OpenVDB  12.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7 #include "Math.h" // for math::isApproxEqual() and math::Tolerance()
8 #include "Vec3.h"
9 #include <algorithm> // for std::min(), std::max()
10 #include <cmath> // for std::abs()
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <limits>
13 #include <type_traits>
16 namespace openvdb {
19 namespace math {
21 /// @brief Axis-aligned bounding box
22 template<typename Vec3T>
23 class BBox
24 {
25 public:
26  using Vec3Type = Vec3T;
27  using ValueType = Vec3T;
28  using VectorType = Vec3T;
29  using ElementType = typename Vec3Type::ValueType;
31  /// @brief The default constructor creates an invalid bounding box.
32  BBox();
33  /// @brief Construct a bounding box that exactly encloses the given
34  /// minimum and maximum points.
35  BBox(const Vec3T& xyzMin, const Vec3T& xyzMax);
36  /// @brief Construct a bounding box that exactly encloses the given
37  /// minimum and maximum points.
38  /// @details If @a sorted is false, sort the points by their
39  /// @e x, @e y and @e z components.
40  BBox(const Vec3T& xyzMin, const Vec3T& xyzMax, bool sorted);
41  /// @brief Contruct a cubical bounding box from a minimum coordinate
42  /// and an edge length.
43  /// @note Inclusive for integral <b>ElementType</b>s
44  BBox(const Vec3T& xyzMin, const ElementType& length);
46  /// @brief Construct a bounding box that exactly encloses two points,
47  /// whose coordinates are given by an array of six values,
48  /// <i>x<sub>1</sub></i>, <i>y<sub>1</sub></i>, <i>z<sub>1</sub></i>,
49  /// <i>x<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>y<sub>2</sub></i> and <i>z<sub>2</sub></i>.
50  /// @details If @a sorted is false, sort the points by their
51  /// @e x, @e y and @e z components.
52  explicit BBox(const ElementType* xyz, bool sorted = true);
54  BBox(const BBox&) = default;
55  BBox& operator=(const BBox&) = default;
57  /// @brief Sort the mininum and maximum points of this bounding box
58  /// by their @e x, @e y and @e z components.
59  void sort();
61  /// @brief Return a const reference to the minimum point of this bounding box.
62  const Vec3T& min() const { return mMin; }
63  /// @brief Return a const reference to the maximum point of this bounding box.
64  const Vec3T& max() const { return mMax; }
65  /// @brief Return a non-const reference to the minimum point of this bounding box.
66  Vec3T& min() { return mMin; }
67  /// @brief Return a non-const reference to the maximum point of this bounding box.
68  Vec3T& max() { return mMax; }
70  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box is identical to the given bounding box.
71  bool operator==(const BBox& rhs) const;
72  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box differs from the given bounding box.
73  bool operator!=(const BBox& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
75  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box is empty, i.e., it has no (positive) volume.
76  bool empty() const;
77  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box has (positive) volume.
78  bool hasVolume() const { return !this->empty(); }
79  /// @brief Return @c true if this bounding box has (positive) volume.
80  operator bool() const { return !this->empty(); }
82  /// @brief Return @c true if all components of the minimum point are less than
83  /// or equal to the corresponding components of the maximum point.
84  /// @details This is equivalent to testing whether this bounding box has nonnegative volume.
85  /// @note For floating-point <b>ElementType</b>s a tolerance is used for this test.
86  bool isSorted() const;
88  /// @brief Return the center point of this bounding box.
89  Vec3d getCenter() const;
91  /// @brief Return the extents of this bounding box, i.e., the length along each axis.
92  /// @note Inclusive for integral <b>ElementType</b>s
93  Vec3T extents() const;
94  /// @brief Return the index (0, 1 or 2) of the longest axis.
95  size_t maxExtent() const { return MaxIndex(mMax - mMin); }
96  /// @brief Return the index (0, 1 or 2) of the shortest axis.
97  size_t minExtent() const { return MinIndex(mMax - mMin); }
99  /// @brief Return the volume enclosed by this bounding box.
100  ElementType volume() const { Vec3T e = this->extents(); return e[0] * e[1] * e[2]; }
102  /// @brief Return @c true if the given point is inside this bounding box.
103  bool isInside(const Vec3T& xyz) const;
104  /// @brief Return @c true if the given bounding box is inside this bounding box.
105  bool isInside(const BBox&) const;
106  /// @brief Return @c true if the given bounding box overlaps with this bounding box.
107  bool hasOverlap(const BBox&) const;
108  /// @brief Return @c true if the given bounding box overlaps with this bounding box.
109  bool intersects(const BBox& other) const { return hasOverlap(other); }
111  /// @brief Pad this bounding box.
112  void expand(ElementType padding);
113  /// @brief Expand this bounding box to enclose the given point.
