)
Definition: Mat4.h:703
Vec4< T > col(int j) const
Get jth column, e.g. Vec4f v = m.col(0);.
Definition: Mat4.h:167
const Mat4< T > & operator*=(const Mat4< S > &m1)
Multiply this matrix by the given matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:439
void setZero()
Definition: Mat4.h:244
Vec4< typename promote< T, MT >::type > operator*(const Vec4< T > &_v, const Mat4< MT > &_m)
Multiply _v by _m and return the resulting vector.
Definition: Mat4.h:1152
Vec4< T0 > pretransform(const Vec4< T0 > &v) const
Transform a Vec4 by pre-multiplication.
Definition: Mat4.h:1013
Vec3< T > getTranslation() const
Return the translation component.
Definition: Mat4.h:309
Vec3< T0 > transform(const Vec3< T0 > &v) const
Transform a Vec3 by post-multiplication, without homogenous division.
Definition: Mat4.h:1006
Mat4(const Mat4< Source > &m)
Conversion constructor.
Definition: Mat4.h:107
void postTranslate(const Vec3< T0 > &tr)
Right multiplies by the specified translation matrix, i.e. (*this) * Trans.
Definition: Mat4.h:714
Definition: Mat4.h:24
void setMat3(const Mat3< T > &m)
Set upper left to a Mat3.
Definition: Mat4.h:290
const Mat4 & operator=(const Mat4< Source > &m)
Assignment operator.
Definition: Mat4.h:323
Mat4< T > operator-() const
Negation operator, for e.g. m1 = -m2;.
Definition: Mat4.h:343
The version namespace name for this library version.
const Mat4< T > & operator+=(const Mat4< S > &m1)
Add each element of the given matrix to the corresponding element of this matrix. ...
Definition: Mat4.h:381
void setToShear(Axis axis0, Axis axis1, T shearby)
Sets the matrix to a shear along axis0 by a fraction of axis1.
Definition: Mat4.h:961
Mat4< typename promote< T0, T1 >::type > operator-(const Mat4< T0 > &m0, const Mat4< T1 > &m1)
Subtract corresponding elements of m0 and m1 and return the result.
Definition: Mat4.h:1204
Vec3< typename promote< T, MT >::type > operator*(const Mat4< MT > &_m, const Vec3< T > &_v)
Multiply _m by _v and return the resulting vector.
Definition: Mat4.h:1167
T * asPointer()
Direct access to the internal data.
Definition: Mat.h:101
T dot(const Vec3< T > &v) const
Dot product.
Definition: Vec3.h:192
MatType shear(Axis axis0, Axis axis1, typename MatType::value_type shear)
Set the matrix to a shear along axis0 by a fraction of axis1.
Definition: Mat.h:688
Vec3< T0 > transform3x3(const Vec3< T0 > &v) const
Transform a Vec3 by post-multiplication, without translation.
Definition: Mat4.h:1070
void preRotate(Axis axis, T angle)
Left multiplies by a rotation clock-wiseabout the given axis into this matrix.
Definition: Mat4.h:797
bool isAffine(const Mat4< T > &m)
Definition: Mat4.h:1305
#define OPENVDB_IS_POD(Type)
Definition: Math.h:56