- class fvdb.JaggedTensor
- abs(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- abs_(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- ceil(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- ceil_(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- clone(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- cpu(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- cuda(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- detach(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- property device
- double(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- property dtype
- property edim
- Type:
The number of dimensions of each element indexed by this JaggedTensor. Same as len(jdata.shape[1
- property eshape
- Type:
The shape each element indexed by this JaggedTensor. Same as jdata.shape[1
- float(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- floor(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- floor_(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- static from_data_and_indices(arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: torch.Tensor, arg2: int) fvdb.JaggedTensor
Initialize jagged tensor with ldim=1 from data and indices.
- Parameters:
data (torch.Tensor) – The data of the JaggedTensor.
indices (torch.Tensor) – The indices indicating the batch index where the element belong to.
num_tensors (int) – The batch size of the JaggedTensor.
- Returns:
jt (JaggedTensor) – The JaggedTensor with the given data and indices.
- static from_data_and_offsets(arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: torch.Tensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
Initialize jagged tensor with ldim=1 from data and offsets.
- Parameters:
data (torch.Tensor) – The data of the JaggedTensor.
offsets (torch.Tensor) – The 1-dimensional offsets indicating the start and end of each tensor in data.
- Returns:
jt (JaggedTensor) – The JaggedTensor with the given data and offsets.
- static from_data_indices_and_list_ids(data: torch.Tensor, indices: torch.Tensor, list_ids: torch.Tensor, num_tensors: int) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- static from_data_offsets_and_list_ids(data: torch.Tensor, offsets: torch.Tensor, list_ids: torch.Tensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- int(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- property is_cpu
Whether the JaggedTensor is on a CPU device.
- property is_cuda
Whether the JaggedTensor is on a CUDA device.
- jagged_like(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, data: torch.Tensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- property jdata
The data of the JaggedTensor.
- jflatten(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, dim: int = 0) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- property jidx
The indices indicating the batch index where the element belong to.
- property jlidx
The list index of the JaggedTensor with size [num_tensors, ldim].
- jmax(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, dim: int = 0, keepdim: bool = False) list[fvdb.JaggedTensor]
Returns the maximum of each batch element.
- jmin(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, dim: int = 0, keepdim: bool = False) list[fvdb.JaggedTensor]
Returns the minimum of each batch element.
- property joffsets
A [num_tensors + 1] array where each row contains the start and end row index in jdata.
- jreshape(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
jreshape(self: fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor, lshape: list[int]) -> fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor
jreshape(self: fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor, lshape: list[list[int]]) -> fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor
- jreshape_as(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, other: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- jsum(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, dim: int = 0, keepdim: bool = False) fvdb.JaggedTensor
Returns the sum of each batch element.
- Returns:
sum (torch.Tensor) – A tensor of size (batch_size, *) containing the sum of each batch element, feature dimensions are preserved.
- property ldim
The list dimension of this JaggedTensor. E.g. a list has ldim 1, a list-of-lists has ldim2 and so on.
- long(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- property lshape
The shape of jdata.
- property num_tensors
The number of tensors in the JaggedTensor.
- property requires_grad
- requires_grad_(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, arg0: bool) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- rmask(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, mask: torch.Tensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- round(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, decimals: int = 0) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- round_(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, decimals: int = 0) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- property rshape
The shape of the raw data tensor.
- sqrt(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- sqrt_(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- to(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
to(self: fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor, arg0: fvdb._Cpp.TorchDeviceOrString) -> fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor
to(self: fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor, arg0: torch.dtype) -> fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor
to(self: fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor, device: fvdb._Cpp.TorchDeviceOrString) -> fvdb._Cpp.JaggedTensor
- type(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, arg0: torch.dtype) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- type_as(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor, arg0: fvdb.JaggedTensor) fvdb.JaggedTensor
- unbind(self: fvdb.JaggedTensor) object