114  void expand(const Vec3T& xyz);
115  /// @brief Union this bounding box with the given bounding box.
116  void expand(const BBox&);
117  /// @brief Union this bounding box with the cubical bounding box with
118  /// minimum point @a xyzMin and the given edge length.
119  /// @note Inclusive for integral <b>ElementType</b>s
120  void expand(const Vec3T& xyzMin, const ElementType& length);
122  /// @brief Translate this bounding box by
123  /// (<i>t<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>t<sub>y</sub></i>, <i>t<sub>z</sub></i>).
124  void translate(const Vec3T& t);
126  /// @brief Apply a map to this bounding box.
127  template<typename MapType>
128  BBox applyMap(const MapType& map) const;
129  /// @brief Apply the inverse of a map to this bounding box
130  template<typename MapType>
131  BBox applyInverseMap(const MapType& map) const;
133  /// @brief Unserialize this bounding box from the given stream.
134  void read(std::istream& is) {;; }
135  /// @brief Serialize this bounding box to the given stream.
136  void write(std::ostream& os) const { mMin.write(os); mMax.write(os); }
138 private:
139  Vec3T mMin, mMax;
140 }; // class BBox
143 ////////////////////////////////////////
146 template<typename Vec3T>
147 inline
149  mMin( std::numeric_limits<ElementType>::max()),
150  mMax(-std::numeric_limits<ElementType>::max())
151 {
152 }
154 template<typename Vec3T>
155 inline
156 BBox<Vec3T>::BBox(const Vec3T& xyzMin, const Vec3T& xyzMax):
157  mMin(xyzMin), mMax(xyzMax)
158 {
159 }
161 template<typename Vec3T>
162 inline
163 BBox<Vec3T>::BBox(const Vec3T& xyzMin, const Vec3T& xyzMax, bool sorted):
164  mMin(xyzMin), mMax(xyzMax)
165 {
166  if (!sorted) this->sort();
167 }
169 template<typename Vec3T>
170 inline
171 BBox<Vec3T>::BBox(const Vec3T& xyzMin, const ElementType& length):
172  mMin(xyzMin), mMax(xyzMin)
173 {
174  // min and max are inclusive for integral ElementType
175  const ElementType size = std::is_integral<ElementType>::value ? length-1 : length;
176  mMax[0] += size;
177  mMax[1] += size;
178  mMax[2] += size;
179 }
181 template<typename Vec3T>
182 inline
183 BBox<Vec3T>::BBox(const ElementType* xyz, bool sorted):
184  mMin(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]),
185  mMax(xyz[3], xyz[4], xyz[5])
186 {
187  if (!sorted) this->sort();
188 }
191 ////////////////////////////////////////
194 template<typename Vec3T>
195 inline bool
197 {
198  if (std::is_integral<ElementType>::value) {
199  // min and max are inclusive for integral ElementType
200  return (mMin[0] > mMax[0] || mMin[1] > mMax[1] || mMin[2] > mMax[2]);
201  }
202  return mMin[0] >= mMax[0] || mMin[1] >= mMax[1] || mMin[2] >= mMax[2];
203 }
206 template<typename Vec3T>
207 inline bool
208 BBox<Vec3T>::operator==(const BBox& rhs) const
209 {
210  if (std::is_integral<ElementType>::value) {
211  return mMin == rhs.min() && mMax == rhs.max();
212  } else {
213  return math::isApproxEqual(mMin, rhs.min()) && math::isApproxEqual(mMax, rhs.max());
214  }
215 }
218 template<typename Vec3T>
219 inline void
221 {
222  Vec3T tMin(mMin), tMax(mMax);
223  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
224  mMin[i] = std::min(tMin[i], tMax[i]);
225  mMax[i] = std::max(tMin[i], tMax[i]);
226  }
227 }
230 template<typename Vec3T>
231 inline bool
233 {
234  if (std::is_integral<ElementType>::value) {
235  return (mMin[0] <= mMax[0] && mMin[1] <= mMax[1] && mMin[2] <= mMax[2]);
236  } else {
238  return (mMin[0] < (mMax[0] + t) && mMin[1] < (mMax[1] + t) && mMin[2] < (mMax[2] + t));
239  }
240 }
243 template<typename Vec3T>
244 inline Vec3d
246 {
247  return (Vec3d(mMin.asPointer()) + Vec3d(mMax.asPointer())) * 0.5;
248 }
251 template<typename Vec3T>
252 inline Vec3T
254 {
255  if (std::is_integral<ElementType>::value) {
256  return (mMax - mMin) + Vec3T(1, 1, 1);
257  } else {
258  return (mMax - mMin);
259  }
260 }
262 ////////////////////////////////////////
265 template<typename Vec3T>
266 inline bool
267 BBox<Vec3T>::isInside(const Vec3T& xyz) const
268 {
269  if (std::is_integral<ElementType>::value) {
270  return xyz[0] >= mMin[0] && xyz[0] <= mMax[0] &&
271  xyz[1] >= mMin[1] && xyz[1] <= mMax[1] &&
272  xyz[2] >= mMin[2] && xyz[2] <= mMax[2];
273  } else {
275  return xyz[0] > (mMin[0]-t) && xyz[0] < (mMax[0]+t) &&
