This is the complete list of members for Transform, including all inherited members.
baseMap() const | Transform | inline |
baseMap() | Transform | inline |
constMap() const | Transform | inline |
ConstPtr typedef | Transform | |
copy() const | Transform | inline |
createFrustumTransform(const BBoxd &, double taper, double depth, double voxelSize=1.0) | Transform | static |
createLinearTransform(double voxelSize=1.0) | Transform | static |
createLinearTransform(const Mat4R &) | Transform | static |
hasUniformScale() const | Transform | inline |
indexToWorld(const Vec3d &xyz) const | Transform | inline |
indexToWorld(const Coord &ijk) const | Transform | inline |
indexToWorld(const CoordBBox &) const | Transform | |
indexToWorld(const BBoxd &) const | Transform | |
isIdentity() const | Transform | |
isLinear() const | Transform | inline |
map() | Transform | inline |
map() const | Transform | inline |
mapType() const | Transform | inline |
operator!=(const Transform &other) const | Transform | inline |
operator==(const Transform &other) const | Transform | |
postMult(const Mat4d &) | Transform | |
postMult(const Mat3d &) | Transform | |
postRotate(double radians, const Axis axis=X_AXIS) | Transform | |
postScale(const Vec3d &) | Transform | |
postScale(double) | Transform | |
postShear(double shear, Axis axis0, Axis axis1) | Transform | |
postTranslate(const Vec3d &) | Transform | |
preMult(const Mat4d &) | Transform | |
preMult(const Mat3d &) | Transform | |
preRotate(double radians, const Axis axis=X_AXIS) | Transform | |
preScale(const Vec3d &) | Transform | |
preScale(double) | Transform | |
preShear(double shear, Axis axis0, Axis axis1) | Transform | |
preTranslate(const Vec3d &) | Transform | |
print(std::ostream &os=std::cout, const std::string &indent="") const | Transform | |
Ptr typedef | Transform | |
read(std::istream &) | Transform | |
Transform() | Transform | inline |
Transform(const MapBase::Ptr &) | Transform | |
Transform(const Transform &) | Transform | |
voxelSize() const | Transform | inline |
voxelSize(const Vec3d &xyz) const | Transform | inline |
voxelVolume() const | Transform | inline |
voxelVolume(const Vec3d &xyz) const | Transform | inline |
worldToIndex(const Vec3d &xyz) const | Transform | inline |
worldToIndex(const BBoxd &) const | Transform | |
worldToIndexCellCentered(const Vec3d &xyz) const | Transform | inline |
worldToIndexCellCentered(const BBoxd &) const | Transform | |
worldToIndexNodeCentered(const Vec3d &xyz) const | Transform | inline |
worldToIndexNodeCentered(const BBoxd &) const | Transform | |
write(std::ostream &) const | Transform | |
~Transform() | Transform | inline |