276  xyz[1] > (mMin[1]-t) && xyz[1] < (mMax[1]+t) &&
277  xyz[2] > (mMin[2]-t) && xyz[2] < (mMax[2]+t);
278  }
279 }
282 template<typename Vec3T>
283 inline bool
285 {
286  if (std::is_integral<ElementType>::value) {
287  return b.min()[0] >= mMin[0] && b.max()[0] <= mMax[0] &&
288  b.min()[1] >= mMin[1] && b.max()[1] <= mMax[1] &&
289  b.min()[2] >= mMin[2] && b.max()[2] <= mMax[2];
290  } else {
292  return (b.min()[0]-t) > mMin[0] && (b.max()[0]+t) < mMax[0] &&
293  (b.min()[1]-t) > mMin[1] && (b.max()[1]+t) < mMax[1] &&
294  (b.min()[2]-t) > mMin[2] && (b.max()[2]+t) < mMax[2];
295  }
296 }
299 template<typename Vec3T>
300 inline bool
302 {
303  if (std::is_integral<ElementType>::value) {
304  return mMax[0] >= b.min()[0] && mMin[0] <= b.max()[0] &&
305  mMax[1] >= b.min()[1] && mMin[1] <= b.max()[1] &&
306  mMax[2] >= b.min()[2] && mMin[2] <= b.max()[2];
307  } else {
309  return mMax[0] > (b.min()[0]-t) && mMin[0] < (b.max()[0]+t) &&
310  mMax[1] > (b.min()[1]-t) && mMin[1] < (b.max()[1]+t) &&
311  mMax[2] > (b.min()[2]-t) && mMin[2] < (b.max()[2]+t);
312  }
313 }
316 ////////////////////////////////////////
319 template<typename Vec3T>
320 inline void
322 {
323  dx = std::abs(dx);
324  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
325  mMin[i] -= dx;
326  mMax[i] += dx;
327  }
328 }
331 template<typename Vec3T>
332 inline void
333 BBox<Vec3T>::expand(const Vec3T& xyz)
334 {
335  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
336  mMin[i] = std::min(mMin[i], xyz[i]);
337  mMax[i] = std::max(mMax[i], xyz[i]);
338  }
339 }
342 template<typename Vec3T>
343 inline void
345 {
346  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
347  mMin[i] = std::min(mMin[i], b.min()[i]);
348  mMax[i] = std::max(mMax[i], b.max()[i]);
349  }
350 }
352 template<typename Vec3T>
353 inline void
354 BBox<Vec3T>::expand(const Vec3T& xyzMin, const ElementType& length)
355 {
356  const ElementType size = std::is_integral<ElementType>::value ? length-1 : length;
357  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
358  mMin[i] = std::min(mMin[i], xyzMin[i]);
359  mMax[i] = std::max(mMax[i], xyzMin[i] + size);
360  }
361 }
364 template<typename Vec3T>
365 inline void
366 BBox<Vec3T>::translate(const Vec3T& dx)
367 {
368  mMin += dx;
369  mMax += dx;
370 }
372 template<typename Vec3T>
373 template<typename MapType>
374 inline BBox<Vec3T>
375 BBox<Vec3T>::applyMap(const MapType& map) const
376 {
377  using Vec3R = Vec3<double>;
378  BBox<Vec3T> bbox;
379  bbox.expand(map.applyMap(Vec3R(mMin[0], mMin[1], mMin[2])));
380  bbox.expand(map.applyMap(Vec3R(mMin[0], mMin[1], mMax[2])));
381  bbox.expand(map.applyMap(Vec3R(mMin[0], mMax[1], mMin[2])));
382  bbox.expand(map.applyMap(Vec3R(mMax[0], mMin[1], mMin[2])));
383  bbox.expand(map.applyMap(Vec3R(mMax[0], mMax[1], mMin[2])));
384  bbox.expand(map.applyMap(Vec3R(mMax[0], mMin[1], mMax[2])));
385  bbox.expand(map.applyMap(Vec3R(mMin[0], mMax[1], mMax[2])));
386  bbox.expand(map.applyMap(Vec3R(mMax[0], mMax[1], mMax[2])));
387  return bbox;
388 }
390 template<typename Vec3T>
391 template<typename MapType>
392 inline BBox<Vec3T>
393 BBox<Vec3T>::applyInverseMap(const MapType& map) const
394 {
395  using Vec3R = Vec3<double>;
396  BBox<Vec3T> bbox;
397  bbox.expand(map.applyInverseMap(Vec3R(mMin[0], mMin[1], mMin[2])));
398  bbox.expand(map.applyInverseMap(Vec3R(mMin[0], mMin[1], mMax[2])));
399  bbox.expand(map.applyInverseMap(Vec3R(mMin[0], mMax[1], mMin[2])));
400  bbox.expand(map.applyInverseMap(Vec3R(mMax[0], mMin[1], mMin[2])));
401  bbox.expand(map.applyInverseMap(Vec3R(mMax[0], mMax[1], mMin[2])));
402  bbox.expand(map.applyInverseMap(Vec3R(mMax[0], mMin[1], mMax[2])));
403  bbox.expand(map.applyInverseMap(Vec3R(mMin[0], mMax[1], mMax[2])));
404  bbox.expand(map.applyInverseMap(Vec3R(mMax[0], mMax[1], mMax[2])));
405  return bbox;
406 }
408 ////////////////////////////////////////
411 template<typename Vec3T>
412 inline std::ostream&
413 operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BBox<Vec3T>& b)
414 {
415  os << b.min() << " -> " << b.max();
416  return os;
417 }
419 } // namespace math
420 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
421 } // namespace openvdb
BBox applyMap(const MapType &map) const
Apply a map to this bounding box.
const Vec3T & max() const
Return a const reference to the maximum point of this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:64
General-purpose arithmetic and comparison routines, most of which accept arbitrary value types (or at...
ElementType volume() const
Return the volume enclosed by this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:100
void expand(ElementType padding)
Pad this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:321
typename Vec3Type::ValueType ElementType
Definition: BBox.h:29
void sort()
Sort the mininum and maximum points of this bounding box by their x, y and z components.
Definition: BBox.h:220
const Vec3T & min() const
Return a const reference to the minimum point of this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:62
Vec3d getCenter() const
Return the center point of this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:245
Definition: Coord.h:590
bool isApproxEqual(const Type &a, const Type &b, const Type &tolerance)
Return true if a is equal to b to within the given tolerance.
Definition: Math.h:406
Axis-aligned bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:23
bool isInside(const Vec3T &xyz) const
Return true if the given point is inside this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:267
bool hasOverlap(const BBox &) const
Return true if the given bounding box overlaps with this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:301
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & max(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:110
Vec3< double > Vec3d
Definition: Vec3.h:665
bool operator==(const Vec3< T0 > &v0, const Vec3< T1 > &v1)
Equality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Vec3.h:474
The default constructor creates an invalid bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:148
void translate(const Vec3T &t)
Translate this bounding box by (tx, ty, tz).
Definition: BBox.h:366
Vec3T & max()
Return a non-const reference to the maximum point of this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:68
BBox applyInverseMap(const MapType &map) const
Apply the inverse of a map to this bounding box.
bool empty(const char *str)
tests if a c-string str is empty, that is its first value is &#39;\0&#39;
Definition: Util.h:144
size_t minExtent() const
Return the index (0, 1 or 2) of the shortest axis.
Definition: BBox.h:97
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
double ValueType
Definition: Vec3.h:28
size_t MaxIndex(const Vec3T &v)
Return the index [0,1,2] of the largest value in a 3D vector.
Definition: Math.h:946
bool operator!=(const BBox &rhs) const
Return true if this bounding box differs from the given bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:73
size_t maxExtent() const
Return the index (0, 1 or 2) of the longest axis.
Definition: BBox.h:95
OutGridT const XformOp bool bool
Definition: ValueTransformer.h:609
static T value()
Definition: Math.h:148
bool intersects(const BBox &other) const
Return true if the given bounding box overlaps with this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:109
bool operator==(const BBox &rhs) const
Return true if this bounding box is identical to the given bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:208
void read(std::istream &is)
Unserialize this bounding box from the given stream.
Definition: BBox.h:134
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Serialize this bounding box to the given stream.
Definition: BBox.h:136
Vec3T extents() const
Return the extents of this bounding box, i.e., the length along each axis.
Definition: BBox.h:253
bool isSorted() const
Return true if all components of the minimum point are less than or equal to the corresponding compon...
Definition: BBox.h:232
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & min(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:106
The version namespace name for this library version.
Vec3T & min()
Return a non-const reference to the minimum point of this bounding box.
Definition: BBox.h:66
bool hasVolume() const
Return true if this bounding box has (positive) volume.
Definition: BBox.h:78
bool empty() const
Return true if this bounding box is empty, i.e., it has no (positive) volume.
Definition: BBox.h:196
size_t MinIndex(const Vec3T &v)
Return the index [0,1,2] of the smallest value in a 3D vector.
Definition: Math.h:930